Last and Next 3D Movie

So Im getting back into 3D...

Be curious to see what you guys think about Everest and Mockingjay part II, those are the only two left from 2015 I have not seen in 2D.

Also gonna be tough to decide UHD or 3D going forward too...

Nice to see Xmen Apocalypse is filmed in 3D!

Edit: No Mockingjay in 3D, so I preordered the standard blu.
Everest 3D

This OLED is remarkable, bright as hell and holds contrast ratio just like 2D. Plus, I can walk into my kitchen without losing sync since its passive, grab a beer, and walk back into the living room. Hate Im late to the game with this passive tech. Considering all the drama of changing gamma and not being able to pick color modes for UHD right now, Im rolling with The Martian 3D and cancelling my UHD order...
Goosebumps 3D

We enjoyed the movie, it was fun but nothing special. 3D was a nice window but many of the scenes focused on a character and the items both closer to you and farther away were very blurry, that was a little annoying. Overall it added that nice depth and blacks during the night scenes were great. The old amusement park in the forest really showed the contrast of the OLED with the lighting vs the dark forest.

Had already seen it in 2D at a local non chain theater, but the 3D blu-ray had great PQ.
Man, I just looked at the stack and I am falling behind.

Pixels, Point Break, Finest Hours, Zootopia and Jaws 3(D) now sitting there...
You're way ahead of me. I think we are going to watch ID4 UHD tonight since the 940C finally got replaced. We'll probably test out a 3D movie tomorrow night just to make sure that works, also.
