Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Bebop I had problems with my computer rebooting 1-2 times a day when i was running a 3.2Ghz Pentium D with This cooler (and Yes it's kinda big) but when I upgraded to a Q6600 i decided to get This cooler (and yes it's TWICE the size of the other one) I haven't had any more problems with cooling or rebooting since I've upgraded. so if it will fit I'd suggest the second over the first.

P.S. I have all of it in This Case
Do you know your core temps when you were having the rebooting problems? My system appears much more stable now that I backed off my folding CPU limit to 90% instead of 100%.

I'd still like to try the Artic Cooler at $31 instead of the Thermaltake $67 (with shipping, and only 1 year warranty). I blew my budget already on the 9800GTX video card, so I've got to curb the spending! Thanks for the tip, glad you aren't ahving any more issues. I'm going to hold of on OC'ing my CPU until after I get my system stable with the new video card.
I'll look into those. What range is 'too high' on the CPU temps?

I was thinking about over-clocking my CPU a tad to see if I can do it. Any suggestions or sites? It's an intel q6700 (one step up from the q6600) quad-core at 2.66GHz. I bet I could get a few more ppd by doing that. I also want to look into this VMWare for running virtual-Linux while logged into Vista. I heard you can get a good boost by having the SMP client run on Linux instead of windows.

bebop, to give you an example, I am running a q6600 overclocked to around 3.2GHz. Each % in the smp folding client takes around 9 and a half min to complete. This is with my ATI HD3870 folding also on the same machine. My core temps max out around 60c under load.

I remember my core temps being in the lower 50s before. I think my CPU fan is running slower for some reason, even though my mb setting is 100% for it. I need to look into that further cause I'd like to be below 60c. :)
I just plugged in my 9800GTX+ (it was the + model after all!). I'm getting the drivers now and I'm going to see if I need another power supply, or if the 350W one I have will cut it.

Looks like the SMP first WU finally posted at EOC, so that's good.
I just plugged in my 9800GTX+ (it was the + model after all!). I'm getting the drivers now and I'm going to see if I need another power supply, or if the 350W one I have will cut it.

Looks like the SMP first WU finally posted at EOC, so that's good.
Hope it goes well! Don't forget to use a different Machine ID for the GPU client, too. And hang on to your hair as the points start rolling in!
Now for some add-ons. Download Speed Fan and Riva Tuner to monitor your temps and adjust your fan speeds.
Do you use Riva Tuner at all for your GPU? If so, mine says "No supported drivers detected for this display adapter."

My GPU is running at 70 degrees C. Is that too high? I'm showing 8400ppd with my GPU (6300) and my CPU (2100).

BTW - I like that Speed Fan program, you can see everything all in one location and tell if things are out of control or not.
bebop, to give you an example, I am running a q6600 overclocked to around 3.2GHz. Each % in the smp folding client takes around 9 and a half min to complete. This is with my ATI HD3870 folding also on the same machine. My core temps max out around 60c under load.

I remember my core temps being in the lower 50s before. I think my CPU fan is running slower for some reason, even though my mb setting is 100% for it. I need to look into that further cause I'd like to be below 60c. :)
What increment do you increase your FSB by when you are overclocking? I looked at my BIOS today when I installed my GPU and I didn't know what to put in to test it out. Right now I have everything set on auto.
Congrats to Irosenman on breaking 1,000,000!
You beat me to it! Way to go, LER! Welcome to the Millionaires Club! You're the 14th Points Millionaire on the Team! :clap

The Team ought to break 42,000,000 points today. With bebop's new 9800GTX+ coming on-line, we should be smoking some more teams ahead of us. When will we break into the Top 100 Teams? The Kakao Stats site predicts January 2010, which is better than the July 2010 I saw a few weeks ago.
Congrats to our newest million points member: LER. :up :D
We are now up to 111 in the points standings. Only 1.1 million points to our next victim, IGN-PS3. They have 64 active folding members (SatGuys 46) and we are still gaining on them by over 119K per day.:D
What increment do you increase your FSB by when you are overclocking? I looked at my BIOS today when I installed my GPU and I didn't know what to put in to test it out. Right now I have everything set on auto.
I would bump my FSB by around 20 each time and fold for a day or so, and then repeat if there were no crashes. Once it crashed/locked up, I would go back to the previous reliable value and tweak with smaller increments.

Here is an older article I poked around through when I started...

