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:)Well looks like it could be a slow night for us Nvidia GPU folders :rant:

Got 4 outa 5 waiting for work... Alerted Stanford so will have to wait and see..;)

Well looks like they got us nudged over to another server so back to grind of Folding..!!! :)

Nope temp fix didn't hold GPU Clients are starving for Work yet again..!!!! EEERRRRR..!!!!!

Well looks like the switched us back to the good servers again so back Folding again..!!!:hatsoff:
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Well, the last indignity finally bit me. Remember that nice message where Plazzman told us about a new SMP Client for Windows? The one that I downloaded and was waiting for an opportunity to install? Well, D'oh! :o I never did it, until tonight.

Turns out that I lost 36 hours because I wasn't paying attention to the FAH Log. Also, I guess I have a burr up my butt because the service would not write any error message to indicate the current version had expired. So, once I figured out it wasn't running, then I had to figure out if the fixed node will finish the rest of the WU in the time allowed. It's going to be close.
Well Foxbat hopefully you didn't lose your WU's

My points will be down the next few day's as I give the home electric meter and air conditioner a much needed break. Plus I'm thinking of reconfiguring a couple of the machines and will hopefully put the old cpu in a box.
I should have kept my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard. My son went to the county fair with his 2nd family last night, so my wife and I had a date night and went to see "The Proposal". After we had a late dinner, we come home and find the power is out! This outage was about three hours or so and there must have been a bit of a spike when the power came back on as I've had some issues with a couple of electronic items.

I finally got my Macs back on-line this morning, but I really wasn't in too big of a rush. Since they were down, I took the opportunity to apply the Safari 4.0.2 update which requires a reboot.

Maybe it's time to price Kohler NG whole-house generators...
Maybe it's time to price Kohler NG whole-house generators...
Just make sure you also are using UPS's on all of your necessary equipment first (Computer, switches, modem, etc.), or else you'll still have a power outage during the change over.

You'll drain them quite quickly if you're folding at the max though...
I would hope the generator would kick on before the UPS's die. At least I know mine would as my UPS's run my PC's and network equipment for at least 20 minutes before shutdown.

Of course if power goes out, I believe the Uverse vrad also goes down after 2-3 hours or so. Not real sure.
no foreseeable heat coming my way yet, got down to 48 last night. let's me keep all my home folders going. Had a couple SMP's at work go flakey on me and I just realized it this morning.
Finally got two machines up and running NVidia 9800GTX+ cards and they average 5,000+ ppd if I can keep them running. Between updates and a bad ups I have been wrestling to get them folding steady. Looking good though if I can crank out 10,000 ppd from these two machines.
Thanks guy's for the congrats on the 6 million mark. Got there with my junk clients at work even..:rolleyes: Now after about a week hiatus with my 2 big home clients they are back up just in time for this great cool weather we are having. Took a little longer than expected as the main points getter got put on water cooling. What a huge difference!! Getting almost 5000 ppd with a Linux smp client!!! This along with the 2 Nvidia 285's make it one sweet folder. :D

Congrats out to the rest of the team as we have picked up some speed on our way to the elusive 100 mark!! :up:up:D
Not shut down necessaryly by heat Foxbat... It was having 2 computers, 1 Ps3 on and a $210.00 electrical bill... Since then cut it in half with water cooling and Minus the PS3..;):up:up
PS side affect of being green saves you from power outages..!!;)
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Production dropped to almost nil over the weekend. Must have had some work machines go down. Hopefully, I can get them back up this morning.

Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming
