Well it all came to a boil at long last. I spent a WEEK reprogramming my cheap-o Chinese non S2 meter. It is impossible for you to upgrade it and you can not edit anything on a PC then upload it into the meter via USB.
THE ONLY WAY you can program it is by hand, manually entering every satellite, naming them with a stupid joy(less)stick over a stupid ABCDEFG 'keyboard' (1985 Speak-n-Spell) and entering every frequency and transponder manually using the same stupid joy(less)stick. It's tedious and unforgiving. And you can't sort it once it's in. So you have to plan out in advance every single entry. And if you blind scan a satellite you'll just add more rubbish to the list that is nigh impossible to remove without messing everything else up. It's a rubbish meter, period. So I did that, I wiped it clean and manually entered every single NA satellite into it. Then I wiped my Birdog and put in as many NA satellites as I could. However, since it's like their Jurassic model, it only holds 16 entries. And since you have to have separate entries for H and V, you can only have EIGHT satellites in it at once. And then you download them from their Jurassic website which does not tell you if the profiles you are downloading are up to date or if they are 10 years old. You can't examine them. It doesn't tell you what transponder they look for. It's STUPID and it's RUBBISH! And it's JURASSIC! !!
I tried chaining the two Jurassic meters together today to see if it would bring me up to maybe the Cretaceous era in ability but, no. It didn't.
I still was totally unable to tweak a dish for 125w. I still can't tweak my C-band dishes for RetroTV or RTV or whatever it is Luken is calling it this week.
I can't tweak any dish to any S2 signals, at all. I can't tweak my dishes to Turbo 8psk. The bloody things don't see ANY 8psk at all.
And then my dad called and he is having trouble again with his dish. He's having trouble with 125w as well.
Well, we had a discussion and we are going to go halves on the cost of a brand new AI Turbo S2 next week.
Enough is enough. My dad has become quite attached to his PBS and he's had enough too.
I hope, keyword is hope, to have a proper meter next week.