NFL Lockout thread

Still making things up... These teams are worth a billion dollars because of the work the owners have put into them, some over decades. Nobody has ever been 'fine' with a lockout or litigation, it was all saber rattling until these things actually happened. The owners ended up never offensively locking out the players to get a deal until after the players decertified and walked away from negotiations.

OWNERS PUT WORK? They bought, they sell it and everyone else works. He makes decisions and signs checks. GOD only knows how many of these franchises are handed down to junior. So using YOUR logic, that 'nobody is fine with a lockout or litigation', that must ALSO include the players were not happy with walking out the last time right?

You are having it both ways, you claim owners and teams are holding cities hostage for new stadiums but don't want the NFL to have the means to be better suited to build them on their own, well which is it?

I don't want it both ways at all. Have the owners proposed a 50-50 split? I don't think so, why..because their greed leaves them to believe they are entitled to more. Does anyone come to see Robert Kraft run a post pattern or Al Davis run a sweep behind a pulling guard? NOPE. Yeah, the owners put in the financial investments to improve the team and stadiums, but that is because they have money because they have threaten/held cities hostage to build them a stadium and most did not have to pull out of their pockets. But you obviously do not think the owners are in the wrong here because they must be entitled to more because...they are owners...

You attack the NFL for bringing the lawyers into it because they locked the players out, the union is the one that didn't want to keep talking and instead decertified, but the owners are at fault because they exercised an option that was agreed to by both the union and the ownership? It is illegal to operate the NFL under current rules with no CBA or union, that is why there is a lockout. That is what the Brady lawsuit is suing for.

You attack me, call me gullible, because I stated the business model is what needs to change, then what are you suggesting? Do you want the players to get 50-50? You want a $300m salary cap?

The ONLY reason the players decertified because they were gonna get locked out. Do you HONESTLY think that if the owners were not threatening to lock out the players, they would have decertify? Really? Seriously?

As far as you being gullible, YOU said it not I. I just think YOU and most fans that are anti-union put yourselves to sympathize with ownership because HOW can they be wrong.

I think they fair thing WOULD BE a 50-50 split. And yes, I would like a salary cap and similar rules they have for NBA for rookies.

THERE, I want it both ways. Thank you!
OWNERS PUT WORK? They bought, they sell it and everyone else works. He makes decisions and signs checks. GOD only knows how many of these franchises are handed down to junior. So using YOUR logic, that 'nobody is fine with a lockout or litigation', that must ALSO include the players were not happy with walking out the last time right?

I don't want it both ways at all. Have the owners proposed a 50-50 split? I don't think so, why..because their greed leaves them to believe they are entitled to more. Does anyone come to see Robert Kraft run a post pattern or Al Davis run a sweep behind a pulling guard? NOPE. Yeah, the owners put in the financial investments to improve the team and stadiums, but that is because they have money because they have threaten/held cities hostage to build them a stadium and most did not have to pull out of their pockets. But you obviously do not think the owners are in the wrong here because they must be entitled to more because...they are owners...

The ONLY reason the players decertified because they were gonna get locked out. Do you HONESTLY think that if the owners were not threatening to lock out the players, they would have decertify? Really? Seriously?

As far as you being gullible, YOU said it not I. I just think YOU and most fans that are anti-union put yourselves to sympathize with ownership because HOW can they be wrong.

I think they fair thing WOULD BE a 50-50 split. And yes, I would like a salary cap and similar rules they have for NBA for rookies.

THERE, I want it both ways. Thank you!

A Salary FLOOR as well.
OWNERS PUT WORK? They bought, they sell it and everyone else works. He makes decisions and signs checks. GOD only knows how many of these franchises are handed down to junior. So using YOUR logic, that 'nobody is fine with a lockout or litigation', that must ALSO include the players were not happy with walking out the last time right?

I'm not familiar with the circumstances of the previous lockout, nor am I interested in changing the topic to that since we're not talking about a strike. You're the one that said everyone was fine with a lockout and litigation, which couldn't be further from the truth and just another rambling fabrication to try and back your point.

I don't want it both ways at all. Have the owners proposed a 50-50 split? I don't think so, why..because their greed leaves them to believe they are entitled to more. Does anyone come to see Robert Kraft run a post pattern or Al Davis run a sweep behind a pulling guard? NOPE. Yeah, the owners put in the financial investments to improve the team and stadiums, but that is because they have money because they have threaten/held cities hostage to build them a stadium and most did not have to pull out of their pockets. But you obviously do not think the owners are in the wrong here because they must be entitled to more because...they are owners...

The owners have proposed more money, better protection, better benefits, while allowing them the income to grow the league. Where's the problem? There may be one with that proposal, but the problem currently resides with the players who have chosen to litigate for 3 months as of next week instead of try and resolve this. The owners have even made a second (bullet point) proposal this month. Still no counter. No further discussion.

