Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Congrats, SatinKzo! Hopefully, I'll be able to take your place in the 400K Club in a day or so.
laff, yeah me! :) THanks

I'm really liking how the team is doing now that it's cooling down (for some of us anyways).


It still hasn't cooled off down here in Texas, and boy will I be glad when it finally does. I had to stop folding on the laptop today because the core temps were above 65c even in a very air conditioned room.

How are the folders at work doing for you?
Cold front finally came through last night, now we are gonna have normal October temps, not this 80-90 degree crap. :) It's just not right to have to run AC in Oct in Michigan.

Folders at work are doing well. The 3 dual cores I setup running SMP really kicked up my production I see. They're only temps , but figured I get some use out of them. I just put them in the data center room on the desks, nice and cold in there.

I still have 1 c2d that for the life of me, I cannot get SMP to run on. It installs, gets assigned a server, but never downloads any work. I left it for 24 hours and it just retries. Same setup, image as the others. I guess I'll reload it and see what happens in a week or so.
So you can run the SMP on dual core? I thought it was only for the quad cores?
Lots of Mac users were Folding with the SMP beta client on their Mac Book Pros with the Core 2 Duo chips. As I run two copies of the SMP client on my Mac Pro (8 core processes running on 4 cores) and I usually have around 70% of my time limit remaining, it would make sense that you can run the SMP client using 4 core processes on 2 cores. Trying to run the SMP client on a single core box (or even a HT Pentium) would be cutting it close.
I have two finished WUs sitting waiting. The notice I get is attempting to send results. This is on onlyone of my computers.Is ther any way to force the sending of the WUs?
I have two finished WUs sitting waiting. The notice I get is attempting to send results. This is on onlyone of my computers.Is ther any way to force the sending of the WUs?
Sometimes I've had success shutting down and restarting the Folding Service to get a WU to upload, but like SatinKzo said, sometimes you have to be patient.

I've got a weird thing happening on my Athlon XP+ box. It will finish a WU, try sending it (I see the WAN Link LED flashing away during the upload), but instead of saying "Thank you for you contribution", it croaks with an error. The weirdness is that Stanford credits me with the WU, but my PC thinks it wasn't accepted, so it holds on to it to try later. Eventually, I'll have two or three WUs in the queue, all trying to send at different times, but because Stanford has them already, they get rejected. I'll blow away the Work folder and queue file at that point and start Folding again, and all will be well until it happens again.

I run a similar set up on my Pentium 4 notebook, but it's never done that. I wouldn't think that an Athlon XP+ and a P4 would be different enough to cause a problem like that.
I had one waiting since August that finally uploaded today. It seems to go in streaks for me on upload failures.

Hey, Sam is in the 500K club, congrats!
Wow, 500K Thanks for the congrats! Most of my machines have gotten flaky workunits it seems as of late. I have had lots of the "units that hang at the very end" on my SMP machines. Closing the client and restarting it, contines and sends the unit ok. I just have to remember to check my machines...

Kakao Stats site looks like it's back up. The site I've been having no end of trouble with is the Folding Forum. I need to refresh 4-6 times just to get the whole page to load.
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Boy, big boomers moved through our area last night. I shut down Folding for 10 hours or so (I get squeamish when the tornado sirens go off). I'm sure I'll take a little dip in my points output for that.

I haven't made up my mind about V6b1 yet. It still seems exactly like V5b4.