Lots of Uplink Moves Expected This Week

I have a gut feeling that a lot of the moves are being done to make room for 24/7 HD RSN's.

I haven't heard anything but thats what my gut is telling me.

I really hope you're right because as we all know watching a game in SD on a HDtv blows big-time. However, unless Quatto (from Total Recall) pops out of your gut to confirm this, I'm going to have to see it to believe it.
is there a reason i would want to 'upgrade'?
That depends entirely on what TV market you're located in. "Northern Alabama" isn't specific enough to figure that out.

In any event, these are CONUS moves that Scott is talking about and those aren't going anywhere on the Western Arc side.
Normally I would post these expected moved and uplink to the Pub Members forum but it appears there could be major movement this week which may effect a good number of our members.

As always these moves and changes should be considered a rumor until you see the changes take place on your own satellite receivers.

I expect (but don't know for sure) that the majority of these changes will happen overnight on February 23rd and not during the day.

First we start with some HD movement from 61.5 to 72.7.

STARZ 9435
STZC 9486
HBO2E 9455
HBOCY 9451
HBOFM 9453

So basically these stayed on the 61.5 and were just allocated a new channel number
I would love to see RSN in HD full-time !!!!!
Hopefully msg comes back in HD soon !
If that happen I'll be the happiest sub on dishnet :)
So it looks like last year's plan of moving the core HD to 72.7 has gone out the window and now the core channels will be split between 61.5 & 72.7. Is that correct?
Since all this movement is on EA, how will this lead to full-time RSNs? Where is the space on WA?

They big "spare" block that I see right now is the 8 network HD feed TP that is uplinked but not released to subscribers. Given that it has been a while without HD distants in play on Dish, I wonder if they have reconsidered their release. If they took the 8 HD feeds and converted them to full time RSNs of the 8 biggest RSNs, it would give them a lot of space since they essentially share 2 TPs for all the RSNs. They could do something like do the biggest 16 full time and use one TP for part time of the rest.

It would of course come down to which would net them more subs (or more money) full time RSNs or distant HD network feeds (SD is still being offered) to RVers.
I would love to see RSN in HD full-time !!!!!
Hopefully msg comes back in HD soon !
If that happen I'll be the happiest sub on dishnet :)

When was MSG ever in HD on Dish? I doubt the SD will be back for a while. I am watching the Mets in HD right now on WPIX. It also looks like SNY on Dish is getting a bit more generous with giving us HD this spring. I already see some spring training games coming in HD on my program guide. I even see college basketball (USF @ DePaul) coming up in a few minutres in HD. I may have missed something but the last time I saw anything on SNY in HD was the Mets last fall.

I can't see MSG coming back but SNY in HD full time would be nice.
I noticed a couple of days ago that I lost some the Starz HD channnels that I was getting. I think it has something to do with these changes that Scott posted. I had some DVR timers scheduled that got messed up and recorded in SD.

Can someone help me out to figure out what I need to do to get them back? Where can I check what I am connected to? Thanks!
They big "spare" block that I see right now is the 8 network HD feed TP that is uplinked but not released to subscribers. Given that it has been a while without HD distants in play on Dish, I wonder if they have reconsidered their release. If they took the 8 HD feeds and converted them to full time RSNs of the 8 biggest RSNs, it would give them a lot of space since they essentially share 2 TPs for all the RSNs. They could do something like do the biggest 16 full time and use one TP for part time of the rest.

It would of course come down to which would net them more subs (or more money) full time RSNs or distant HD network feeds (SD is still being offered) to RVers.

That is what I think as well. The only real option at this time is to take down the HD distants and go with full-time HD RSNs. Right now the transponder holding the HD distants is getting Dish nothing, since it essentially is not in use with no HD distants available. But Dish does a very good job of not letting anyone know what is going on. It appears no one really knows if full-time HD RSNs are on the horizon, or if HD distants will be offered, or perhaps something else, or perhaps nothing.
Oh well, they call me every day saying I need to pay them for canceling my account. When I spoke to an upper level tech, and complained that they are not getting a penny from me
since they took away my HD networks. I was told I was given them accidentally. Dish is rapidly becoming a joke the way they are jerking everyone around

Don't you see that DISH does care what we think in the Caribbean, but they will take your money. We are being treated like second class citizens except when the U.S. Government requires combat troops around the world we become important and supply thousands of troops. With their latest financial statement I wouldn't be p__ssing their 350,00 customers here.

And to prove what kind of thieves they are, for about a year they had been collecting Puerto Rico sales tax of 7% and now the Government is now collecting their 2,000,000.00 USD since they DISH kept quiet and did not do their part. If I did that, I would be in jail.

That goes to show you.
Looks like Directv has given up another transponder. 12326 L is now empty. Will Dish be adding this transponder on Nimiq 5?
Concentrate and ask again... I had a "magic" 8 ball that kept giving me that "answer". That drove me crazy too. ;)

So why are they moving SD channels from 72.7 to 61.5? There seems to be no point to it, other than infuriating PR customers and getting everybody on a new EA dish for no apparent reason. After all (other than for PR) a conus transponder is a conus transponder is a conus transponder.

That's why after over 14 years and 200.00/month average I grew tired and cancelled my service. Do I miss it yes, but not as much as you think. The is plenty of HD programming that they would not give us so I took it blocked or not blocked and all with a great HD picture with plenty of storage of 1 TB and all for close to 500.00 dollars and no more 200/month payment., "that's without the extras" Sometimes in life when people take advantage of you you have to push them out your way. Check out the Middle East.

And for those in Puerto Rico who are the ONLY ones who understand the saying " No hay mal que por bien no venga". Don't start now with all your google translator because people in PR SURE know the exact meaning, the rest does not not matter.

Charlie, you asked for it, YOU GOT IT. We learn something new every day.

Can I Mesh Dish Dish?

Will Dish try to Charge me?

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