Join the SatelliteGuys Folding@Home Team!

We Did It! (with apologies to the Colbert Nation)

99! Amazing! I was looking at the first couple of pages of this thread and we were so stoked to be in the top 5,000, then the top 4,500, and 4,000, etc. The number of points that the #100 team had back then was about 3/4 of what Scorpion.sting has now. From April 2007:
5262th place:Team SatelliteGuys.US, 38,160 pts, 130 WUs
5000th place:Team Newburyport Public Schools, 42,006 pts, 447 WUs
4000th place:Team dan501, 61,602 pts, 1,268 WUs
3000th place:Team isonews, 99,383 pts, 1,930 WUs
2000th place:Team CF2M, 180,222 pts, 1,523 WUs
1000th place:Team stratocruiser, 452,106 pts, 2,736 WUs
500th place:Team kruck, 1,132,015 pts, 8,593 WUs
100th place:Team klfteam1, 9,794,643 pts, 47,943 WUs​
Looks like we might be seeing a boost in daily production from our new team members. Thanks for joining!
There was a patch last week that caused all my computers to have to reboot. I wonder if he was out of town and all his computers updated?
Not all of them, for sure, but maybe half. Black Tuesday strikes again...

I also see that our Top 20 Folders are all over 1,000 ppd, too. :)

Two weeks away from 80,000,000 points!!!
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Recipients: nhra328z

Today, 08:41 PM
Pub Member / Supporter Pub Member / Supporter
Join Date: Apr 8th, 2006
Location: Logansport, IN
Posts: 301

Re: Folding Numbers


Originally Posted by nhra328z
I hope I'm not bothering you. I was just curious to what kind of setup you have to fold those kinds of numbers? That's awfully impressive!

Sorry for the very late reply...I dont check private messages very often....But to answer your question, this is what I have

Machine 1

Q6600 CPU
2 - 8800GS GPU's

Machine 2

Q6600 CPU
1 - 8800GT GPU

Machine 3

Q9550 CPU
2 - GTX 260 GPU's

Machine 4

E6600 CPU
9800GT GPU

Machine 5 (my daughters computer at her house)

Q6600 CPU

All rigs listed here are at my home except my daughter's.
My production has went down lately because my home is all electric and when the bill goes up so far, I shut down machines. With all machines running, I can produce 40,000 pts per day.
Hey! I follow our current team points on and I noticed scorpion.sting showed up on my overtake list!

Except it predicts at the current rate it will take 28.3 YEARS to do so!
Still here guys. My home is all electric so when it gets colder, I turn rigs off to offset the heat bill.

Fold on :cool:
Funny, I could see that in the Summer, but in the winter I figure all that waste heat from Folding proteins should drop your need for additional electric heat. My Macs never got all that warm which is why I keep them in the bedroom (quiet as can be, too). They help keep us warm, but not much. The noisemakers are all downstairs in the basement where it's cool.

Anyway, with you running at half-speed, I have a chance to keep my #3 ranking in the team after I pass Plazzman in a couple of weeks.
Funny, I could see that in the Summer, but in the winter I figure all that waste heat from Folding proteins should drop your need for additional electric heat. My Macs never got all that warm which is why I keep them in the bedroom (quiet as can be, too). They help keep us warm, but not much. The noisemakers are all downstairs in the basement where it's cool.

Anyway, with you running at half-speed, I have a chance to keep my #3 ranking in the team after I pass Plazzman in a couple of weeks.

In the summer, my air is not on all the time. In winter heat is.

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