not sure charlesrshell, just a passing thought as to why it's there in the menu because it doesn't work with my remotes on the 622 - i just figured it was for the new remotes that haven't yet became available to my knowledge - what else could it be for - any ideas
I tried to do the setup using the new menu and it said my remote doesn't support that feature . So this must be for the new two way remotes and the 722k.
press DVR twice. one less keystroke.
What happened to "My Recordings?" It was menu 8 - 1?
I'd have thought that 99% of users used the "DVR" button. Hell, there was an uproar when you had to press it twice instead of once !! I do use the DVR button (I read the manual that came with the receiver too).That's the way I've always done it since i received my 622 - thought this was common practice and a lot faster then going through the menus
I'd have thought that 99% of users used the "DVR" button. Hell, there was an uproar when you had to press it twice instead of once !! I do use the DVR button (I read the manual that came with the receiver too).
That's the 2nd person who's been using a convoluted method to access "My Recordings"...