Actually, Michigan had Hawaii scheduled for that game and dropped them to play App State. So it was Michigan that didn't want to play Hawaii, not the other way around.
That was Michigan State that dropped them.
Actually, Michigan had Hawaii scheduled for that game and dropped them to play App State. So it was Michigan that didn't want to play Hawaii, not the other way around.
If not for those pesky final exams they make the students take....
If they all end thier season by the first weekend in Dec or by Dec 1st, we could fit a playoff in quite nicely.
Guys, the fact that 17 out of 18 teams in your conference goes to a bowl game means NOTHING.....
When the start to make it so you have to actually have a good season to go to a bowl, like it use to be, then we can talk.
IF your palying a 12 game season, I feel a 6-6 team is ordinay and should NOT be going to a bowl.
I feel that you should have at least 8 wins (not AA) in order to go bowling.
Then we can get rid of alot of the garbage bowls that no one wants to see any way.
While we are at it, lets do away with the MONEY hungry Conference Championship games and make ALL TEAMS end their season on the SAME weekend.
If they all end thier season by the first weekend in Dec or by Dec 1st, we could fit a playoff in quite nicely.
If not for those pesky final exams they make the students take.
If not for those pesky final exams they make the students take.
Exams is not a viable excuse ....
Every other division handles it fine, including Basketball.
Buckeye are having exams before they travel ...
And you have a VERY valid point Jim. But, the fact remains, the Big Ten had the same 6-6 "curve" as ANYONE ELSE...and they STILL didn't get as many teams in bowls as did the SEC. NONE of the SEC 6-6 MADE a bowl.
I haven't even looked to see what BT teams went to bowls other than OSU, M and Ill.
I stick to MY plan, although it will not get heard any higher than this forum, because they (Univ head honchos) are happy with the way it is already.
You're right, it was Michigan State, but after the Spartans dropped them, they tried to get a game with Michigan who scheduled App State instead.NO,
That was Michigan State that dropped them.
And that's how Ohio State does it what? Not everyone can fit their schedule that way. What is the BIG deal, EVERYONE litterally gets the same almost 4-6 weeks off.
You're right, it was Michigan State, but after the Spartans dropped them, they tried to get a game with Michigan who scheduled App State instead.
"Hawaii scrambled to schedule name opponents including Michigan, Indiana and several Pac-10 schools.
Michigan opted to face Appalachian State instead. Other schools declined."
Unbeaten Hawaii makes noise, but is anybody listening? | | Sports: Colleges: Other National Schools
That argument would be fine and dandy, but how many Big 10 schools went?
IF the Big Ten had as many team, then you have argument....
OF COURSE they are happy....they are making hundreds of millions of dollars and at college kids expense. When I went to college, an athlete was NOT EVEN ALLOWED to have a part time job to ear a little money??!!Coming from a very poor family....anyone who thought a scholarship "was enough" was on drugs.
You're right, it was Michigan State, but after the Spartans dropped them, they tried to get a game with Michigan who scheduled App State instead.
"Hawaii scrambled to schedule name opponents including Michigan, Indiana and several Pac-10 schools.
Michigan opted to face Appalachian State instead. Other schools declined."
Unbeaten Hawaii makes noise, but is anybody listening? | | Sports: Colleges: Other National Schools
Life's a bitch. They give you a scholarship, a chance to get a degree on their dime, you get to play the sport you love, a roof over your head, travel to places you never been, etc..... Oh please......I'm sure your life was ruined by the experience. Tell me where to send the check.![]()
Now , I'd like all the teams in the bowl games to take a month and a half off and THEN be ready for a game. This way we'll see what the rest of the country looks like with 50 days off between games.
This is the first I'm hearing about this,and it certainly doesn't jive with any accounts I've heard about how Michigan came to play Apppalachian State. Who the hell wants to fly10 hours to play a football game (well maybe a Bowl game) anyhow?
Big Ten decided to let it's schools schedule games for the last weekend of November, to restore the bye-week lost when the NCAA added the extra game last year. About time.
I say let the conferences do what they want. They know their member school schedules better than the NCAA. They should have the flexibility to do what's right for them.I heard that too today.
Now they need to make it so the seasons ALL end on the same weekend.