New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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I dont know which is your turn, but whatever is I'm behind you!!
He might to have to "surcharge" the price to offset the cost of the Order Desk phone bank, metered service overage charges from the TelCo and ISP server bandwidth

Disclaimer: For those that dont get it......that was (attempted) humor.....not a statement of fact.

Whatever you have to do Brian, dont PHP, JAVA, Shockwave/Flashcrap scrptkiddie the **** out of it or let Googleads or doubleclick near it!
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With a gig of ram likely several scans could be stored, and a box pop up with a choice to select the (per satellite) scan to delete when the allocated ram is full. The scan that wont fit in the allocated ram could be held in a scratchpad until which "scan data to delete" or "cancel data collection for this scan" is chosen.

Innovative idea! This could be incorporated into set such as: Add to Existing List, Clear Existing List and Scan, Create New New Scan List. I would need to put some thought into how to manage so data could be exported / Imported for list editing.
Innovative idea! This could be incorporated into set such as: Add to Existing List, Clear Existing List and Scan, Create New New Scan List. I would need to put some thought into how to manage so data could be exported / Imported for list editing.

All this talk about more future features is very exciting. You know when the box finally does go on sale and I buy one, I'm sure I will love it for a long time, however the thrill of chase is over, I now have caught it and it is in my hands. With all the possibilities though that can come with future firmware releases keeps the excitement there. Things like this is what I love about this hobby.

Keeps those gears in your head turning Brian!!!!!
Mom and I think we are near the head of the line, I put in my order (judging by the dates of pictures I took) in June or July 2008!

I dont know which is your turn, but whatever is I'm behind you!!

Edit: He had a box on the shelf, it was what I was asking for but, proving his intregrity, he refused to sell it to me because he said he would not have it in his house. He said he would work on it.... He has. THANK YOU, BRIAN. You are "a man worthy of his hire"!
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Update: All features have been successfully transferred from the original development software to the new SDK. We are now waiting for the factory to load the approved encrypted factory firmware (SMT) onto special unique ID chipsets for final testing and expected approvals next week.

The chipset ID and firmware encryption features are being implemented to prevent GEOSATpro firmware to be installed on competitor STBs and to help prevent cloning. Our unique manufacturing ID code on the chipset is proprietary and has been burned by ALI during chipset production. These steps are necessary to help prevent theft of intellectual property and the loss of our considerable development time and energies to enable some cheap hack or clone box.
Let us hope this security chain is safe ,for a while!

Who use 36V motorized dish and want to controll
them by receiver(or pc)?
Please see:

Fibo-box says it is possible to integrate ,just a few lines
(see attachment)into firmware,then box can
be controlled by a receiver.

Maybe this is also interesting for MicroHd?


Fibo-box says it is possible to integrate ,just a few lines (see attachment)into firmware,then box can be controlled by a receiver.

The Fibo-box site doesn't seem to be very popular and the product is not commercially produced. Talk about niche development! :eek:

Might be interested in development with an experienced user to explore potential, but the implementation would not just be including a few lines of code. One would need to develop the GUI and function interaction with other motor controls, functions, skew, allocate memory, management and internal / external editing interfaces.

Just a thought...... probably best for adding code to an open source Linux project!
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The Fibo-box site doesn't seem to be very popular and the product is not commercially produced. Talk about niche development! :eek: Might be interested in development with an experienced user to explore potential, but the implementation would not just be including a few lines of code. One would need to develop the GUI and function interaction with other motor controls, functions, skew, allocate memory, management and internal / external editing interfaces. Just a thought...... probably best for adding code to an open source Linux project!
Well there goes the chance to win a box for post 1111.......guess we can go for post 1212?........ Just stirin' the pot...hehehehe
Let us hope this security chain is safe ,for a while!

Who use 36V motorized dish and want to controll
them by receiver(or pc)?
Please see:

Fibo-box says it is possible to integrate ,just a few lines
(see attachment)into firmware,then box can
be controlled by a receiver.

Maybe this is also interesting for MicroHd?

Is the V-Box/G-Box or a similar device not available in Europe? They do what this device does via DiSEqC for the positioning control. I've not seen a version that handles the polarotor servo too, but there was "talk" some time back of one that may be redesigned if interest was high enough. Unfortunately, we in the polarotor community are a niche in a niche, and are a small percent of the C band user market.

First, at a minimum, code level support of the Fibo-Box would require knowing it's command set. Not likely to be given up from what I saw, and reverse engineering by other manufacturers is considered a shady practice by reputable businesses. (at least

The second tier of issues would be as stated, the human interface/GUI part of the coding.

Next, the commands to the Fibo-Box are via usb which Brian remarked this chipset doesnt support hub connections, thus no firmware support exists for it. So, USB for external storage or for an aftermarket positioner.....yeah, too.

Yours is certainly a valid suggestion for a feature rich STB, but a better mouse trap already exists.

The device you referred to is uC (PIC) controlled as is an (Audrino based) device designed for servo control by a member here. I'm sure the thread is in the archive. If you are inclined to build the Fibo-Box device, the one I'm referring to, plus a V/G Box is likely a better investment.....and simpler....and stock STBs support most DiSEqC command sets by default.

I'll have to go searching, but maybe one of the other members has the link to that thread handy in their favorites.

One of the things I'd like to see added to this box is a buffered voltage level 0/5 or 0/12 etc output indicating H/V state that could be used to drive a servo circuit. The only disadvantage to the audrino based device is it senses on the RF side of the circuitry and has the potential for signal (insertion loss) attenuation.
Granted, we're not likely to see such a feature, and not much space on the rear apron, but maybe Brian will hint at a point on the PCB to tap so it can be a implemented at home by us small but devout polarotor users. Even front panel LED(s) to indicate polarity on a nextgen box would be a nice bell/whistle and an excellent place to harvest the desired indication.......
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What has happened to this thread, all of the sudden it went very, very quiet. When are we going to receive any future information about the microHD.

This is very unusual, and nervine to not having any further talk conserning the microHD. I have bitten my nails to the quick while the suspense is mounting.

This silense driving me craaaaaaazy. HeHeHeHe.
18th was last update from Brian

Update: All features have been successfully transferred from the original development software to the new SDK. We are now waiting for the factory to load the approved encrypted factory firmware (SMT) onto special unique ID chipsets for final testing and expected approvals next week.

The chipset ID and firmware encryption features are being implemented to prevent GEOSATpro firmware to be installed on competitor STBs and to help prevent cloning. Our unique manufacturing ID code on the chipset is proprietary and has been burned by ALI during chipset production. These steps are necessary to help prevent theft of intellectual property and the loss of our considerable development time and energies to enable some cheap hack or clone box.

Please reply by conversation.