laff, yeah me!THanks
I'm really liking how the team is doing now that it's cooling down (for some of us anyways).
Folders at work are doing well. The 3 dual cores I setup running SMP really kicked up my production I see.
Lots of Mac users were Folding with the SMP beta client on their Mac Book Pros with the Core 2 Duo chips. As I run two copies of the SMP client on my Mac Pro (8 core processes running on 4 cores) and I usually have around 70% of my time limit remaining, it would make sense that you can run the SMP client using 4 core processes on 2 cores. Trying to run the SMP client on a single core box (or even a HT Pentium) would be cutting it close.So you can run the SMP on dual core? I thought it was only for the quad cores?
Sometimes I've had success shutting down and restarting the Folding Service to get a WU to upload, but like SatinKzo said, sometimes you have to be patient.I have two finished WUs sitting waiting. The notice I get is attempting to send results. This is on onlyone of my computers.Is ther any way to force the sending of the WUs?
Best to just wait. They will 99% of the time upload eventually. I have a few sitting in queues right now.
Congrats, yourself, Mr. 500K Club!Congrats guys!