Now that said I would much rather watch LSU play anyone other then Alabama, be it OKS, Stanford, VTech anyone but Bama. Why? Because it would be better for the conference for them to prove themselves against someone other then another conference foe.. Plus I think Alabama is the only team in the nation whod have a chance of beating them. Id much rather watch LSU destroy OKS, Stanford or Vtech then watch them beat or lose to Alabama.
What makes you think LSU could "destroy" OKS, Stanford or VTech?? I bet any one of those 3 teams could step up and play hard against them win or lose at least they stepped up and deserve some respect doing so.
But I still stand behind the fact that you should have to win you're conference title to play for the national championship - for Bama to get a by-week to sit and do nothing but retain a free pass is just lame and a smack in the face to the rest of CFB. If you don't want to have that requirement then get rid of conferences all together - until that happens win what you are supposed to win and then play the big game.