NFL 2013 Season

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I think Fox reported that Dolphins players were defending Incognito. If true,the Dolphins are more dysfunctional than previously thought in the past.

I'm furious with this organization. When the F&%$ is the GM going to get his head cut off?? I still don't understand how this moron has a job?? Move after move after bad moves throughout his time here and yet he gets an extension earlier this season??? I'm beginning to think he MUST have something on Ross, pictures or other......
I think Fox reported that Dolphins players were defending Incognito. If true,the Dolphins are more dysfunctional than previously thought in the past.

Am starting to think its more about personalities.... Its been reported Martin is a soft spoken and thoughtful guy whereas Incognito is a "in your face, win at all cost" guy. Coaches and players want guys who do the dirty things to win....
No doubt Incognito is an ass...but am on the fence on this issue. I read some of the texts he sent Martin this AM and its actually something I would write (minus the racial slur of course). My friends would all agree am a fun loving, sarcastic prankster...but I do know the limits. Based on my own experience, it seems to me Incognito was just having fun and the joke went too far... When I send stupid emails/texts and/or posts, its all in good fun and malice is never intended... but I admit there are times I shake my head wondering why I said this and that.

Am thinking he was just having fun in his own way (you dont start a message with "hey wassup" if you genuinely hate the person)... however, given his reputation across the league.. he's definetely guilty in the court of popular opinion.

I look at it in a different light. I think no one has ever told Incognito that belittling another human by using racial slurs is wrong. It was one of those, "Oh it's just Richie being Richie..." Tough love works on some and not on others. Too ASSUME that you can use the same way to approach EVERY clearly shows you're an idiot and have no leadership skills to know better.

Finally, when someone uses that word so freely, may not being a racist...but he is for sure a nasty bigot.
I'm in no way defending Incognito,but they need to investigate further to make sure it was just him. Right now I think that he is being the fall guy for the Dolphins. Just put it all on him & sweep the rest under the rug.

I was suspicious too...but he has a LONG history of this.
Am starting to think its more about personalities.... Its been reported Martin is a soft spoken and thoughtful guy whereas Incognito is a "in your face, win at all cost" guy. Coaches and players want guys who do the dirty things to win....

I agree with you somewhat. ALL coaches and GMs want the goon...BUT like I said before, you cannot use the same type of motivation on all players because all players are not alike.
Am starting to think its more about personalities.... Its been reported Martin is a soft spoken and thoughtful guy whereas Incognito is a "in your face, win at all cost" guy. Coaches and players want guys who do the dirty things to win....

Heard today on NFL radio,Martin's HS coach was worried about him making the transition to the NFL,because of his shyness.Then an out and out punk like Incognito,pushes him over the edge.
Finally, when someone uses that word so freely, may not being a racist...but he is for sure a nasty bigot.
what the N word ?
get real
if you have black friends it's cool if not Not. it's used in locker rooms all day long. and in mixed company.
if you never use the N word it shows where you grew up... whiteville even if you are black. lmao
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what the N word ?
get real
if you have black friends it's cool if not Not. it's used in locker rooms all day long. and in mixed company.
if you never use the N word it shows where you grew up... whiteville even if you are black. lmao ALL depends on how it was used...and Incognito did not use it joking around or in a positive way....if that is possible. I grew up in the 'hood in Miami, and spent my late teens and early 20s in NYC and in Chicago, most on the south side.. IF my black friends on the football, basketball and baseball teams wanted to call themselves that ... that was on them. I, with not even my closes friends, would not use that word around them and they in turn would not call me a 'spic'
they in turn would not call me a 'spic'

on that i can not ever remember the word 'spic' ever used in any context other than bad. racking my head...
" he's a great guy for a 'spic'" that's bad too. never heard "that's my 'spic' " love him.

was in the same 3 sq mile area for the most part of 47 years, and we all used the N word B&W Hispanic. for good and evil, we all were called the N word.
today when i meet new black people you can tell over time if they use the word.then i ask if they would be offended if i say it. never got a No. and then i can relax and take my filter off. kinda the same as the F word and others when you meet new people.

for me or you judge people we don't know and their relationships is just not right. no matter the context because we were not there and we know them not. only the media can do that. lol
Playing basketball, my black friends/teammates used to call me N**** dispite being white. At first I was thinking 'WTF?' but was later told its was a sign of respect. anyways, thats on them

Back on topic: Incognito, who am still convinced was just a joker, "joked" with someone who couldnt handle it. I suspect Miami will try to hush hush the incident and let RI out to dry despite others being in on it.

Cheers, K
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Playing basketball, my black friends/teammates used to call me N**** dispite being white. At first I was thinking 'WTF?' but was later told its was a sign of respect. anyways, thats on them

Too funny. I wonder how I would last if I were to march through DC peppering residence with respect and signalling their being #1 with the raise of a middle finger. :rolleyes: Why any idiot would use the N word and somehow think it a measure of respect is beyond my comprehension. Dolts.

Back on topic, I'm looking forward to the Lions-Bears game this weekend. :)
And the plot thickens.... it's starting to look real bad for Miami.,0,1628986.story

Cheers, K
I saw that yesterday and thought to myself that miami is in big trouble. Both Martin and Incognito have legal cases against the fins. You can understand why Richie is calling all this BS from getting suspended to for sure released from the dolphins over something he was asked to do. You NEVER ask a NFL player like incognito to "toughen" up anyone. You just gave them a green light to do anything....
Before reading about this latest twist, it did strick me odd that RI was cool and calm when ESPN cameras caught up with him.
If this is true, he deserves credit for keeping his mouth shut (for once) instead of spilling the beans to the media seconds after
getting suspended...probably work out in his favour in the end.
Before reading about this latest twist, it did strick me odd that RI was cool and calm when ESPN cameras caught up with him.
If this is true, he deserves credit for keeping his mouth shut (for once) instead of spilling the beans to the media seconds after
getting suspended...probably work out in his favour in the end.

Yes that's possible. Fore sure he's done down here and the fins are out two more linemen on an already terrible offensive line. :/
Playing basketball, my black friends/teammates used to call me N**** dispite being white. At first I was thinking 'WTF?' but was later told its was a sign of respect. anyways,
back in the day, being a poor poor shooter and Never shooting in a game made me very respected in pick up games. lol was a pretty good rebounder/passer.
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