Main Titanfall Thread

Yes but they are using a completely different technology this time around (Azure Cloud) and maybe that's causing the issue. I know that when Black Ops came out, there were 2 million+ concurrent users online, and that wasn't counting the non-COD users. How ironic that everyone was saying "Well, it's not EA handling the workload so everything will be fine!"

Yeah, I'm sure there are technical reasons why the systems aren't equivalent. Everyone on twitter is acting like Live has crashed because the Titanfall launch is soooo huge. That just seems silly to me. Like I said, the last numbers I saw showed somewhere in the ballpark of 3 million Xbox Ones sold. Not every one of those Xbox One owners have Titanfall on day one. I won't even try to guess how many people are currently trying to play Titanfall but it's not 3 million. The 360 sold over 80 million units. You would think a typical day for 360 users signed into live would easily surpass 3 million. Basically every COD launch from Modern Warfare forward would have blown away this Titanfall launch in terms of numbers and I don't remember having major server issues with any of them. Same goes for Halo. If Titanfall was out on 360 today too it might help explain the problem but it hasn't released yet.
I'm on for probably the next hour or so. If anyone wants to play the name is PatJK25.
Sadly, gamefly ship time is not equal to netflix. No titanfall waiting for me at home today. Maybe tomorrow.

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I got about an hour and a half in. I didn't have the sign in issue that people were reporting so it must have been fixed before I got home.

Everything was running smoothly until about 9:00PM eastern. Right around that time I started getting terrible lag to the point where the game would basically be unplayable for a minute or two. I would try to round a corner and be rubber banded back to where I was or jump forward into a wall. Hitting an enemy was nearly impossible. This happened to me two matches in a row so I decided to call it a night. I don't think it was on my end because my internet connection is usually very strong for online gaming.

The first hour was smooth but the last half hour had some hiccups. I'm sure 9:00 eastern is right around their peak hours. The west coast people are just starting to settle in for the night and the east coast people haven't gone to bed yet.

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Sadly, gamefly ship time is not equal to netflix. No titanfall waiting for me at home today. Maybe tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

It's definitely slower than Netflix in my experience. With Netflix I would almost always get a movie the day after they said they shipped it. Gamefly typically takes 3-4 days for me. Netflix has a distribution center about 45 minutes away from me in Detroit while my nearest gamefly center is in Pittsburgh.

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My kids were upset as they couldn't play tonight, they wanted to play against each other. They cant get on XBOX Live with their XBOX Ones.

Maybe tomorrow.
My kids were upset as they couldn't play tonight, they wanted to play against each other. They cant get on XBOX Live with their XBOX Ones.

Maybe tomorrow.

A quick look at twitter shows a lot of other people are still having the same problem. I spoke too soon when I said it must have been fixed before I got home. I was able to sign in and play so I though the problems were over. Like I said, the last half hour or so kept going back and forth between pretty smooth and so laggy it was unplayable.

Edit: it's probably to late to help tonight but Xbox support is saying if you power cycle by holding the power button down for 5 seconds it should sign in when you boot back up.

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I played for about 30 mins or so. Hopefully more today or this weekend.
Somewhat off topic, but anyone else find it less than a coincidence that Activision is having a big advertising and sales push for CoD: Ghosts to coincide with the Titanfall release? Looks like they're trying to steal some thunder. Then again maybe they are still scorned from the fact that THIS is the game that the old Infinity Ward creators left Activision to develop for EA.
I'm wondering how much money Microsoft is throwing at EA to keep Titanfall, and to a lesser extent PvZ Garden Warfare off the PS4. You would think EA probably has a pretty good relationship with Sony since they sell so many multiplatform games on Sony systems. Maybe this game will turn the tides but the PS4 has also been outselling the Xbox One at a rate of about 2 to 1 at this point.

