Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

I'm not sure where the disconnect is, on the Stanford side or the EOC side. It happened a few days ago, too:
View attachment 113975
The WU results are getting to Stanford, but the Points may not be awarded until later, or the Reporting server may not be available from the outside (i.e., EOC). The graph shows the big spike in our Team's results when viewed Hourly.

I see JoshuaM is Folding over a million PPD now! Way to Fold! Just for grins, I went to the list of individual folders, and ends up JoshuaM is in the Top 150 Folders in terms of PPD. (I'm barely in the Top 500). The Team as a whole is now #33 in terms of PPD, up from #65 before all the new hardware and new Team Members! Excellent!

Now if we could only recruit some more members...
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I have a strange situation. On my windows pc the F@H control panel is blank and just shows connecting for over a day now. When I pull up Firestorm it shows both GPU's are running at 98% and it does appear it is uploading WU. I have uninstalled F@H thru the application and tried using Windows uninstaller. Then shut down the PC, reinstalled F@H but its the same thing. F@H is doing WU but nothing is showing on the Advanced panel. I tried to go to Web Control and it says my client is not on line. Has anyone else ran into this?
I think I figured it out or just accidentally fixed something... I removed Norton Security, complete uninstalled and reinstalled F@H, even removing all the data. Anyway, its working now. I have Norton on my other PC's running F@H with no problems. Maybe it wasn't Norton at all... who knows. Its working and I'm happy.
OK, I'm mad. :mad: My output keeps increasing but I've dropped another spot, down to #6. :eeek I see that Samy60 has really upped his arsenal. Time to get serious in this "Arms Race". ;)
I know what you mean. :D
A couple of months ago, I was budgeting in for 1st of the year.
Decided I would get a 970 or 980Ti and see if I could sneak into the 2 or 3 slot.
Now I see I am having to re-evaluate to even be in top 5. :)
OK, I'm mad. :mad: My output keeps increasing but I've dropped another spot, down to #6. :eeek I see that Samy60 has really upped his arsenal. Time to get serious in this "Arms Race". ;)
Sorry Voyager6.... No, wait. I guess I'm really not. :hatsoff. Its all for a very good cause. My wife came down with early stage dementia three years ago at the age of 61. Doing the folding makes me feel like I am at least doing something to help her and other people with the disease. We all turn this competition into a little game which is fantastic! But deep down we all want to help fight these terrible diseases. Remember, every WU helps and the one you turn in just may be the one that opens the door to wonderful discoveries!
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In my case, it was my Step-Mother who suffered from diabetes and dementia, plus my Mother's suffering from cancer, that made me feel that we can do something positive with our Folding contributions.
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