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All the parts arrived and after waiting for a WU to finish, I opened up the Mac Pro, took out the old GeForce GT7300 that it came with and installed my new GTX 960 SSC card, along with the miniPCIe 6-pin to PCIe 6-pin power cables which plugged into the 2x6-pin PCIe to 8-pin PCIe power cable that come with the EVGA card. I also added a sheet of cardboard between the GPU's circuit board and the Mac Pro's PCIe card cage as there was some exposed aluminum the, even though it wasn't touching, I felt better with an insulator slipped in that space.

After installing the latest NVIDIA drivers, I am now Folding on the GTX 960 for the GPU slot and 3 Xeon Cores for the CPU slot. It's been running for around an hour and it looks like the first WU will finish around 23:45 EDT (03:45 UTC) so it won't show up on today's Points, but starting tomorrow, Boom! Wham! POW!
I need to start folding again it has been a long time.
Looks like you got things moving again:
Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 15.27.37 .png
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Frustrated by too many bad work units, I stopped folding a few months back. I started to miss folding so I picked up a new GTX970 and wow :) does it ever plow right through everything. If it can get a steady diet of core 17 projects it should be capable of really great results. Only problem was when I got it home it was too long for my old case so right back to Fry's to spend more :confused: money.

Folding as smasho.
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Well I got the new video card in yesterday as well as added a second machine over the weekend.

Now if I could just figure out how to see my graphs so I see how performance has increased. :D
Scott, have you verified that your Folding rig is configured correctly? Your SatelliteGuys user for our Team has not shown any extra production this week. Stanford shows only two clients have been active for the last week and 50 days (no change).
Yup I am sure....

I added a second computer last week (Its not a fast machine) and then I upgraded my video card from the one that was built into the motherboard to a GEFORCE GTX 750TI card, my windows experience shot up from a 2.8 to a 7.9 with that swap.

Maybe I need to reinstall FAH on this computer to take advantage of the change?

Scott - Try these changes.
Bring up the advanced control screen.
Drag the power bar to full.
Click on configure and go to slots.
Click on gpu and in the extra slot options add "client-type" under Name and "advanced" under Value.
Then add "max-packet-size" under Name and "big" under Value and then save.
Click on cpu and in the extra slot options add "client-type" under Name and "advanced" under Value and then save.

These should kick your CPU and GPU into high gear.
I would say your F@H Client didn't add the GPU slot to your configuration. Voyager6 is pointing you in the right direction. You should be seeing 50K-70K PPD from the GTX 750i card alone. If you don't see a GPU slot, you will need to add it manually.
Yup there was no GPU listed in the configuration. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and see it there now. I also made the changes that Voyager suggested above and this is what I see now.

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We'll know before you go home from work today!

Oops, that 3h55m completion estimate is for the CPU slot. You'd need to click on the GPU:0 tab to show its estimated time of completion.
It also looks like your CPU is getting higher Points WUs by making the changes Voyager6 recommended. Every little bit helps!
Just wanted to say I jumped on board with you guys. Although I am using a meager i7 3770K processor and GTX 760. Let's see what we can do. :)

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