Launch Predictions 10/10

What is the point to you spitting out a list of "non-fiction television?"

You just spewed out your list with no explanation other than to criticize me and spew out your list. Anybody can type a random list of channels. What is your point?

Post #69, first sentence.

Easy stokkey. A lot of folk watch TV for reasons other than movies.
I think most reasonably intelligent people would infer that you don't appear to understand that there Dish customers who don't give a crap about your premium channel problems and in fact watch non-fiction television.
Post #69, first sentence.

I think most reasonably intelligent people would infer that you don't appear to understand that there Dish customers who don't give a crap about your premium channel problems and in fact watch non-fiction television.

who said anything about non-fiction television? You listed off random channels. Labeling a channel non-fiction, especially some of the ones you labeled, is completely silly. Don't insult my intelligence with your hogwash. Your list is pointless. This isn't about "my" premium channel problems. This has nothing to do with "me" and everything to do with what people want and what Dish can provide to increase their revenue. Enough with your meaningless list already.
I was under the assumption that all the HD was in mpeg 4 now.

No the Voom channels are now in mpeg 4 ,but several of the older HD channels are still in mpeg 2. IF they were converted to mpeg 4 , that means 6 on a transponder instead of 3 . That would free up some transponders for more hd. They should announce it on the next chat and then convert all of the hd to mpeg 4 . It would mean an end to the older hd receivers like the 811,6000,921,942 in seeing any of the dish hd channels, but it would free up more bandwith. IT would also mean they could start converting the sd channels to mpeg 4 also. The origional time line announced last summer in 2006 was an end to mpeg 2 hd by the end of THIS year. Then they could convert all sd channels to mpeg 4 over the next two years. THree years to convert all receivers, customers to mpeg 4 .

Oh and the mpeg 4 locals have room for 2 more channels on the same transponders as well. They presently only have 4 hd channels on one transponder and they could add upto 2 more if they used newer mpeg 4 encoders. They could add more hd locals if they consolidated some of the existing hd locals.
who said anything about non-fiction television? You listed off random channels. Labeling a channel non-fiction, especially some of the ones you labeled, is completely silly. Don't insult my intelligence with your hogwash. Your list is pointless. This isn't about "my" premium channel problems. This has nothing to do with "me" and everything to do with what people want and what Dish can provide to increase their revenue. Enough with your meaningless list already.

I am sorry but watching Casino or Goodfellas without the f-word is just not the same. The dialog is what makes the movies. A movie is made to be seen a certain way. If I watch Goodfellas on DVD or HBO and you watch it on TNT, we are not watching the same movie. The same goes for sex scenes and violence in movies.

If these basic cable channels only broke it up for commercials and didn't edit anything out, I would be satisfied with that because of DVR technology, but the fact is they ruin a lot of movies as they were intended to be seen.

That's your opinion. I have mine. I don't mind watching movies that have been edited a little bit.
There are edits and there are edits. One my favorite movies I would never watch on any kind of expanded basic (AMC, Bravo, TNT) is Blazzing Saddles. Recently on Voom and no cuts. Gloriously funny but it would never survive otherwise. I can live with a little bit bad language cut out so long as the overall viewing experience is a good one. But things like 'edited to fit in the time allowed' thing should be banned by the Constitution.

"Gentlemen please! Rest your shpincters!" :D
There are edits and there are edits. One my favorite movies I would never watch on any kind of expanded basic (AMC, Bravo, TNT) is Blazzing Saddles. Recently on Voom and no cuts. Gloriously funny but it would never survive otherwise. I can live with a little bit bad language cut out so long as the overall viewing experience is a good one. But things like 'edited to fit in the time allowed' thing should be banned by the Constitution.

"Gentlemen please! Rest your shpincters!" :D

Blazing Saddles is just the tip of the iceberg. Even PG movies like Sixteen Candles with a pair of breasts gets the ax and is chopped to bits on TBS. My default opinion, based on my childhood of confusion when watching a movie on basic cable and not understanding at the time why the good parts were cut or bleeped out, is to automatically assume they have ruined it for one reason or another when putting it on the air. Another good example of a ruined movie that just came to mind is "My Cousin Vinny." Try watching that on TBS. It ain't *bleep*'n' happening!
Any HD is better than nothing. Hawaii and Alaska are stuck with the absolute minimum of HD channels until maybe when the next satellite is launched. (Next spring?) I will not hold my breath.
Oh and the mpeg 4 locals have room for 2 more channels on the same transponders as well. They presently only have 4 hd channels on one transponder and they could add upto 2 more if they used newer mpeg 4 encoders. They could add more hd locals if they consolidated some of the existing hd locals.

And all that means is Dish will keep making the PQ worse then it already is. Funny how people keep clamoring for more HD Lite.
And all that means is Dish will keep making the PQ worse then it already is. Funny how people keep clamoring for more HD Lite.

I have both Dish and BHN, and the quality of HD in my configuration with both providers is almost identical on every channel of HD. The only difference between the two is one or the other is a second or two ahead of the other on the feed, depending on the channel. Other than that, they both look great. I am really sick of this HD Lite argument, because Dish looks good. Are you trying to tell me that BHN is using it too? I sit here and jump back and forth between HD Theater on each, Sun Sports, etc, anything that I have carried by both providers, and they both look as good as the other as far as HD channels.
Any HD is better than nothing. Hawaii and Alaska are stuck with the absolute minimum of HD channels until maybe when the next satellite is launched. (Next spring?) I will not hold my breath.

I don't know why AK and HI cannot see 129? That should be in their view.

They do get a few the rest of us don't get like MyTV and CW but not everywhere. I guess thats just to throw them an extra little something because they cannot get many national HD channels.
I don't know why AK and HI cannot see 129? That should be in their view.

They do get a few the rest of us don't get like MyTV and CW but not everywhere. I guess thats just to throw them an extra little something because they cannot get many national HD channels.

E5 was designed to work at 110/119, when it moved to 129 its footprint no longer covered what it was designed for, so places like south FL, TX, the NE, AK and HI are no longer covered.
And all that means is Dish will keep making the PQ worse then it already is. Funny how people keep clamoring for more HD Lite.

No the newer mpeg 4 encoders are more efficient in saving bandwith and making picture quality look as good as it does today or better. THey are presently using older mpeg 4 encoders that saves little bandwith or 4 hd stations on the one transponder. THe newer mpeg 4 encoders that they are using on the national hd channels allow upto 6 hd channels on one transponder.

IT isn't hd lite and I really don't think many people can see the difference in picture quality when it is 1440 x 1080 vs 1920 x 1080. NOw if you have the right equipment to measure it you can say something. Most people will not see a difference sitting 8 - 10 Ft away from the tv. I am simply pointing out that they could add more hd locals dmas now if they wanted to by using newer mpeg 4 encoders that save more bandwith. THey could also make more room for more hd national channels if they converted all the rest of the hd to mpeg 4 .

Would I need 2 dishes?

Faded black line on right side of TV