Even if they were dead even Titanfall is giving up a ton of sales by skipping out on the 6 million PS4 install base and the 80 million PS3 install base. I'm sure EA wants their game available to as many potential customers as possible. We are also talking about the behemoth that is EA here and they have plenty of capital of their own. It's not like this game is coming from some tiny publisher who needed Microsoft to fund it to get the game off the ground. The money Microsoft threw at EA had to be substantial to make this deal work. If it turns out to be as successful as most of us think it will the inevitable sequel will either be multiplatform or Microsoft is going to have to fork over an ungodly amount to keep it exclusive.
Somewhat off topic, but anyone else find it less than a coincidence that Activision is having a big advertising and sales push for CoD: Ghosts to coincide with the Titanfall release? Looks like they're trying to steal some thunder. Then again maybe they are still scorned from the fact that THIS is the game that the old Infinity Ward creators left Activision to develop for EA.

It's no coincidence, along with the Killzone multiplayer demo on PS4 and ghosts multiplayer demo on xbox one last weekend.

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I'm wondering how much money Microsoft is throwing at EA to keep Titanfall, and to a lesser extent PvZ Garden Warfare off the PS4. You would think EA probably has a pretty good relationship with Sony since they sell so many multiplatform games on Sony systems. Maybe this game will turn the tides but the PS4 has also been outselling the Xbox One at a rate of about 2 to 1 at this point.

Even if they were dead even Titanfall is giving up a ton of sales by skipping out on the 6 million PS4 install base and the 80 million PS3 install base. I'm sure EA wants their game available to as many potential customers as possible. We are also talking about the behemoth that is EA here and they have plenty of capital of their own. It's not like this game is coming from some tiny publisher who needed Microsoft to fund it to get the game off the ground. The money Microsoft threw at EA had to be substantial to make this deal work. If it turns out to be as successful as most of us think it will the inevitable sequel will either be multiplatform or Microsoft is going to have to fork over an ungodly amount to keep it exclusive.
I'm willing to bet this deal was made years ago, long before the new consoles even had release dates, and at the time Microsoft likely had a lot more momentum and bargaining power. It's safe to say though that this will stay a Microsoft product, especially with it being driven by Azure. I think though that true third party companies have realized that console exclusives aren't really worth it anymore and it's best to just get the games out on all 3 systems (PC/One/PS4.) Obviously the 343 Studios, Naughty Dog, and such will always just make exclusives, but I don't see companies like EA, Activision, or Capcom signing any sort of exclusive deals.
I'm willing to bet this deal was made years ago, long before the new consoles even had release dates, and at the time Microsoft likely had a lot more momentum and bargaining power. It's safe to say though that this will stay a Microsoft product, especially with it being driven by Azure. I think though that true third party companies have realized that console exclusives aren't really worth it anymore and it's best to just get the games out on all 3 systems (PC/One/PS4.) Obviously the 343 Studios, Naughty Dog, and such will always just make exclusives, but I don't see companies like EA, Activision, or Capcom signing any sort of exclusive deals.

That would all make sense. EA might not have really understood what they were sitting on when they signed that deal. I have heard it quoted several times that Titanfall will remain exclusive to Microsoft platforms for the life of the product. What isn't clear is if "the product" is Titanfall 1 or the Titanfall franchise in general.

I have friends who bought the Titanfall Xbox One bundle specifically for this game. I will likely continue to play any future sequels on my Xbox One for that reason alone. The prettiest version will remain PC but with multiplayer games like this playing where my friends are is more important than graphics. I would be pretty surprised if Titanfall 2 isn't on Xbox One/PC/PS4 though. They have known this game was going to be huge ever since they officially announced it.

Unless an exclusive deal was already in place for the entire franchise I don't think EA would have signed one after all the hype it generated. On the other hand, I think a lot of that hype came specifically because it was a Microsoft exclusive. Don't get me wrong, the game is a lot of fun and it would have been a big success either way. It just seems like big exclusives always get elevated to a higher hype level than they would have as a multiplatform game. As soon as you throw the word exclusive on it, it becomes something for the fanboys to hold over other gamers' heads and bring up in every conversation about why their console is better.
Enter promo code 1 for $100 off the Titanfall bundle at the MS online store.

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I think this deal is dead. It comes up as "Invalid Promo Code." Also CheapAssGamer is reporting the deal as dead as well.
Well that was a very good deal for those who may have caught it at the right time. The system has only been out for about 4 months and people who jumped on that got it for $100 less than the rest of us and the system's most popular game packed in for free.

Watch Dogs Trailer With Release Date

Manuel Noriega not a Fan of CoD

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