Lynx question w/ Sirius Subscription


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Okay, I've been trying to do some research on this but not having much luck on Google.

My Sirius Sportster 4 is pretty much done. I was looking at the Lynx, and had a few questions.

1. I'm on the Sirius Select Plan. (which I tried linking to, but the forum won't let me since I'm a newbie.) Will switching to the Lynx screw me over with the Howard Stern Channels? I know that since the Merger you have to pay extra with certain things. I just want to make sure I'll be getting the same exact channels on the new radio. (Well, Stern and E Street Radio are my main concerns.) Since I'm in the car a good portion of the day I want to make sure things stay the same.

2. I don't have the internet streaming, but plan on adding it if I purchase the Lynx. (I know that is an additional charge to my subscription, just want to make sure I still get Stern on the Satellite service) Can I record shows and stuff from Wi-Fi? Or is that from Satellite only?

3. What does the car dock attach to? My Sportster has the old suction cup on the windshield, which I like. Pictures I've seen seem to show the Lynx in front of the vents, which seems like a bad idea in the cold weather with the heat blasting out of the vents. Is there a suction cup mount available for the Lynx?

I think that's all the questions I have for the moment. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any information you folks can give me would be greatly appreciated.
So I can answer number three: The car dock for the Lynx has a 1-T mount on the back of it. If you suction cup mount has a tab that fits that, it would work. There are also the same four mounting screws that looks to be about the same pattern as the Sportster 4 car dock.

Scott's the Howard Stern listener so maybe he knows for sure the cheapest way you can listen to him.

And I honestly can't remember if you can record WiFi streams or not. I want to say no. I do know you can listen to OnDemand shows over Wifi.
Looking at the info on the Lynx it appears to be a XM type radio. When I select that radio it asks me for a package. SiriusXM select does NOT show Howard. It shows all the XM stuff.
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for the info. Guess the Lynx is out since I just renewed Sirius for another year last month. Guess I'll just have to look into one of the newer Sirius radio's.

It's been what? 4 years since the merger? You'd think it would have formed 1 company instead of 3 separate companies...

sirius/xm for Hawaii

New online beta player!
