New GEOSATpro microHD Receiver

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This thread must be one of the longest ongoing threads on SatelliteGuys! Once the microHD is in the wild, there will probably be a plethora of new threads covering it :) ...
This thread must be one of the longest ongoing threads on SatelliteGuys!

in the FTA area yes
in the whole area...probably not. But then again there are multiple threads in other areas of the same item.
There have been longer ones here in the FTA area but we wont talk about those (the mythical service) ;)
its the longest ongoing thread that i have read 1123 posts of :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
now if i could just find that "Place your order for the new Micro Thread" I bet my wife would stop yelling at me for drooling on the keyboard.
I actually read a thread yesterday from early 2011 were Brian posted that a new receiver was in the works and coming "soon". :) However, I guess good things take time.
I actually read a thread yesterday from early 2011 were Brian posted that a new receiver was in the works and coming "soon". :) However, I guess good things take time.

Correct, as Iceberg stated, that project was abandoned about two months before production after 6 months of development. :mad:

The chipset would not reliably support 4:2:2 so we went to a less expensive PCB to develop. The microHD project started in July...
This thread must be one of the longest ongoing threads on SatelliteGuys! Once the microHD is in the wild, there will probably be a plethora of new threads covering it :) ...

We need to rename the post title from COMING SOON to SOMEDAY!:behindsofa:
FYI... If you havent been following the thread from the beginning...... The thread was renamed "Coming Soon" by a moderator and was never intended to be a product release announcement.

The thread evolved from the initial research on the 139w audio services into a product development announcement, feature suggestions and now insight into the realities of a product release.

I invite a moderator to close the thread if they wish as the original purpose has been met ...... ;)
Two and a half hour Lightning storm. Two Zinwell 5X8 and one Terk switches AND power warts blown out and the 800 watts inverter destroyed. BUT GEOSATpro DVR1100c still working. (Another slight problem before.) At least one Fortec Ultra also now dead. I was watching DVR and did not notice any problem. TV OK, too. Not related to topic except - RELIABILITY.l

Worth waiting for a unit that meets the codes. And that has been DESIGNED.
Wow hate to hear about you losing all that stuff in the lighting storm.:(
Thanks. All Primestar LNBF's seem ok. I was not needing the 5x8 multiswitches and they did require the inverter, so I changed to 3X8's that do not need AC. I got everything redone today. Also found one Geosat 1x4 switch dead (1 out of 5). I like the 5400NA's better. The 1100c is on its own dish and it was not affected at all. Only 45 feet of RG6 on it. The main "spider web" setup has around 700 feet of coax in it. The closest ground hit was about 6 miles away, I did not hear if the high tension lines were hit, but since the area power was out, they probably were hit and they run clear across our property and are about 400 feet from the distribution room.
I also noticed that 3 of the power strips/surge suppressors indicator light were out. Got to replace them.
FYI... If you havent been following the thread from the beginning...... The thread was renamed "Coming Soon" by a moderator and was never intended to be a product release announcement.

The thread evolved from the initial research on the 139w audio services into a product development announcement, feature suggestions and now insight into the realities of a product release.

I invite a moderator to close the thread if they wish as the original purpose has been met ...... ;)

Hear hear!
Firmware approved for SMT and production date booked on the manufacturer's line. :)

Wow..... Checked thread last evening and no new posts..... Guess I shouldn't sleep or at least keep one eye open and watching the forum so I can be more timely in my replies!

Sleep is highly over rated!
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Is it too early to tell if this receiver will get the GloryStar Seal of Approval? I was thinking that the best GS receiver will also be the best FTA unit. or is it the other way around? I've been keeping an eye on the GloryStar site to see if it shows up.
Is it too early to tell if this receiver will get the GloryStar Seal of Approval? I was thinking that the best GS receiver will also be the best FTA unit. or is it the other way around? I've been keeping an eye on the GloryStar site to see if it shows up.

The goal for the microHD STB is for Glorystar distribution during Q3, 2012. The majority of development and testing has been completed for the release for Glorystar. My goal is for the microHD to be in distribution for at least one quarter before consideration is given to implementing for Glorystar distribution. All signs point to a reliable unit, but when we are placing a STB into a home where it is is expected to be an entertainment appliance that is operational 100% of the time without user intervention, we must be assured that all hardware and firmware are up to the task.

If you had asked me last Fall when the microHD would be in Glorystar distribution, I would have said April of 2012. This delay has more impact than most of you would understand..... :(
If you had asked me last Fall when the microHD would be in Glorystar distribution, I would have said April of 2012. This delay has more impact than most of you would understand..... :(

But the fact that the box is much better than it would have been without the delay more than justifies the delay IMO :) ...
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