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My Folding Farm is in the Dark right now. A line of T-storms move through an hour ago and I'm about to lose my UPS in the bedroom, so I better type fast!

As soon as I posted, the TV went out! The only power left is the U-verse home gateway which is providing my WiFi to my MacBook Air. I expect I've got another four-six hours before that goes away.

Needless to say, today's Folding is going to have a bit of a crimp in it! Too bad I didn't jump on that Tesla PowerWall!
I reverted back to primitive means to power my electronics:

BioLite Camp Stove, once the internal battery is charged through a Peltier Thermionic Generator, the excess power is available through a USB port located by the LED near the foot. The battery powers a small fan that blows air into the combustion chamber to increase temperatures. You pick up ground debris like small branches, twigs, even pine cones. After you're done, the fan continues to run until the coals have cooled to a safe temperature to dispose of. There wasn't much material left, and what was left was mostly ash.
Anyway, my Folding Farm is back to work! (edit: that is to say the power outage is over!:eureka)
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Hmmm, we appear to have lost another Folder as we're down to 14 active SatelliteGuys. I also notice that the current mix of Core 18 Projects seems to have taken a 10-15% toll on my daily Points totals, beyond the impact of the power outage the other day.
Yeah I noticed the same thing. Not getting the avg. PPD I was getting with 17's, but still around 200K a day.
I got one of those too Scott. In advanced control if I click on it is just takes me to a link that says the same thing.
Must be one of the new Core 0x18's I was reading about.
Not sure when it happened but I have passed 2 million points now. It wasn't that long ago when I passed the million milestone. :D
I was feeling pretty crappy last weekend, so I probably missed it! Congratulations, Scott!

Ke4est should be at 10,000,000 by now, too. (Oops, spoke too soon; looks like he'll hit Ten MegaPoints by the weekend!)
What did you do, Ke4est? Accidentally create a new Folding Client and append the "Anonymous" to your name for one (oops, make that two) WUs?
Yeah sure did. Folding locked up on one of my machines the other day. Tried everything, reboots etc. Nothing would get it to work. It would not auto load at start-up and then if you tried manual, it was as if nothing was happening. So I finally uninstalled it but kept data. Re-installed and same problem. BTW there were not video driver updates or OS updates.
So uninstalled it again this time cleared data and re-installed and all was fine expect when I went to set everything back up I didn't realize it kept anonymous in there, I was doing some fast typing and tabbing trying to get back up and running. :)
....oh but anyway I noted it a couple of hours later when I checked the machine. I decided to wait and let it finish before fixing it. So I set it to finish so it would finish the WU's but not start another one. Then when I had time I fixed the name and continued on folding.
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Looks like a big day for Milestones today:
  • Ke4est will hit 10,000,000 Points
  • Voyager6 will hit 70,000,000 Points
  • I should reach 60,000,000 Points
Keep on Folding!!!
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Yep I would have hit it yesterday, but I had a computer that didn't start back up properly during a power flicker, and it was down for a day and a half.

Congrats everyone!!!
Yep I would have hit it yesterday, but I had a computer that didn't start back up properly during a power flicker, and it was down for a day and a half.

Congrats everyone!!!
Yes, Kudos to all! :first

I've found a small ups to be invaluable. The controlled, automated shutdown is so much kinder to the system than a "pull the plug" situation. We lost power four times last year (of course right after buying an electric car) and the system came back up without problem.

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