Newbie needs guidance!

then try another and between the two I should be close to having it set I guess??
That's almost correct. Now, since you originally had it set to work on 97W, and actually watched channels there, I HIGHLY suggest you focus on getting ONLY that sat tuned in again like before. Once that's all done, and you get quality back to where it was before the motor, then all the rest of the sats should typically come in without further adjustment.
I read page 1 and came here to say move on from the GT Media meter. I had one and it is not very helpful other than knowing you have a signal. The meter numbers are all over the place.
Yes, I am not too happy for the money I spent on it. I should have spent the bucks for the better units out there.
For what it is, it's pretty handy. Just wish the numbers on the meter made sense.
Other than jumping up and down off the roof, everything has been a blast. I've gotten a lot of great advice and ton's of help and could not have done it alone. This stuff is fun and I can't wait to get the motor dialed in to enjoy some tv I can understand ! LOL! I am even already thinking of getting a c-band setup next so I think I caught the bug! LOL!
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Other than jumping up and down off the roof, everything has been a blast. I've gotten a lot of great advice and ton's of help and could not have done it alone. This stuff is fun and I can't wait to get the motor dialed in to enjoy some tv I can understand ! LOL! I am even already thinking of getting a c-band setup next so I think I caught the bug! LOL!
With the 5G changes to C Band, I would not even bother with it unless you get the dish for nearly free or it is 10+ft diameter.
I thought the 5g filters helped with most problems? Guess I'm wrong or misunderstood. Man that what's the next thing to do if not c-band?
C-band IS the next step. Just get at least a 10ft dish as mentioned above. If you can find one, a 12 footer would even be more appropriate for now. Also, try to put it behind a building or something, that will shield it from your local cell towers, yet not block satellites. That'll help mitigate any 5g intrusion.
C-band IS the next step. Just get at least a 10ft dish as mentioned above. If you can find one, a 12 footer would even be more appropriate for now. Also, try to put it behind a building or something, that will shield it from your local cell towers, yet not block satellites. That'll help mitigate any 5g intrusion.
I'm going to have to check my HOA's rule book on a 10-12 ft dish. I think they'll flip! LOL!
I thought the 5g filters helped with most problems? Guess I'm wrong or misunderstood. Man that what's the next thing to do if not c-band?

Don't give up on c-band so quickly. I agree that a bigger dish is almost a requirement these days unless you are just looking to experiment and get a few of the strongest signals up there. As far as the 5G interference, if there is any at your location, it can usually be addressed with filters, careful positioning of your dish or even an rf fence.

I'm going to have to check my HOA's rule book on a 10-12 ft dish. I think they'll flip! LOL!

Yeah, that's a whole other problem and usually a big one as the HOAs hate c-band dishes. :(
Don't give up on c-band so quickly. I agree that a bigger dish is almost a requirement these days unless you are just looking to experiment and get a few of the strongest signals up there. As far as the 5G interference, if there is any at your location, it can usually be addressed with filters, careful positioning of your dish or even an rf fence.

Yeah, that's a whole other problem and usually a big one as the HOAs hate c-band dishes. :(
OK, I've been thru my HOA'S bylaws and there is not even a mention of any kind of satellite dish at all so it looks like if I have a good sightline, that there's going to be one in my back yard. Now just how to get an affordable one! LOL!
OK, I've been thru my HOA'S bylaws and there is not even a mention of any kind of satellite dish at all so it looks like if I have a good sightline, that there's going to be one in my back yard. Now just how to get an affordable one! LOL!

Maybe you are lucky. Maybe... Might want to verify before you get a big dish and sink a pole. It would really stink to do all that work then find out they want it removed. :(
Maybe you are lucky. Maybe... Might want to verify before you get a big dish and sink a pole. It would really stink to do all that work then find out they want it removed. :(
I guess your right.... I'll check with them on Monday. Just a note..... I should have never tried to go to sat 125.... It almost ripped the dish off since it nearly rotated off the far right way too much! LOL!
I guess your right.... I'll check with them on Monday. Just a note..... I should have never tried to go to sat 125.... It almost ripped the dish off since it nearly rotated off the far right way too much! LOL!
Clamp a mast pole inside (or around the outside) the present dish pole, and put the dish UP a few more feet for better roof clearance. You might have to add outrigger poles or guy wires on each side. Or maybe not, if you only go up high enough for better clearance
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Other than jumping up and down off the roof, everything has been a blast. I've gotten a lot of great advice and ton's of help and could not have done it alone. This stuff is fun and I can't wait to get the motor dialed in to enjoy some tv I can understand ! LOL! I am even already thinking of getting a c-band setup next so I think I caught the bug! LOL!
You sound just like me many years ago. I had so much fun (even through the frustration) of setting up my first Ku Band dish, when i finally got it, i realized i needed a C band dish, which i finally got in 2011. And i learned early on, never put a dish on the roof unless you HAVE to. So much easier on a pole on the ground, and we have tools these days (augmented reality pointing apps) that help you figure out where you can put it on the ground. Anyways, now that you have "the bug" there is no cure, just bigger dishes, more channels are in your future.
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