Wow, a great start to 2009. 88,195 points on 1/1/09. It looks like we are getting stung by the scorpion.
I like how November and December came out with almost exactly the same number of points (2,117,114 vs. 2,117,905)! I bet we couldn't do that again if we tried.
Also, it's nice to see the points per day trending back upwards. I know my daily numbers are getting settled down after some fluctuations due to DSL issues and having too much time over the Holidays to play with the Home LAN. I've replaced almost all of the WiFi connections for my GPU clients with the Sling Powerline Ethernet boxes I picked up at our local Circuit City that was being shuttered. I bought a pair of the Homelink Turbo bridges for $45, then went back and got another pair for even less as nobody else knew what these were good for!
My ATI GPU clients have been updated to the latest Catalyst drivers and the new V6.23 GPU client as well as the V1.2 GPU Core executable. If they send out those bigger WUs worth 548 points, my one 2.8 GHz P4 with the HD4850 can zip through them in under 1m50s per frame and well over 2,400 ppd. When I ran the CPU client on this box, I was lucky to finish a 100 point WU in four days! I'd say a 100-fold (no pun intended... Hell, who am I kidding, of course I meant it!) increase in points is worth a little heat and excessive fan noise.
Looks like the Team just passed 29 Million Points! I can remember when I used to get all Rah-Rah, but now the team seems to crack out a Million Points every couple of weeks. *yawn*
Glad to see Scott has fired up his Folding operations again. And let's all

5thfreedom to the Millionaires Club! He finally made it!