Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

well I reinstalled the good driver again and figured out how to turn off driver updates on Windows 10. :)
This is what we need a Multiple Like button for! Glad to hear you're back on track!

And congratulations to the Team for amassing over 3,000,000,000 Points!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
Finally! I see you off in the distance, Voyager6!

Scorpy is the next Milestone up on the deep space scanners, arriving at 600,000,000 Points in two weeks.

In hardware news, has anyone tried the newest NVIDIA drivers? The Folding Forum says that 376.48 is working for most people, but possibly with a slight drop in performance.

In other Folding News, the new beta 7.4.16 was released last week, and now includes macOS / OS X! Hopefully it corrects the issues I was seeing with Sierra and long response times querying with the FAH Control program.
For Windows users, they made a questionable (IMHO) choice to go back to a 32-bit version instead of a 64-bit client. If you are running the 64-bit Open Beta 7.4.15 you will need to uninstall it first (but you can keep your Work Files) after stopping any Folding activity.
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Not screwing with my drivers as I have it working well.

We got my son a VR machine / Occulus setup for Christmas. He put it in the living room. and has only used it a few times. It has a 1060 video card in it, and since he does not use it much... I am thinking of putting F@H on it and adding another F@H machine to my arsenal. :)
I installed 376.33 on two machines and it is working so far. No fails in the last few days. I am still running 372.54 on my 1060 machine.
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I installed the new FAH v7.4.16 Open Beta on my macOS Sierra iMac and the problems with the slow access to the Client from the Viewer has been fixed! This should add a little extra heat to the bedroom, too...:flame
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Been running 7.4.16 here also and seems to work good.
Another thing: I always try the newest Nvidia drivers but the last couple I been having to go back to a previous version a few months old, because if not, it will fold one WU and then stop.
Found this hot fix and now running the newest Nvidia driver and has been working great.
Make sure the Occulus computer isn't set to sleep or hibernate after "x" minutes of inactivity. I'd probably make a little placard that says "Folding for Science" or something like that so your family knows not to disturb it.
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Yeah, that would have been bad if the stats had been working. :D
I know I looked at mine yesterday, and for just a second, thought why do I have all these zeros....
Then I checked and I wasn't the only one. ;)

Disappearance - 103 W AMC1/Spaceway 1/DirecTV 10/DirecTV 12

Software Update Coming
