Well I was going to start a thread because I am also shopping for a new meter but I found this one already going so I'm hoping I can jump in on this too?
I have a potpourri of services going here. Of course I have FTA. I also am a D* subscriber as well.
Rather than use the wimpy little dishes that D* provides I went for the thermonuclear MASSIVE OVERKILL option and I use three BIG dishes for D*.
I have two 1m dishes for 110 and 119 and a 1.2m for 129.
On FTA I have a 10' C-band and I'm building a 1.8m offset minibud for C-band. I have PLL LNBs for each of them.
So, I need a meter that will help me with the following;
1. C-band DVB-S and DVB-S2.. The S2 is a must.
2. KU DBV-S and DVB-S2.. Again, S2 is a must.
3. Dish Network. It must be able to read their stuff, turbo 8psk I believe.
4. Must be able to plug it into my Mac (I can run a windows VM on my Mac) so that I can upgrade the software and edit/change/delete/whatever the satellite lists via my PC.
I despise the method that BirdDog meters uses. I have one of their 1st gen meters (not very useful anymore) and it's totally clunky and a pain to deal with.
I hate having to go to their site to get files. I have the editing software from them and it's ancient and clunky too. And it's not straightforward. It's actually counterintuitive and confusing.
I need it to identify satellites by reading their ID, indicate a lock, signal strength, BER, C/N, etc..
Having an actual tuner built in that would allow me to watch a channel would be a major bonus but not 100% required.
I have to keep it under $350.. $400 at the absolute most and at that I'm pushing it to the point of that's gonna hurt me pretty bad financially if I have to go that much with it..
I've been looking at two meters and I can't make up my mind.
With the Satlink brand I am not sure which one would best serve my needs.
What also is not clear with either brand is if they will actually help me align Dish Network stuff. I need to be able to align dishes on any of the Dish birds, especially the HD channels on 129 and 61.5
There is no way possible I can spring for some $700-$800 meter, that's not even an option at all.
I would like to find a US dealer to buy from, I despise buying direct from China/HK, just because.
A few things I've seen mentioned on some of these meters is Constellation and Spectrum analyzers. Do I really need those? How much of a game changer is it to have either or both features? Or to not have either?
Should I really pursue a meter with these features?
I guess the last thing to consider is the situation where there is no such meter that does both FTA S2 - AND - Dish Turbo 8psk. If no such wundermeter exists, then I would assume that I must then purchase two separate meters.
I would need the FTA meter first and could (would have to) put off buying a Dish meter for many months, probably until the end of the year.
If I have to get an FTA only meter, which of the either a Satlink model or a Sat-hero model should I get? I'm leaning towards the [URL="http://www.sat-hero.com/index.php?ac=article&at=read&did=499"]Sat-hero SH-600HD[/URL] but it doesn't have the Constellation option. Honestly, I don't even know what that's about but if it's a very good option I would like to have it I guess.
I have a potpourri of services going here. Of course I have FTA. I also am a D* subscriber as well.
Rather than use the wimpy little dishes that D* provides I went for the thermonuclear MASSIVE OVERKILL option and I use three BIG dishes for D*.
I have two 1m dishes for 110 and 119 and a 1.2m for 129.
On FTA I have a 10' C-band and I'm building a 1.8m offset minibud for C-band. I have PLL LNBs for each of them.
So, I need a meter that will help me with the following;
1. C-band DVB-S and DVB-S2.. The S2 is a must.
2. KU DBV-S and DVB-S2.. Again, S2 is a must.
3. Dish Network. It must be able to read their stuff, turbo 8psk I believe.
4. Must be able to plug it into my Mac (I can run a windows VM on my Mac) so that I can upgrade the software and edit/change/delete/whatever the satellite lists via my PC.
I despise the method that BirdDog meters uses. I have one of their 1st gen meters (not very useful anymore) and it's totally clunky and a pain to deal with.
I hate having to go to their site to get files. I have the editing software from them and it's ancient and clunky too. And it's not straightforward. It's actually counterintuitive and confusing.
I need it to identify satellites by reading their ID, indicate a lock, signal strength, BER, C/N, etc..
Having an actual tuner built in that would allow me to watch a channel would be a major bonus but not 100% required.
I have to keep it under $350.. $400 at the absolute most and at that I'm pushing it to the point of that's gonna hurt me pretty bad financially if I have to go that much with it..
I've been looking at two meters and I can't make up my mind.
With the Satlink brand I am not sure which one would best serve my needs.
What also is not clear with either brand is if they will actually help me align Dish Network stuff. I need to be able to align dishes on any of the Dish birds, especially the HD channels on 129 and 61.5
There is no way possible I can spring for some $700-$800 meter, that's not even an option at all.
I would like to find a US dealer to buy from, I despise buying direct from China/HK, just because.
A few things I've seen mentioned on some of these meters is Constellation and Spectrum analyzers. Do I really need those? How much of a game changer is it to have either or both features? Or to not have either?
Should I really pursue a meter with these features?
I guess the last thing to consider is the situation where there is no such meter that does both FTA S2 - AND - Dish Turbo 8psk. If no such wundermeter exists, then I would assume that I must then purchase two separate meters.
I would need the FTA meter first and could (would have to) put off buying a Dish meter for many months, probably until the end of the year.
If I have to get an FTA only meter, which of the either a Satlink model or a Sat-hero model should I get? I'm leaning towards the [URL="http://www.sat-hero.com/index.php?ac=article&at=read&did=499"]Sat-hero SH-600HD[/URL] but it doesn't have the Constellation option. Honestly, I don't even know what that's about but if it's a very good option I would like to have it I guess.