New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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Going back through thread I read dates for end of year 2011, first of year 2012 (post 16), delayed to February 2012 (post 288), then March 23, 2012 (satav website). Now date seems to be in limbo due to illness, new firmware SDK causing "slight" delay (post 1019 on April 5!!:confused:), new this and new that. Please understand I don't mean to complain but my S9 went out from lighting in early March. I have delayed any kind of replacement waiting on this, but after more than a month of everyone saying "patience grasshopper" I think I will have to start looking elsewhere. Sorry.
I have no problem waiting and do not really "need" a receiver as my current one works great. But it can't blind scan S2 and I would like the ability. Now that I heard that a rack mount model is in the future I think I might sit this out a bit further.
Hmmm ... interesting idea about the mount rack .... that would possibly mean more than one receiver in the same area. Will the remotes be programmable to use different frequencies so they don't interfere with one another?

We would not be providing selectable IR frequencies for the rack mount unit. Rack mount units typically do not rely on a remote for major functions and many rack units have no remote included as all functions are selected by navigation arrows. A lock out button is usually placed on the front panel to disable the front keys (and if provided, the IR pick-up).
I have no problem waiting and do not really "need" a receiver as my current one works great. But it can't blind scan S2 and I would like the ability. Now that I heard that a rack mount model is in the future I think I might sit this out a bit further.

You will be sitting a while..... The chipset that the rack mount will be based on will not be released until Q3, then the implementation begins for the rack mount.
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We would not be providing selectable IR frequencies for the rack mount unit. Rack mount units typically do not rely on a remote for major functions and many rack units have no remote included as all functions are selected by navigation arrows. A lock out button is usually placed on the front panel to disable the front keys (and if provided, the IR pick-up).

Thank you for that explanation ... makes me think then maybe some are thinking of using several receivers maybe to distribute to several places? As in maybe an apartment house, is that what I am reading?

maybe some are thinking of using several receivers maybe to distribute to several places? As in maybe an apartment house

Rack mount receivers are typically programmed to receive a single channel, fed to a modulator to be either transmitted over the air or inserted into a cable system or for local distribution. In distribution systems, one receiver / modulator is required for each inserted channel. For a list of equipment that we provide for standard definition distribution, please refer to

Here is an example of four rack mount receivers being inserted into a distribution system like we provide in prison installs for

Future firmware release, not this first round.....

The rack mount unit is based on a new ALI chipset that will be released this summer.

Lips are sealed on features and connections.... Other than to suggest that the unit will be 19 inches wide by 1 unit tall....... LOL!!! :clap
Aha,lips are sealed...on day of making the tele-satellite interview,your lips were not totally sealed.:D

For those, who get now "hungry" for the rackmount modell,read the report and
you will find more infos.;)
For those, who get now "hungry" for the rackmount modell,read the report and you will find more infos.;)

Much water has flowed under bridge since that interview one year ago..... Print media is not as fluid to reflect current events and we had to project where the project would be in 6 or 8 months after the interview. :o
That model was not released due to chipset support issues by the manufacturer. We moved the development to the ALI chipset without 4:2:2 support.
Much water has flowed under bridge since that interview one year ago..... Print media is not as fluid to reflect current events and we had to project where the project would be in 6 or 8 months after the interview. :o
That model was not released due to chipset support issues by the manufacturer. We moved the development to the ALI chipset without 4:2:2 support.
Ok,4:2:2 is one feature and for the commercial 125$ unit not possible,
but in november you wrote :"4:2:2 (even with and additional daughterboard)"
,so i thought,that a semi-prof version could have this build-in.

Now it s clear,so i stay tuned ,that the other features comes true.

About controlling.
Most of prof equipment can be controlled via rs232 or the newer
ones via webinterface,so this would be nice to see at your unit.
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Going back through thread I read dates for end of year 2011, first of year 2012 (post 16), delayed to February 2012 (post 288), then March 23, 2012 (satav website). Now date seems to be in limbo due to illness, new firmware SDK causing "slight" delay (post 1019 on April 5!!:confused:), new this and new that. Please understand I don't mean to complain but my S9 went out from lighting in early March. I have delayed any kind of replacement waiting on this, but after more than a month of everyone saying "patience grasshopper" I think I will have to start looking elsewhere. Sorry.


Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
A good friend of mine used to say, "People like inferior products. That's why you see Fords and Chevys on the road."

If you do not want to wait for the best, go buy the other, then at least your complaints will be justified, but only yourself to blame.

I am getting tired of the flaming of Brian and SatelliteAV. If it had not been for all the changes, extra modulations and maxi audio channels, etc. I would be using my microHD right now, and would not have purchased the last 35 gallons of generator gas --- 'cause having to run the inverter uses 13 to 22 amps out of the battery for the AC power of 12 watts AC. }}and yes, I am trying to be respectful{{
Scott may want to delete this, so I made it a separate post: IMnsHO: If it were not for the sponsorship of Brian and SatelliteAV, (because of Brian's care for the hobby,) there likely would be a lot less of this forum. And I am sure that Scott does not cut him extra deals, either. Both are fair, true gentlemen.
Hmmm ... interesting idea about the mount rack .... that would possibly mean more than one receiver in the same area. Will the remotes be programmable to use different frequencies so they don't interfere with one another?

Just a question.


I will be rack mounting three microHDs on one 19", 1RU, 6" deep rack shelf. They will live inside a portable, shallow 4U rack case, along with a 4x4 HDMI matrix switcher and a 1RU ESATA 4 HDD storage enclosure. Everything is almost finished, I'm just waiting (patiently!) for the microHDs :) ...

Thread on the subject will be posted soon, with pictures...
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Coming from someone who is tired of being what I would consider a beta tester for too many inferior FTA receivers I can patiently wait for the MicroHD. I know when I get it the receiver will do pretty much what most of us want it to do without the issues of "well hopefully it will work if I do this simple thing"

Its interesting how there are some people who are bashing the product but they already said they werent going to buy it. There are plenty of other receivers out there that dont do what they claim...go buy one of them
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