New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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Five years in the makings, 1,131 Replies and 71,000 views still no MicroHD receiver.

I almost wish the receiver you are talking about, "5 years in the making" was the one coming out, as it would be the one I asked for and I would already have it. HOWEVER, what is coming is far more than what I asked for 5 years ago. What I wanted would have cost me $$$$$ but I would have put it in my $250,000 motor home and been somewhat happy. But, what we are all getting is a rugged, 12 Volt receiver with all the bells and whistles I want for under $200. I can get 3 of these with the dishes for my motor homes and my ground based dwelling for half of what I would have paid. Yes, I have beat 3 other receivers to pieces in the last 5 years. But I plan on RVing for another 20 years or so.

I am trying to keep this from being a rant. I waited quite a while before replying. However, you have waited only 10 months and will get the compact, top of the custom design line -- BACK OFF. As far as I know, I am the only ONE who has waited 5 years. Brian only let you know it was coming so he could get input on extra features.

And thank you for your inputs! I will get a better unit than what I expected because of your requests.

Edit to add: When I asked for what I thought I wanted, 5 years ago, I was working and could have afforded it. Now I am retired and watch my budget. But Brian's comment then was, "I would not sell anything that I would not be happy to have in my own home. There is nothing out there at 12 Volts that I would have." OK, now you can understand why I am looking forward to this unit.
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I've had experience debugging computer software and releasing it for public use. A thorough beta test period is essential to ultimate success. If you push it out the door immediately after the alpha testing (in house, by the programmer) it will still have many bugs that were not apparent to the development person or team.

In my case it was kid's educational DOS software, and my little beta testers found plenty of things for me to fix before it was ready for a wider audience.
id like one of those redirecting things at the beggining when i first log in to the forum that states -
our forum/staff/or (importantpeople) would like you to read the following message-
That way i just know i will see it :):):):):):):):):)
I am sure when it is out you will see something like that.

We can't wait as well!

I can't find my remote for my Manhattan so I have been without FTA for a few days. :D
???? Question ???? Will you have a package deal on the microHD? I want to get a new 39" dish and SL2 at the same time... Next discretionary fund payday is June 13th, so should I guess that will be the release date? I have to take a picture of where this box will mount. And I do need to run a clean 12 VDC power line, too.
???? Question ???? Will you have a package deal on the microHD? I want to get a new 39" dish and SL2 at the same time... Next discretionary fund payday is June 13th, so should I guess that will be the release date? I have to take a picture of where this box will mount. And I do need to run a clean 12 VDC power line, too.

Yes. The microHD will be sold as both an single STB or complete system purchase.

The approved factory release firmware has been burned to flash and production time has been scheduled on the line. No more suggestions on delivery dates as they are often fluid in first run productions. The next release announcement that we will provide is when the microHD shipment has cleared customs. :cool:
In production and will soon be available.

Dual core 396MHz, 1Gb DDR2 memory, 99 position DiSEqC 1.2. 500mA rating makes a great operational experience!
I'm curious as to whether "dual core" means one CPU and one GPU, or two CPU cores. I'm not sure what the latter would bring to the table for this particular unit, since you're not doing anything simultaneous with the satellite viewing, like network access for example.
CPU. The new SDK assigns and balances processing into two. A noticeable perfomance improvement over the the previous version.
Is that only 500 MA when in full operation- recording? Not concerned about moving dish. If so -- wow! About 3 days of recording or two days of watching TV with out have the sun to recharge! I had to run the generator today (1/2 hour to keep watching with the inverter running.)
I am SO READY for the release of this receiver!! I am starting to drool. If you hear that Lake Michigan starts overflowing in the next week or two, dont worry, it is just me.
500mA LNBF and 800mA USB port output ratings. Maximum draw 1.5A @12vdc. Operational current draw will be dependant on the LNBF current, polarity selected, decoding requirements and if recording, the USB current.
Well, that is still not at all bad. Wanted to watch a half hour program tonight and the batteries went dead in 20 minutes. YUK. But that is with the old RCA tube TV, so it is not the usual viewing, but still the inverter has to be on for the receiver to work, so I got 20 minutes instead of the usual 45... Cloudy, rainy, chilly day and wind, too. I am going to have to get a wind turbine, very soon. Mount it at 17 feet instead of 40, so it will not shut down as soon.
But back to topic --- but for me, this is the topic!
Brian, I check your website daily for a specific update in inventory.

RV1Pop, You should rig up an alternator on an old bicycle to charge your batteries and power your inverter... You'll get a real workout watching TV!
I always say that when I pass one of those workout clubs seeing all the people inside peddling those stationary bikes... would solve all our energy needs?
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