The ONLY reason the players decertified because they were gonna get locked out. Do you HONESTLY think that if the owners were not threatening to lock out the players, they would have decertify? Really? Seriously?

The owners were threatening to lock out the players. Guess what. They hadn't. Instead they agreed to extend negotiations twice, and rather than try and extend them a third time THE PLAYERS WALKED AWAY. And sued, you blame the NFL for bringing lawyers into it, but forgive the players for being the ones to actually do it when I correct you?

I just think YOU and most fans that are anti-union put yourselves to sympathize with ownership because HOW can they be wrong.

I've got the ownerships side in the labor issue because of the stupidity of the players to elect DeMaurice Smith. All I've done is discuss the facts that have led me to my opinion. I am by no means 'anti-union', but I am anti-NFLPA at this point. All you've done is twist/ignore the facts I've presented to support a blinders-on pro-players bias.

I think they fair thing WOULD BE a 50-50 split. And yes, I would like a salary cap and similar rules they have for NBA for rookies.

Why should there be a 50-50 split as if it's a birthright, unprecedented in any sport, no? let alone this the most popular one in the US? Answer the question you ignored in the previous post, you really want to see things like 3 year $100m contracts or something? 300mil salary cap, up from the 120m right now? Unchecked and based on overall revenue, that's certainly something that could happen very quickly. And then we end up like the NBA, and the owners proposing a 40% rollback in salaries...

If players are paid more, offered better benefits, better working conditions, better guarantees in the event of injury, 60% boost to retirement benefits, then what's the problem no matter the configuration of the revenue share? The owners aren't looking for a payday, they're looking to be able to better grow the league. An increase of the salary cap to 160m over 4 years (the $160m is a union-proposed number btw), and a reduction in dead cap space that ensures some previously guaranteed money from cut players has to be re-spent on players. A rookie scale, which as a side effect puts more money in the veteran players contracts? This is all the stuff the NFL has offered already but the union has called 'the worst offer in the history of sports' - that rhetoric is why we are here right now. How do you sell that to players who are only in the league an average of 3.5 years that that deal is not one that you take? How do you sell to players that is a deal you don't even consider or offer a counter proposal?

This is why I am with the owners on this one, business men making apparently good business decisions, players and their representatives making emotional ones. Emotions ("We're at war") don't win in court, and the players will lose more and more as time progresses, especially as the day nears that they miss game checks and it comes out exactly how prepared they were for this lockout and how 'solid' their crumbling solidarity really is.

salsadancer7 said:
I don't want it both ways at all.

salsadancer7 said:
THERE, I want it both ways. Thank you!


salsadancer7 said:
As far as you being gullible, YOU said it not I.

salsadancer7 said:
Sorry, you maybe that gullible...

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That was something that was brought up as a possibility if things broke down, no one said they were going to a 8 games schedule.

I think the July 4th date is the one they have set for being a make or break date, so things will be picking up as we get closer to then.

All I see here is a lot of wasted time by both parties, they could be working on thinghs daily if thier egos would be put in place.
Wake me up when the parties involved decide they WANT to negotiate and resolve the issues.... so far they have wasted about 4 months ... and counting.
I heard that the NFL & players are close to an agreement,but some owners are balking & could shoot it down. This is where we need a "roll call" vote among owners,instead of a secret ballot,to see who is holding up the agreement. I think 9 owners voting no will shoot down any agreement,I want to know who those owners are.
I heard that the NFL & players are close to an agreement,but some owners are balking & could shoot it down. This is where we need a "roll call" vote among owners,instead of a secret ballot,to see who is holding up the agreement. I think 9 owners voting no will shoot down any agreement,I want to know who those owners are.

From what I heard and read this morning, they told all the owners to 'bring a sleeping bag tonight because we don't leave until we the owners come to an agreement'... I heard about 20 owners just want a deal done. The are about 5-8 hardliners and a few that can go either way. The word is, Goodell is gonna basically say that the deal right now, is about as good as it is gonna get. Remember, the owners DESPERATELY want the preseason because the players make nothing in the games and the owner stick about 75% of that preseason revenue in their pocket(according to ESPNs John Clayton). IF the owners want a full season, a deal needs to be agreed in principle within the next couple of weeks so that both sides sign it by the 10th of July so that free agency can start around the 15th or so.

In the end, it always came down to money. It was never really about players pension and 18 game season...just who and how the big piece of the pie was gonna be split.
blah blah blah. it's all speculation until it happens. I'm hopeful, but not for long. I don't see how teams can have free agency and get their teams in order without delaying or shortening the season. It's getting dire....

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