Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

High winds caused a tree to impact the power lines feeding our neighborhood to lose electricity for twelve hours. So another dip in the production…
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Kudos to Harshness for reaching 100,000,000 points and to our fearless leader for reaching 2,000,000,000 points, :clapping
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I'm going to shut down my Folders next weekend. We're looking at cutting our monthly expenses and I need to see how much Folding has cost on a monthly basis. During the colder months I have always justified it as shedding heat into our home's air space so the furnace wouldn't run as long, but now it's warming up and waste heat isn't needed or desired. Also, I should hit just over 4,000,000,000 Points, so it's as good a stopping point as any.

Finally, the whole GPU shortage caused by Crypto-miners and the Pandemic means I can't justify the $1000 needed for a new graphics card, let alone the two I would want for my two Folders. I see by the numbers that some of the Team have fresh Folding hardware…:D
I see by the numbers that some of the Team have fresh Folding hardware
I noted the same thing. Mine are the ones I have had, I just turned them back on for a few days. But, I may not leave them running full time.
Finally, the whole GPU shortage caused by Crypto-miners and the Pandemic means I can't justify the $1000 needed for a new graphics card, let alone the two I would want for my two Folders. I see by the numbers that some of the Team have fresh Folding hardware…:D
I'm still running my same old cards, now that new cards are available the prices are just too too much.
I'm going to shut down my Folders next weekend. We're looking at cutting our monthly expenses and I need to see how much Folding has cost on a monthly basis. During the colder months I have always justified it as shedding heat into our home's air space so the furnace wouldn't run as long, but now it's warming up and waste heat isn't needed or desired. Also, I should hit just over 4,000,000,000 Points, so it's as good a stopping point as any.
I have set my FAHControl on both Folders to "Finishing" as I am at 3,999,981,749 Points as of 8:38am EDT. Most all Work Units have between 2 hours and 5 hours to finish, and just one CPU Work Unit has a 16 hour ETF that's at 8.3% (I guess I should have woke up earlier today ;)).

But May Day 2022 is my last day as a Folder, a little over 15 days from Folding my first Work Unit for SatelliteGuys.US!
I overshot by a million or so Points. Too bad I don't have that kind of luck in the Stock Market... ;)
If things change I will be back Folding for SatelliteGuys.US, Team 55236!
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