Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Setting course for Planet 3DNow, estimated time 52 hours.

How did I go from #2 to #8? By doing nothing while everyone else responded to the Call to Arms, that's how. See, kids; watch and learn. If you start something, be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions:
Now:View attachment 114362
I feel like I poked a sleeping dragon!
It looks like you have three Slots actively Folding. I'm assuming one is the GTX 750 Ti and the other is the CPU on the PC which has the 750 Ti installed. Are you Folding on another CPU Slot somewhere?

With three FAH Clients, you'll see the wild swings as the various Work Units align. Your overall average appears to be around 78,000 PPD according to the graph you posted, not far from the 80K PPD EOC reports on your User Page.

I only have one machine folding, that is the one with the GTX 750 TI and I am not sure why its reporting three slots active. Just wish it would give stable points. :)
I only have one machine folding, that is the one with the GTX 750 TI and I am not sure why its reporting three slots active. Just wish it would give stable points. :)
Your chart doesn't look unusual. Just the normal up and downs while waiting for WU's to finish and be awarded points. Here's my chart and you can see the same ups and downs.
Plus, the more machines/slots you can Fold on, the more spread-out the points generation.
Dang I lost a fan! You would think it would last longer than 7 years ;) I ordered new fans last week. I hope to have them tomorrow. I'm going to have to rethink the cooling solution on the folding machine though. It's winter and cool in the house. That PC is barely maintaining. It surely won't during the summer when it's 85°F+ in this room with the central AC running.
I opened the case on mine and put a small portable fan on the floor blowing on the 2 980's. They stay about 62. I know I am going to have to watch the dust accumulation so I check everything once a week. I have the fan plugged into the same UPS and it only draws a additional 2 amps, so I figure its worth it.
I opened the case on mine and put a small portable fan on the floor blowing on the 2 980's. They stay about 62. I know I am going to have to watch the dust accumulation so I check everything once a week. I have the fan plugged into the same UPS and it only draws a additional 2 amps, so I figure its worth it.
One of the oldest (and most effective) tricks in the book. Just make sure the fan is secured somehow or other. And no matter how you cool it do watch that dust, it makes a very good insulating blanket.
I felt stupid after I posted that. Magic was saying his room is heating up. Of course the open case wont help with that at all. :shh
Luckily, my PC is in the basement where is stays about 67 year around.
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Blow that baby off and get her runnin! We are climbing up the FAH latter fast. Everything helps!! :clapping
Guess I should have clarified, I meant I stumbled across the picture not the computer...that is just the picture from my folding machine that has my 980ti.
So where did you hide the disk drive? I ought to post a picture of my rig, It's a little more crowded.
Not sure if you are being funny or meant hard drive? If disk drive, LOL I can't even remember the last time left I bought one of those. I remember when the first iMac came out that didn't have a disk drive and a lot of people thought Apple was crazy.

If hard drive, then it just out of view at the top of the picture.
Old fart here. :biggrin2 Old terminology dies hard. I've been known to call my DDR4 ram "core" too.
Don't know that is so old terminology. Two kinds of hard drives available now. SSDs (Solid State Drive ) and HDD ( spinning DISK drive)

Joshua's folder is what mine will look like later today. :) I'm putting it in a new case, Corsair Carbide 200R. Lots of good ventilation.
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