New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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I was noticing that count also. My count the other days was 26 change orders...from us GUYS. If you were to figure 4 days per change order (industry standard is 5 1/2 days) we are ahead of schedule. Especially if you add in the Chinese holiday. This has gone from a bare bones unit for ME = rv1pop, to a top of the line unit for all of us. I am calmly waiting. --- That said, MOM and POP want this unit! I can still here Brian pointing to a unit and saying that is what you are asking for but I would not give it to a friend! Small, 12 Volt but full of bugs. Brian has designed a unit for RVers - and you get the blessing with all the updates - HD? etc.

OK , maybe I can not claim it as mine, but if you notice in one of the first posts, he said I asked for the 12 volt unit, SO I CLAIM IT! ;<}

"There comes a time in every project where you have to shoot the engineers and get on with production"

A common idiom in my field as well, but the engineers dont like it It conflicts with their hardwired nature to "make it the best it can be".

Generally it's a fine line to balance error free design and meeting production schedule. Brian indicated a production release of the firmware was ready and en rout to the production line. All the planning and testing should minimize all the "this dont work", "where is that", "is there a way to"...etc posts after the box hits the market. Often patches and re-writes are more tedious and problematic than starting from scratch again.

I'm sure there will be some, and I can think of 2 post production FW revisions already touched on....the multi address remote feature (requiring a yet to be built V2 remote) and the recent mention of Echostar switch support. I had presumed that would be standard. It definitely needs to be, but not to the degree to hold production any longer though.

I have no concerns with 4:2:2 compatibility, or lack there of, but I do have a related techie question on the subject for ya Brian.
. I have to go ATM but I'll get back with you.


It keeps getting better...............

@party I just received a notice from our ALI representative that the chipsets that we are using for the microHD are indeed capable of supporting ACM/VCM and MIS. The SDK development module has now been provided to our team to start development! This is a truly a surprise as there was no documentation on the current chipset indicating support of these features! :first:

It appears that our current microHD hardware design WILL support VCM and MIS and we will work on providing support in a future firmware update. :D

Of course, ACM could not be supported for a hobbyist receiver as it is a two way "handshake" between the downlink receiver and the Uplink encoder to optimize the delivery. ACM is typically used in commercial delivery and I am not aware of any implementation of ACM on a DVBS/S2 Set Top Box for an end user (especially a hobbyist) for this two way interactivity be established unless it is contracted and supported by the broadcaster. If anyone has information regarding the implementation of ACM in a DVBS/S2 DTH (Direct To Home) delivery model, please PM me.

We are developing the ACM / VCM / MIS support for the commercial rack mount version.
Thanks for your answers and this new info is really great!

If you need more infos on ACM,see DVB-Specs or the datasheets that for example newtec offers.
I own a Acm compatible pc card,so transportstreams should be also no problem.

About the rack-mount version,can you give more infos?
DVB-Asi out,4:2:2,Common Interface?
@nolipa, I hate really to say this, but this is a VERY long thread, I have my satguys reader set up to get 100 posts per page, and there are 21 pages of reading here, but it IS IMPORTANT that you read before asking too many questions that have been asked before.

If we have to start answering all the questions that have been asked already, this thread could easily become twice the length it is now.

I am NOT jumping on you, but rather using your question as an example of what is already in the thread, several times. Don't take offense at my pointing this out, it wasn't meant just for you, but for anyone just joining the thread.

Sit back and sip your coffee while you catch up.

And welcome to Satguys.

I understand you,this thread have nearly 1050 posts and sorry that
i cannot remember,that someone asked before.

So why you do not lead me to the right post,like "Please see post nr xxx".
....a faster way would be an enhanced forum -search,but this funktion i have
not find here.

I gotta agree with you, nolipa. This post has become unusable due to its length. There has got to be a summary of features or spec sheet for this new microHD.
Thanks "iceberg",
This post is well known and was the introducing for my upcoming question:
and now see the results;
"WILL support VCM and MIS"
Wow,very fast implementation by a customer question!

But my question was specific targeted to the rack-mount professional
I m shure, there will be more (hw)options ,than the consumer version
In tele-satellite this was also announced some times before.
I hate to say this guys...I'm getting a freedbs vibe off of this thing. Cheap and does everything, not likely.

Read the below from post #973 freezy!

We usually never provide a release date on a new product and only did so in this case as we solicited the end users for helping develop the features.

We made a decision last month to port all development to a new SDK based ONLY on providing better support for the hobbyist user. We could have released the microHD last month, but held off to provide a better long term experience for our customers and specifically the hobbyists.

Frankly, I don't get some of you. Many of you bitch and complain that no one develops for or solicits feature input from North American hobbyists..... someone does incorporate you into the process and keeps you updated and you can't handle the realities of product development. :( I don't regret the solicitation , but Scheesh..... Welcome to the reality of first run product release. Be thankful that I am not simply trying to separate you from your cash.... Otherwise, it would have been released a long time ago!

Pro96 - sorry.... Ran out of Scobby snacks to feed a troll... LOL!!!
"WILL support VCM and MIS"
Wow,very fast implementation by a customer question!
Future firmware release, not this first round.....

But my question was specific targeted to the rack-mount professional
I m shure, there will be more (hw)options ,than the consumer version
The rack mount unit is based on a new ALI chipset that will be released this summer.

Lips are sealed on features and connections.... Other than to suggest that the unit will be 19 inches wide by 1 unit tall....... LOL!!! :clap
I've not as of yet had to buy anything from SatelliteAv, but the 'vibe' I get from this is the same I've always gotten from him in reading through his posts since I've signed up here. A really reputable dealer that goes out of his way to do right by his customers..And, since Sadoun has appeared to move to Texas from Ohio, I think My first choice of Sat Dealers will be SatelliteAv from here on out..Am looking forward to this new receiver whenever it comes out..And when I can afford to get it..
I've not as of yet had to buy anything from SatelliteAv, but the 'vibe' I get from this is the same I've always gotten from him in reading through his posts since I've signed up here. A really reputable dealer that goes out of his way to do right by his customers..And, since Sadoun has appeared to move to Texas from Ohio, I think My first choice of Sat Dealers will be SatelliteAv from here on out..Am looking forward to this new receiver whenever it comes out..And when I can afford to get it..

I too will be buying the MicroHD when it arrives. As far as SatelliteAV goes they are a top notch company. I've purchased from them and have provided beyond perfect customer service. They take the time to to talk to you on the phone and also answer emails in a timely manner.
I just have a hard time being that positive these days. I doubt it will stay cheap then.
If you want when it comes out you can buy it from me, I would be happy to charge you double for it if it makes you happy. :D

Always happy to help a fellow SatelliteGuy out. :D
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