Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

A brand new 10' mesh dish would be pretty costly if it were made today. I don't know about your region, but here the only perforated dishes are steel rust buckets, so mesh it is if you don't want a solid. (I could have got me a Birdview perf a couple years back but it escaped and landed in the junkyard.)
Anole, I'd really appreciate your serious opinion of this dish. Of course, based upon what you can see and know at this time :)
Driving 800 miles would be like a vacation for me, I'd love it, especially to get me a nice dish. This is what he said about it;
"The dish is new, General instrument 2750r was used for one year. Chaparral polorotor, general instruments LNB, superjack actuator/motor. It is missing the remote. System is complete but needs a 3'' post. All the manuals and setup instructions are included."
I asked him if for more details of the dish, if he had them, make model specifications, etc. still waiting for that reply. Thanks,

I'd ask for some REAL good and large pictures of the dish and mount and actuator. The Superjack isn't anything special, but is the one the Chinese have cloned into a real cheap piece of junk. If it wasn't kept up, they tend to freeze solid. The receiver is worthless. Based on the age of the receiver, the LNB is probably also quite old and not worth even hooking up. Very few fta receivers can control a polarotor, so you'll need a special one for that. Unimesh (if it is) dishes are ok (I had a 6' one until a tree crushed it) but nothing out of the ordinary special.

800 miles at 25mpg = 32 gallons of gas x $3.50 = $112.00 + probably a motel (worry about dish getting stolen at night), and then food, etc.

I paid $100 for a used ready to pick up Perfect 10 dish and Venture ball-screw actuator, but only drove about 70 miles round trip for it. That was worth it to me to save time from knocking on doors, and tearing stuff down.

Don't let the "brand-new" tag blind-side you into making excuses to buy it at any price, while over-looking stuff closer to you that will work just as well, even if not "brand new". The dish itself is the only thing that even comes close to being worth owning, but with those logistics against you, you'll have to decide if you won't have real "buyers remorse" every single time you look out the windows and see it...
See if he can be flexible on the price, but if you enjoy driving I don't think the total outlay of cash is going to cause much buyer's remorse.
Free - BUD - Johnstown, OH



Free - best dish you've never owned in your life - Spring Valley, CA


Being more clear

Tekjunkie - not sure if you were having a laugh or thought I was.
Primestar makes my point. Just a so-so dish with no sweeteners, for way too much.
I say you get out and look harder near home. Must be something within 100 miles.
Knock on some doors. It'll get easier after the first five! ;)
A brand new 10' mesh dish would be pretty costly if it were made today.
I don't know about your region, but here the only perforated dishes are steel rust buckets, so mesh it is if you don't want a solid.
Admittedly, I don't pay much attention to shabby dishes, regardless their construction.
But every 10' , deep-dish Winegard (they also made Zenith) I've seen, looks glorious!
Those are perfs. Maybe aluminum? That or one hell of a paint job! ;)

(I could have got me a Birdview perf a couple years back but it escaped and landed in the junkyard.)
Nice talk! You'll make the children cry! :(
Where I'm at 10' dishes are now scarce. 3 years ago was a different story. If I had to start over I'd have to consider a stainless steel 9'. Still a bunch of those left. Heard they perform well, but look like giant woks. Now the Birdview perf is the thinking man's BUD, wish I had been thinking, man. The one that got away was $200. And 116.5 miles distant. Regrets, I have a few.
Just scored a large c band dish with small holes by knocking on a door. I have one but the holes are too big for ku. Just want to experiment with a sidecar ku lnb to see how good it does. I offered the lady 20 bucks . Gonna get it when the weather cooperates.
if he's the same Tekjunkie was willing to trade his 1989 Mustang LX 5.0 for a installed 10' ?
that you ?
if so very serious about getting himself a 10' dish.

Yes, that's me. My wife has MS that has advanced/progressed to the stage where now she is nearly totally paralyzed, so, she requires nearly constant attention and care. Her health is the reason we had to sell the old house, where I had a 10-footer, and move here. So, I don't have much time for the Mustang any more, nor do I have much time to go dish hunting and do all the work to get one and set it up. That's why I've offered the mustang in exchange for a decent dish set up with good quality feed/lnb's, etc. The mustang is running very good, but is suffering from a little neglect, it just needs some TLC. And, that's why I said the 800 mile drive would be a "vacation" for me. But, I'm not able to do it, so I sent a PM to Northgeorgia, hopefully he'll be able to get that dish. This is very rural country here, big, big yards, so getting to someone's door to knock on it could be an adventure of its own..LOL So, the mustang offer still stands, need a good at least 10-foot dish, with a ortho feed and good lnb's for C-band use installed and wired-up, ready to use, in exchange I'll give you the mustang. My guess is you could sell the mustang for around $3000 easy after you just clean it up and detail it out, there's some extras that go with it too! - So, now you know the story - Big thanks to all that've tried to help and offer suggestions, etc. :D