No one NEEDS surround sound.
I absolutely need surround sound.
I do not spend my money on expensive cars ( have two Fords) because I find it a waste of money, but Video and Sound Equipment , I go all out.
Still buy 4K Discs because I want the absolute best possible, same reason why I stream, real 1080P/4K/DV/DD+/Atmos for Television Content.
No one needs TVs wall-mounted, but it sure looks better.
Saves some space, so I need it.
Very few people need Mesh routers, but for people who use the internet like I do, they sure make it better.
Do not use Mesh, but currently use 4 Routers in Bridge Mode, also wired, that way, I get the fastest/best signal in all of my house (4500 sq ft).
I get the hesitancy to sell. I deal with it now with a number of my crew, but it pays the bills, and it makes things better in some way top the customer.
This is where we will differ the most, who are you / someone else, to tell me what is better for me and my home.
If I get a service like Dish or anything else, that is all I want, because that is what I ordered, I did not order a Cell Phone, Sound Bar or Internet Service, in today's world, I can do my own research and have.
The biggest problem with upselling is once the customer says no thank you, they keep pushing and pushing, until you are so frustrated, you say forget it, cancel everything.
Another problem with legacy services, is they make everything a total PITA, like cancellation, where the CSR ****** the customer off so much ( like demanding the LNB off the Dish to be sent back) it guarantees that customer will never come back.
I have had Dish, DirecTV and Comcast at different times, from 1995 to 2015, each time dealing with a CSR, especially cancellation, was a nightmare.
The last time was dealing with Sirius, called ( did try the chat first, it said I had to call in during the chat), cancelling one of the cars because I barely drive it, after about 45 minutes , including being on hold, I was so frustrated with the constant offers and them basically calling me stupid for canceling,
because I will really miss the programming in that car, I cancelled both accounts.
When I cancelled YTTV, went on the site, click, done, yet by making everything so easy, might explain one of the reasons they are the only Live TV services to grow in subscribers every quarter, now the number 4 provider in just 7 years at over 8.3 Million.
It was such an easy/pleasant experience , when I go back to Paid Live TV this September, I will consider them.