HOWTO: Overclock C2D Quads and C2D Duals - A Guide v1.0 - [H]ard|Forum

I also found that my CPU fan was spinning at around 1400RPMs, but the max should be 2800RPM. I realized that it came with a fan controller that goes inbetween the motherboard power connector and the fan that I had never put on there. I found it and installed it, and now the fan is spinning at 2800RPMs, and my core temp dropped by about 6c.
I would bump my FSB by around 20 each time and fold for a day or so, and then repeat if there were no crashes. Once it crashed/locked up, I would go back to the previous reliable value and tweak with smaller increments.

Here is an older article I poked around through when I started...

HOWTO: Overclock C2D Quads and C2D Duals - A Guide v1.0 - [H]ard|Forum

I also found that my CPU fan was spinning at around 1400RPMs, but the max should be 2800RPM. I realized that it came with a fan controller that goes inbetween the motherboard power connector and the fan that I had never put on there. I found it and installed it, and now the fan is spinning at 2800RPMs, and my core temp dropped by about 6c.
Thanks FunkyBoss! I'll have to try that.

DId you build your own PC, or was that controller just left off by someone else?

I opened the side of my case last night and my GPU temp dropped from 79C to 64C. I need to leave the side off or get some more case fans.
DId you build your own PC, or was that controller just left off by someone else?
I built it. And at the time, I didn't think I needed the fan controller, since my motherboard had a "fan controller" built into it. but I guess without it, the fan only runs at about half speed even when the motherboard is sending 100% power to the fan somehow. :eek: Go figure.
I built it. And at the time, I didn't think I needed the fan controller, since my motherboard had a "fan controller" built into it. but I guess without it, the fan only runs at about half speed even when the motherboard is sending 100% power to the fan somehow. :eek: Go figure.
I downloaded "Speed Fan" and it says my 2 fans are running at 2300 and 2800 RPM. I just added another case fan in the front of my case and propped up the whole thing to get better air flow. I noticed a consistent drop of about 8 degrees C on my GPU (down to 67C) and a degree or two on my CPU Cores (around 57C).
Hope it goes well! Don't forget to use a different Machine ID for the GPU client, too. And hang on to your hair as the points start rolling in!
They have started rolling in. And my power bill just for my power supply on my computer, ought to be about $180/year now that I am fully utilizing my CPU, fans and GPU. I'm running at ~300 watts 24x7.


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:clap Congrats out to Scorpion Sting for reaching that elusive 7 Million mark..!!!!
Congrats Scorpion Sting! :up

I missed this one, but I was marvelling tonight at his point totals, especially daily.

I had my first 6000+ point day today (7425 points). My F@H monitor has been showing around 7500 ppd lately. I'm just running my SMP client and my GPU on one card (no over-clocking).

|-----> I don't know all of the team's history, but we could have just had our first 1 Million point week ever... Can anyone confirm this?
I think I lost some folding time as I just got win7 rc1 64bit installed. Stupid me forgot that I need a 32bit OS for VPN client for work so I had to install virtual XP. (actually very cool setup, never used that product from MS). Require a few reboots on the install and setup of everything. GPU is working flawlessly in win7 though.
|-----> I don't know all of the team's history, but we could have just had our first 1 Million point week ever... Can anyone confirm this?
That's the highest total that I have seen for the SatGuys Folding Team.:D

Now where did these guys come from? Only four folders but they racked up 1.844M points last week.:eek: At that rate they will overtake us in less than 11 months. They must have all their lab computers set up as one user.
I am having a problem with one computer (Core 2 Quad). It is running Vista Business with the SMP client. It will finish a WU but then will not download a new job. I reinstalled the SMP client twice and it still will not download new jobs after finishing one. Any ideas?
That's the highest total that I have seen for the SatGuys Folding Team.:D

Now where did these guys come from? Only four folders but they racked up 1.844M points last week.:eek: At that rate they will overtake us in less than 11 months. They must have all their lab computers set up as one user.
The CS lab director probably wrote a script to have all their lab computers run the SMP client.

I can't do it at my work, but we've got 2000+ computers and I'd love to get some of them folding. Oh well.
I am having a problem with one computer (Core 2 Quad). It is running Vista Business with the SMP client. It will finish a WU but then will not download a new job. I reinstalled the SMP client twice and it still will not download new jobs after finishing one. Any ideas?
It's not accidentally set to do the one WU and then stop, is it? I tried that option once just to see what it did - and it only finished one WU and then I had to start it again (without the flag) to get it folding again.