Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Hey guys, I wanted to poke my head in for a minute and let everybody know what's been going on.

First of all I physically moved some of my folding machines around last week and didn't get them all back up and folding in time before I went on vacation. So at least one of my quad Xeon machines isn't folding right now and won't be back up until next week.

I've got my Q6600 up and running and it is a monster. I've been folding off and on for about a week with it running at 9x333 (3.0 GHz) and it's taking about 9mn 13s to complete a step. As I type this it's been running a torture test at 8x400 (3.2 GHz) for over 4 hours and I think this is going to be the sweet spot as long as I have it on air.

Congratulations on getting in the top 200 team, nothing can slow us down right now.
SatelliteGuys.US passed the 6,000,000 point mark yesterday!!! :up :up :up
I keep debating whether I want to do this or not. On the one hand its great to find cures. On the other, they are using our resources at no charge including the costs to run them and when a cure is found the researchers and drug companies get rich and charge a fortune for the drugs. Is this a charitble donation? I cant write off the costs of power, ISP service, PS3 purchase price etc. If its not charity then it is helping others get rich.
welcome aboard Riff.

Vurbano, your topic has actually been discussed ad-nauseum on some sites. It gets complicated to say the least... but in theory you could try, but I would bet the audit would be insane when you try to claim you donated your electricity (cost) and you used your PS3 60% of the time for folding and the other 40% would not be deductible.

On top of that, you will have to itemize your deductions and fill out a schedule A (or is it C?) for this. Documenting and proving your numbers for folding donation deduction could be much more than it is worth. Couple that with a PC that you can have folding WHILE you are doing something else. How do you claim the time spent there? You can't double dip and say well it folded 100% of the time and I did other stuff 40% of the time on the PC.
I keep debating whether I want to do this or not. On the one hand its great to find cures. On the other, they are using our resources at no charge including the costs to run them and when a cure is found the researchers and drug companies get rich and charge a fortune for the drugs. Is this a charitble donation? I cant write off the costs of power, ISP service, PS3 purchase price etc. If its not charity then it is helping others get rich.
I have no problem using my PS3s to fold during the winter months...folding turns the PS3s into nice little space heaters. However, there is no way in heck that I am going to double-up my electric bills folding, and also having to cool (A/C) them, during the summer months.

#113 and moving up...
I came home from Thanksgiving in Houston and one of my Mac SMP clients was hung. I was so out of practice (and slightly sleep-deprived ;)) that I ended up screwing up the good client and losing 43% of the its WU as well. Then I saw that one of the PCs clients couldn't upload results, so I had to do that by hand, too. I expect to get back to normal points production here soon.

One of the Black Friday flyers I saw down in Houston was from Fry's. They had a Q6600 CPU and Motherboard for $198! P/S was $7 or $8 after rebate, CPU fan for free after rebate, case for free after rebate, etc.
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Based on point output, looks like 5thfreedom got all his machines foliding agian.

Yup, everything is up and running smoothly. Just waiting for my 24hr average to climb back up to what it once was. By the end of the weekend I hope to be right back up there on par with what you're putting down. Then I'll look to add another machine on Tuesday.:cool:
Looks like SatinKzo is all by himself up in the stratosphere, now a member of the 800K Club! Congratulations, SK!

5thfreedom is now in the 400K Club (he made it a few days ago, but I haven't been checking over the last week) as well as mike123abc hitting the 300K Club!
Alright, I have my new Quad Core machine built and running finally. I just finished my 1st Work Unit on this machine earlier today. It's a nice way to push the processor when testing overclocking. I currently have my Q6600 at 3.0GHz now. I'm hoping to push it at least around 3.2GHz soon. :hungry: