Last and Next 3D Movie

Watched Guardians of the Galaxy for 3rd time last night, one of our favorites ... saw Terminator Genysis today in Real 3D at theater, we loved it, will be a day one pre-order...
On Terminator: Genisys, the 3D was great, but the movie just plain sucked. The first two Terminators were great. Can't recommend the last three though.
What did you think? I felt it wasn't much of an advantage being in 3D. Should have just rented it. I'm looking forward to San Andreas in 3D and Mad Max. Have those on preorder. I hope they don't disappoint.
Watched Mad Max last night. Great sound track! 3D was excellent. Gave my 4KW sub woofer amps a workout. This movie was justified in 3D. Plenty of deep 3D moments and in your face flying objects to entertain. I'm glad I spent the money for it, especially in 3D.
Just watched "Enchanted Kingdom 3D" on Dish. Beautiful documentary! Some very spectacular shots!
Watched San Andreas last night and the 3D was well done. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat with suspense.

Jurassic World 3D arriving on Tuesday and Terminator Genisys 3D Nov 10.
Last: San Andreas 3D

This movie rocked literally. I'm a sucker for disaster flicks. Even though I don't have an Atmos speaker setup, my Pioneer decodes Atmos. Seats were rumbling during the Earthquake. Being a Californian, I'm waiting for our big one. As for 3D. Good depth. No pop.

Last: Terminator Genisys

Watched on the new 940C. Absolutely best 3D performance on any 3D TV I've ever owned. Absolutely no crosstalk. Picture and Sound were great. Bass really shook everything. Movie itself was just so-so.
