Thanks, everybody! (I just wish I could make money this fast!
) I also wish that I wouldn't keep getting these Project 2618 proteins. They make the Mac work harder than usual and instead of 95-100pph, the Mac Folds these P2618 runs somewhere around 70pph. But, according to the broken Folding Forum, the Windows & Linux SMP clients blow up when trying to Fold these simulations (they don't know why), so I guess that's why us Mac SMP users are getting them. Science marches on...
I see our Team is close to the three-and-a-quarter million mark in points. Also, August is our best month ever (726K points and climbing). Now we start running into some serious headwinds making progress through the 200s field. The Top 200 is almost three months away, so sometime around Christmas, perhaps? Plus, we should pick up steam as the weather cools and people don't mind heating the house with the waste heat from Folding simulated proteins...

I see our Team is close to the three-and-a-quarter million mark in points. Also, August is our best month ever (726K points and climbing). Now we start running into some serious headwinds making progress through the 200s field. The Top 200 is almost three months away, so sometime around Christmas, perhaps? Plus, we should pick up steam as the weather cools and people don't mind heating the house with the waste heat from Folding simulated proteins...
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