Thanks for the congrats. Yes, I'm a guy that tinkers with computers.Boy, I'll say. Scorpy's about to lap the rest of us for the second time! All kidding aside, I'm glad he's on our side! :up
...and Congratulations to Voyager6 for reaching 8,000,000 points!!! (See he {I'm assuming V'ger's a guy} won't say anything about his own milestones, well, because that would appear cheap. V6 is a class act!!!)
...and the Team is soon to reach 105,000,000 points. Somehow, ticking off millions doesn't seem as impressive as before. Even though we've added 4.7% to our points total since we reached 100,000,000! Too bad making money isn't this easy...

Scorpion does put the rest of us to shame. Satguys has been averaging 1.3 Million Points a week for the last several months. Not bad for just 30 or so Folders.:up
We should have another Million Point folder by the end of the day.