Lots of Uplink Moves Expected This Week

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Normally I would post these expected moved and uplink to the Pub Members forum but it appears there could be major movement this week which may effect a good number of our members.

As always these moves and changes should be considered a rumor until you see the changes take place on your own satellite receivers.

I expect (but don't know for sure) that the majority of these changes will happen overnight on February 23rd and not during the day.

First we start with some HD movement from 61.5 to 72.7.

STARZ 9435
STZC 9486
HBO2E 9455
HBOCY 9451
HBOFM 9453

Next up the following channels are expected to move from 72.7 to 61.5. These movements are expected around 1am ET on February 24.

9393 3ABN
9402 HHS
9405 PNTGN
9406 ARTS
9413 ALMA
9418 PAEC
9850 KBS
9996 ECC
195 MIL
198 SLTH
439 BIG10
403 NHLN
625 NHLN
119 BIO
347 EWAM
356 SK&FM
354 STZC
176 TOON
113 COOK
301 HBO2E
300 HBO-E
303 HBO-W
311 MAX-W
319 SHO-W
327 TMC-E
329 TMC-W
187 HMC
208 CNBC
206 FOXB
156 FUEL
310 MAX-E
193 SCI
183 TLC
215 TRV
166 CMT
314 5-MAX
175 BOOM
873 BOOM
182 DISC
179 HUB
888 HUB
149 FSC
877 FSC
269 MUN2
838 MUN2

If you are a two DISH setup with 61.5 and have been contacted by DISH to upgrade you equipment you really should do it now or you will lose some of your programming!

Also I should note a planned change to the Chicago locals which will happen next month and is scheduled on 3-16 (subject to change) Chicago locals will move from CONUS to Spot Beams.

WFLD will move to 110 tranponder 31
WLS WBBM WMAQ will move from 110 to 119 on Transponder 1.

And there you go... remember where you heard it first. When SatelliteGuys reports it, its news when other sites post it... it's copied from SatelliteGuys. :D
Oh well, they call me every day saying I need to pay them for canceling my account. When I spoke to an upper level tech, and complained that they are not getting a penny from me
since they took away my HD networks. I was told I was given them accidentally. Dish is rapidly becoming a joke the way they are jerking everyone around
First we start with some HD movement from 61.5 to 72.7.

[5 channels edited out]

Next up the following channels are expected to move from 72.7 to 61.5...

[75 channels edited out]

If you are a two DISH setup with 61.5 and have been contacted by DISH to upgrade you equipment you really should do it now or you will lose some of your programming!
Ah... Am I going blind here or is there another shoe about to drop? From your list, it appears that a net 70 channels are moving to 61.5, not to 72.7.
Hi to Everyone

Englishtycoon I am with you on this. I have said it before and now say it again " Dish Network is screwing with us here on the Islands." Apparently we are not an important market for them. They are just taking whatever amount of money we are willing to give them, without taking us into consideration each time they keep taking HD channels away from us. Now they are going to take HD premiums away from us. I really, really do not understand why they do not keep all the HD's on 61.5 and leave the rest of the SD channels on 72.5 and 77. At least this way we get all the HD's here on the island while at the same time not affect anybody on the mainland. I rely do not understand what these people have up their you know what. Keep not taking us into consideration and soon enough you will start loosing costumers to cable companies which are getting better and better with their HD offerings. For sure here in my area Dish is no longer the company with the most HD's. Keep up the "good" planning Dish. The only reason I have not consider moving to another company is because of the added benefit of other technologies that they have in place. That I have to say are the best in the indutry like the DVR, Google TV and Sling. But if it was for the HD programing and their just complete ignorance on what the people in PR and USVI want, I will just simply go. And believe me it is NOT Latino PKG that we want, that again is " NO LATINO PKG". We have all the Spanish channels locally we do not want any more. If you do not believe me just read some of the comments of local Dish dealers on their numbers about subscription pkg of Latino vs American Pkgs. All we care about is the HD's that we are already paying for and do not get. And please do not give the sad excuse that they are free because that is just not true. They are simply beign charged through all the price increases and we here pay the same as everyone else in the mainland but are shortchanged on HD channels.

Sorry for the rant but this is a really sticky issue for us here on the Islands.
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I have a gut feeling that a lot of the moves are being done to make room for 24/7 HD RSN's.

I haven't heard anything but thats what my gut is telling me.
Concentrate and ask again... I had a "magic" 8 ball that kept giving me that "answer". That drove me crazy too. ;)

So why are they moving SD channels from 72.7 to 61.5? There seems to be no point to it, other than infuriating PR customers and getting everybody on a new EA dish for no apparent reason. After all (other than for PR) a conus transponder is a conus transponder is a conus transponder.
No what I posted is correct, a bunch of SD networks which are on 72.7 are moving to 61.5. :)

so is the plan to move all the HD off the 61.5. was thinking about adding this to my 119/110 but we can not pick up all transponders, with losing HD Networks now this. It was barely a year ago when Dish was telling all the installers down here, "look what we have done for you" They make you sign a 2 year contract and promise HD for life, cause the small print sayas we can take all the channels away if we want but you still have to pay

hopefully the CSR who are on this sight (although they have no clue what is happening) can tell the higher ups, how pissed off we are
i hate to ask this but i can't figure out how to search it and get good answers...

my current setup is 110/119/129 wing 61.5

is there a reason i would want to 'upgrade'?
I'd say the phones will be ringing off the hook after this switch. I know of quite a few systems out there with 110/119/61.5. I can see a spike coming in D* sales because of this.
Oh well, they call me every day saying I need to pay them for canceling my account. When I spoke to an upper level tech, and complained that they are not getting a penny from me
since they took away my HD networks. I was told I was given them accidentally. Dish is rapidly becoming a joke the way they are jerking everyone around

This is exactly why I am leaving Dish for DirecTV. Two years ago, this probably wouldn't have happened. But now, since Dish has slid and DirecTV performs about the same in the customer service arena, I might as well just go with the lowest price.

Can I Mesh Dish Dish?

Will Dish try to Charge me?

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