Just switched to Uverse.

do you happen to remember what channels you noticed that on?
I'd like to check it out and see if its just certain channels, or if its on a certain kind of tv..
I have lcd, plasma, and sxrd...do you happen to remember what kind of set you saw it on?

If it is for you, then don't get Uverse, Direct, or cable, because none of them have that

As far as the slingbox, why would I want to "buy" another device, which is not trivial to hook up, to do remote recording? If that is Dish's solution it won't go very far. Direct and Uverse both have online recording through the internet, and they are far easier interfaces to use

Incidently, I do have a slingbox, and it just isn't that user friendly in my view

However, it appears for you that Dish wins hands down because of its hardware, so I say stay with Dish

Everyone has different priorities.

I wasn't happy when Charlie got rid of Voom, but the way he decided to replace Smithsonian with C/I was finally what motivated me to try Uverse

What made Uverse even more attractive was I didn't need to get tied up in a two year contract that you do with Dish and Direct

You and I think '' Exactly'' the same about this issue.

While I agree that dish has the best hardware on the market, they have taken what ''was'' the top sat co in the market and made them like everyone else.

Let me correct myself, other providers are not as shady as dish.

Imagine loving certain programming and then losing them in one shot.
Im talking 15HD channels in one shot.

This is what Dish network does.

I loved the Voom channels. Its what made Dish special. I came to dish solely for Voom.

I was a high tier paying customer. They have no regards for their subs. Period.

Having great hardware is nothing if the programming is not great as well.

I still have dish but as basic as they come. I pay almost nothing.

I still have them soley because of the limited stream issue with Uverse. However when thats fixed.

Sayonara Dish Network!
do you happen to remember what channels you noticed that on?
I'd like to check it out and see if its just certain channels, or if its on a certain kind of tv..
I have lcd, plasma, and sxrd...do you happen to remember what kind of set you saw it on?


I saw it on a movie on FX HD, and also during Sports Center on ESPN (the background during their studio segments). I don't see it on upconverted HD (TNT - Charmed) or on SD channels which look GREAT.

yeah,any fox channel in HD is a problem for me as well...i've heard about the Sports Center Studio issue, so I will check that out tomorrow..

Glad you think the SD is great, since pretty much everyone who has UVerse agrees that their SD is the best, by far of any provider...
lern4483 I hear you. But whether Dish has superior HD or not, its the games that Charlie plays are crap. It is always a surprise to determine which stations Charlie will decide not to broadcast

I have both Dish and Uverse, and have now downgraded my Dish subscription to minimum. As I said previously, my experience with Uverse has been positive, and I was coming from a situation where I was very down on AT&T because of a bad DSL experience, so my expectations were not very high, and I was pleasantly surprised, especially by the content of their HD, and in my opinion the HD quality was OK.

I am able to get 2 HD streams and 2 SD streams without problems, but I would sure like them to have 3 HD streams, and to also be able to initiate a recording from a non-DVR receiver, both features which are supposed to be available this year, but we will see
Uverse is on their way!

lern4483 I hear you. But whether Dish has superior HD or not, its the games that Charlie plays are crap. It is always a surprise to determine which stations Charlie will decide not to broadcast

I have both Dish and Uverse, and have now downgraded my Dish subscription to minimum. As I said previously, my experience with Uverse has been positive, and I was coming from a situation where I was very down on AT&T because of a bad DSL experience, so my expectations were not very high, and I was pleasantly surprised, especially by the content of their HD, and in my opinion the HD quality was OK.

I am able to get 2 HD streams and 2 SD streams without problems, but I would sure like them to have 3 HD streams, and to also be able to initiate a recording from a non-DVR receiver, both features which are supposed to be available this year, but we will see

Yes, my point eacxtly. Chalie at Dish is out of touch with his own subs.
In the name of saving us money hes killed great programming.

I love dishes equipment but despise the company. They are simply the worst in the business.

The many lawsuits are indicative to how they run the company. It trickles down to us subs.

My feeelings are Uverse will grow into a viable option. They are well on their way.
We need to be patient with the limitations of the system (at the moment)
The shifting or pulsing problems with uverse is a problem with the set top box de-compressing the signal fast enough. It's very noticeable on any HD channel sometimes. Sometimes it's not there at all and the picture blows dish away. But I have noticed it and when it happens it doesn't matter what channel you turn to.
Space Limitations

Hello. Just found out I was able to get the service yesterday so I'm trying to find out everything I can. Found out a lot just from a few threads here.

One question I have is space, due to kids work etc, if it isn't dvr'd it doesn't get watched. With my Direc* I can plug in a 1 TB external drive to the back of it and expand beyond the native capabilities. I understand this is not an option with the Uverse DVR and are there any plans to increase it's capabilities?

4 people recording things runs out of room quickly some weeks.

Thanks for any thoughts.
as of now, its not really even been in the "rumour mill"..although with ATT, they are like Apple, in that they never annoumce anything ahead of time; it just shows up..
but, this issue hasn't really gotten alot of attention on the boards, so its hard to say if its even on the drawing boards..
the new dvr has a bigger hd than the intitial one, but its not a TB or anything close to it..
Thanks Wase.

I learned last night there was a bigger model then the 133/37, I guess it's 2x the size that I was initially told about. That ATT person also told me it was expandable for external storage via the USB port, but I dismissed that as bad training or whatever. Most other services use SATA.
I first tried out the service a year ago and didn't end up keeping it for too long. Now that they have 18 Mbit internet I tried it again. I also was tired of having my DISH sat on a tripod on the patio with cables running through the sliding doors (Apartment complex).

The HD quality has definitely increased since I first tried it out, however, it's still nowhere near satellite service HD quality. You mainly notice it when looking at fine details on a person's face, or in really high motion events. I'll survive with the lower quality HD for now, at least, although I wish they would up the bandwidth a bit.

I have the 2HD/2SD streams, and the installer said they were switching to 3HD eventually, although he had no idea on a date. My max rate is 60 Mbit, so the bandwidth is there, at least.

The internet connection works fine, and latency is surprisingly not too bad, I tried out some gaming on the xbox and didn't notice the lag. Last time I had the service it was tons better switching to cable internet.

The set top boxes work perfectly, although I'm still rather annoyed that I can't use HDMI on them due to that bug. Having to do a full reset of the receiver every time I turn it off of standby is not my idea of a good time. Being able to watch shows streamed from the DVR in other rooms is awesome, and we've been using it every night since we got the service. All our receivers are hooked up with cat5, the installer made use of my existing gigabit network I have in the place.

All in all, I'm happy. Good functionality, a clear patio again, and decent service. Hoping the HD quality will take an upturn some day, and also hoping they get the Viacom networks added soon, so I can get some Comedy Central in HD!
Thanks aaron12 for your impressions both before and now

I have no major complaints with Uverse, and expect it to only get better

You are right the whole home DVR is great, I hope they provide a non-DVR receiver to start a recording, which is my only major gripe

From my experience, the customer support has been superb, especially compared to when I had DSL with them years ago.
How does Comast HD compare with U-Verse HD? I currently have Comcast. U-Verse is coming to my area soon. My backyard is wood so both Dish and Directv are out of the question. I'm basically sick of Comcast and their costly service. Finally, will U-Verse ever get MLB Network?

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