Last and Next 3D Movie


3D made the scenery and stunts great, nothing much to the story though.
Last: Pixels 3D

OK. I played those games, especially centipede. I liked it. 3D was really well done. Took a while to get the 3D glasses to sync. Did a hard reset and they synced right up.

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Now that I am done traveling until February, decided to catch up on some 3D movies. Just got in Independence Day Resurgence. Fantastic movie!

Also got Warcraft 3D
Captain America Civil War 3D
Star Trek Beyond 4K/3D gift set
Secret Life of Pets 3D
Independence Day 4K 20th Anniversary edition

That will keep me busy for the holiday weekend. :)
Last: Secret Life of Pets

Good audio and video quality. 3D was well done. Movie could have been better. It was just OK.

Star Wars the force awakens was under the Christmas tree. Very good 3d experience, and the first one watched on my new LG 65UH8500. Passive HD in full 1920x1080 which is double what my previous set did (it was 1080 but the passive 3d is done by opposite polarity on each line for an effective resolution of 1920x540; the UHD has double the scan lines, so full 1080 for 3d).
Last: Transformers: Age of Extinction

Tried out the new Oppo beta firmware. Worked well. Audio and video were spectacular. I did hate the constant change in aspect ratio. Way overused. Movie itself was total drivel.

I'm going to try and catch up with Marvel's Universe this weekend. I left off on Winter Soldier. That's how behind I am ;)

Last: Captain America: Winter Soldier

Good movie. Watched it on the Panasonic. Guess what... Major freeze at 1:13.

Next: Guardians of the Galaxy

Last: Guardians of the Galaxy

That was a fun movie. Can't wait for the next one. On the Oppo, the only way to get it to start was to use scene selection and start with Chapter 1. Play movie just hung with no picture. 3d and audio were well done.

Next: Avengers; Age of Ultron

Last: Age of Ultron

Good movie. Sound was constrained on this one, but the video was very nice. Now I want to watch Civil War. Tomorrow.

Next: Ant-Man

Last: Ant-Man

Enjoyable. I preferred Guardians. Audio and video were top notch.

Next: Captain America Civil War

Will be all caught up. Only took 3 years or so.

Last: Ant-Man

Enjoyable. I preferred Guardians. Audio and video were top notch.

Next: Captain America Civil War

Will be all caught up. Only took 3 years or so.

I just watched Civil War again last night. Good film