New Receiver, same issue.


Original poster
Oct 29, 2015
So, as I posted earlier, I had a 311k receiver which was losing signal whenever I would turn off the power. I talked to the folks at dish, and they sent me out a VIP 211. Still having the same issue. I turn off the power, wait a few minutes, and when I turn the receiver back on, it is on the acquiring signal screen. It goes through and works fine once it completes, but it really a pain.. Do I need to replace my physical dish? I have another available. Not sure if it matters, but the dish I am using is not a HD dish, I believe it is a dish 500.

Not trying to be a wise guy, but why don't you just leave it turned on? It burns about the same amount of power whether it's on or in standby.
Not trying to be a wise guy, but why don't you just leave it turned on? It burns about the same amount of power whether it's on or in standby.
Thought about that, but I was under the impression that if you didn't ever turn the thing off, the program guide wouldn't update..
Thought about that, but I was under the impression that if you didn't ever turn the thing off, the program guide wouldn't update..

They turn themselves off, reboot and update the guide in the middle of the night. You can set the time that it does it in the 211K but the default is 3AM. You would have to turn it on the first time you watch it every day but that's it. I'm not sure the 211K has the feature but I think you might even be able to set an auto tune timer to turn it on at whatever time you'd like.
I can turn my 211 off with the remote and it comes right back on when I turn it on. If I turn it off by killing power to the power strip, it has to go back through the boot up sequence when I power it back up. How are you turning it off?
I can turn my 211 off with the remote and it comes right back on when I turn it on. If I turn it off by killing power to the power strip, it has to go back through the boot up sequence when I power it back up. How are you turning it off?
Absolutely! If you de-power any receiver it will go through the boot process after it is re-powered....
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Do you have a "direct" connection between the receiver and the LNB or do you have a switch? I had a 722 that was doing all kinds of crazy intermittent stupid stuff. Long story short and after 3 attempts to replace the "faulty receiver" we found out it was a bad POWER ADAPTER that was plugged into the DPP-44 switch. Tech support seems to jump to "replace the receiver" probably because 95% of the time that's what it is. But obviously you have more going on. Does it go through the whole reboot after you power down for just a few seconds or does it have to be off for a while? Does it reboot after every time you turn it off or only some of the time? What happens if you run an extension cord (power) to an outlet that's on another breaker and power the receiver that way? Does it operate 'normally' once you get the signal?

If you end up trying to replace the dish, you don't have to rip the whole thing down.. just swap the LNB which will save a lot of headache.

Keep us updated. This is one for the books when you figure out what it is.
Are you literally turning off the power? Or are you using a Smart Power Strip that turns off electronics that are in standby? At first I thought you meant you pushed the off button on the remote which just puts it into standby, but if the actual power to the receiver is being turned off the receiver always acquires a signal when power is restored to it.
So, as I posted earlier, I had a 311k receiver which was losing signal whenever I would turn off the power. I talked to the folks at dish, and they sent me out a VIP 211. Still having the same issue. I turn off the power, wait a few minutes, and when I turn the receiver back on, it is on the acquiring signal screen. It goes through and works fine once it completes, but it really a pain.. Do I need to replace my physical dish? I have another available. Not sure if it matters, but the dish I am using is not a HD dish, I believe it is a dish 500.


Looking a the first post, the OP doesn't say he is rebooting, he says he sees an acquiring signal screen. Being in Idaho, I suspect he is western arc and he speaks of a Dish 500 antenna. He needs to do a check switch and tell us what satellites he is looking at.
I don't think that would not be it or he would never see it complete as says it does and get his channels. It's after he turns the power off, whatever that means that he sees the acquiring signal screen , then when he turns it back on exactly what you would expect happens after literally turning the power off to the unit it goes through the start-up process.

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