Another kick in the stomach on Sunday for this Cleveland fan.
To say that I'm disapointed in my Browns and Mangini would be a HUGE understatement. All I wanted to see this season was progress. Is that too much to ask for? Instead, Coach Gloop traded away all of our talent, mismanaged the QB situation and ruined our hopeful franchise QB (Quinn).
We've become a national laughing stock. Each week we're in the news being berated by a different national outlet. We stink so bad, even music magazines are taking notice.
In looking towards the future, I see no hope. How does this team ever expect to lure top notch free agents? Do they seriously think any legitimate player would want to come play for this mess of a franchise? What an embarrassment we've become! What has Cleveland ever done to deserve this type of punishment?! We've been suffering for too long. Please sports gods, call off the dogs. This town can't take the punishment any more.
Listen, you're going to hear Manny Acta speak today, he's going to say a couple of positive things like Eric Mangini did...and you'll be pumped for next season already.
It's how you roll.
