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We're looking at some Blade servers at work... *drool* dual 3.4 GHz hexacore Xeons. I wonder if the new client would see that as 12 or 24 usable SMP cores?
I upgraded my 2x 3 GHz dual-core Xeon to the new V7 beta client. So far, so good, except I'm not sure what the best way to remotely monitor the new client is.
The HP workstation with the beta 7 software seems pretty stable. The old HP PC with the ATI HD3750 card has been getting VPU errors lately, so I have to keep an eye on it. It had been pretty rock-solid for months and now in the last week I've had to reboot it four times. As a result, my points production has been erratic...
Anyone else having problems getting the completed WU's to send? I've got four completed SMP WU's waiting for the collection server.
Anyone else having problems getting the completed WU's to send? I've got four completed SMP WU's waiting for the collection server.
I had upgraded to FAHClient V7 .1.33 and was having issues with the completed work units be recorded. So I uninstalled the 7.1.33 and installed the 7.1.34. That cleared out the old WU's and production has really picked up. When you install the new FAHClient, make sure and add the advanced option to the GPU and bigadv option to the SMP. Instructions are here, go to configure.
Pretty quiet here in the Folding Forum. My Mac Pro has been facing a shortage of WUs lately, and then I picked up the Beast of WUs and I couldn't get 1% done in over 36 hours of Folding. I posted it up to the FoldingForum, but now I'm back to being out of Work (Units).
Just upgraded to v7 beta4. This time the installer recommended GPU+SMP, so I'm going to give it a try... I only have a Radeon HD 5770, but it should be good enough.
The monster WU came back again, so I went ahead and upgraded to Lion since my Mac Pro wasn't doing anything (useful) anyway.

After I got Lionized, I was able download a more crunchable WU. My Mac is back to productive Folding.
I just got a monster A5. So I guess they are back online. :) Looks like this one will take me just under 4 days to complete on my i7-2600! I'm sure my points will be down the next few days until this one finishes...
Doh! Looks like that bigadv WU didn't finish by the preferred deadline, so no bonus. Oh well, I'll probably turn off bigadv with the changes coming anyways. As of Jan 2012, they want only 16 core CPUs to fold the bigadv WUs. My i7 (4-core / 8 virtual core) won't cut it.

I guess running the GPU slowed down the bigadv just enough that it missed the bonus deadline...

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