Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

Boy, I'll say. Scorpy's about to lap the rest of us for the second time! All kidding aside, I'm glad he's on our side! :up


...and Congratulations to Voyager6 for reaching 8,000,000 points!!! (See he {I'm assuming V'ger's a guy} won't say anything about his own milestones, well, because that would appear cheap. V6 is a class act!!!)

...and the Team is soon to reach 105,000,000 points. Somehow, ticking off millions doesn't seem as impressive as before. Even though we've added 4.7% to our points total since we reached 100,000,000! Too bad making money isn't this easy...
Thanks for the congrats. Yes, I'm a guy that tinkers with computers.;)
Scorpion does put the rest of us to shame. Satguys has been averaging 1.3 Million Points a week for the last several months. Not bad for just 30 or so Folders.:up
We should have another Million Point folder by the end of the day.:D
Just 5 more days until we overtake the team for #91.:D
I don't know why it seems to be taking so long to pass these guys. Or maybe it's just the "watched pot" effect...

So far, the Macs seem happier with the new V2.21 Core. I need to check out the Folding Forum to see what they came up with as a cause.


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