New Software Updates Discussion Thread

Anyone have any idea on the holdup for the general release of L612 on the 622/722's? I assume there is one given the fact this was first released almost 3 weeks ago. Seems the special on the 1080p I am Legend is going to end before I am even able to check the service out for myself. Alas, getting my 1080p fix via Netflix and Blu-Ray is probably a lot cheaper and convenient anyway.
Anyone have any idea on the holdup for the general release of L612 on the 622/722's? I assume there is one given the fact this was first released almost 3 weeks ago. Seems the special on the 1080p I am Legend is going to end before I am even able to check the service out for myself. Alas, getting my 1080p fix via Netflix and Blu-Ray is probably a lot cheaper and convenient anyway.

I just posted that it went out to all 622 and 722 receivers. Turn off your receiver for 30 minutes and you should get it.
I just posted that it went out to all 622 and 722 receivers. Turn off your receiver for 30 minutes and you should get it.

Brilliant, I guess I should have checked this morning, however, since I leave for work at 5am, the wife and baby tend to not be huge fans of me turning the TV on. I will certainly have to check it out when I get home, maybe the VOD will be d/l'ed by then. Thanks for the update!
Wouldn't this be easier??????????

Tech : Current Software
I have 2 VIP 622's and they both have had L612 software. Now they have L613. What changes does the L613 have that the L612 did not have? What fixes does L613 have and what did Dish break with the L613 software?
My ViP722 serial number starts with 867... does that mean I don't yet have access to the L613 software update?

I tried doing an update tonight and after a few minutes it came back online only to still see the L612 software and it's recent bugs.

Any help would be great, thanks (I'm new and this forum is quite helpful so far).
Notes are also compiled from various sources (mostly the 2 major forums) at EKB: Dish Network Receiver Software Versions for all receivers.

Thanks BobaBird, that site is helpful and particularly so since it explained some of the problems encountered with the previous versions of software.

I wonder if dropouts will be a problem with L613? I've had some on recorded material.

Not sure what's been going on, but lately every time Dish puts out a new FW version for the 211, I have to do a check switch on my 211's to get all the channels back. Happened again today.

PID: 08B0h, ID: 2LAC, FW: L521, Model: ViP211.


Upgrading FW:
'L521': 'AAA1'- 'CBB1' 'L040'- 'L520' 'XAA1'- 'XBB1' 'X040'- 'X520'
'L521': 'AAA1'- 'CBB1' 'L040'- 'L520' 'XAA1'- 'XBB1' 'X040'- 'X520'
New FW:'L521'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[0-2]1[A-D0-3]' 'RA[CDFGJKMPRTV-Z2-46-9].'
IRD Model: ViP211
List of Serial Numbers:
[2] 1-4000000000
ViP622/ViP722 L6.15

PID: 08BDh, ID: 46KC, FW: L615, Model: ViP622/ViP722.


Upgrading FW:
'L615': 'ABA1'- 'CYF1' 'L040'- 'L614'
'L615': 'ABA1'- 'CYF1' 'L040'- 'L614'
New FW:'L615'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RB[BDEGHK-NPS].'
IRD Model: ViP622
List of Serial Numbers:
[2] 1-4000000000

'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RJ[KLNP-Z2-5].'
IRD Model: ViP722
List of Serial Numbers:
[2] 1-4000000000
Is L615 still in the stream or did they pull it? My ViP622 1714RBDD won't download it and if I am reading correctly it is in the range.

BTW this thread should be stickied like the one it's discussing.
Is L615 still in the stream or did they pull it? My ViP622 1714RBDD won't download it and if I am reading correctly it is in the range.

BTW this thread should be stickied like the one it's discussing.
One of my 722s got L615, but the other one didn't. It seems to have fixed the long standing "audio dropping" problem that happens with FOX and ABC HD locals in only some markets (started last summer) that made them unwatchable.
Interesting - 110W spooling the L6.15 as TEST SW:


Upgrading FW:
'L615': 'AAA1'- 'CYF1' 'FAE1'- 'FAE1' 'L040'- 'L614'
'L615': 'AAA1'- 'CYF1' 'FAE1'- 'FAE1' 'L040'- 'L614'
New FW:'L615'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RB[BDEGHK-NPS].'
IRD Model: ViP622
List of Serial Numbers:
'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RJ[BCHJ-LNP-Z2-5].'
IRD Model: ViP722
List of Serial Numbers:
Interesting - 110W spooling the L6.15 as TEST SW:


Upgrading FW:
'L615': 'AAA1'- 'CYF1' 'FAE1'- 'FAE1' 'L040'- 'L614'
'L615': 'AAA1'- 'CYF1' 'FAE1'- 'FAE1' 'L040'- 'L614'
New FW:'L615'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RB[BDEGHK-NPS].'
IRD Model: ViP622
List of Serial Numbers:
'1[1-8]1[A-G0-8]' 'RJ[BCHJ-LNP-Z2-5].'
IRD Model: ViP722
List of Serial Numbers:

That was my impression that it was still in the testing phase. Since it's out in the open, I'll post. I've been using it for about two weeks. Audio drops on Fox and ABC appear to be addressed correctly. I haven't had any problems with it.


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