Yes there are flybys of each course. And I know all about BT. Use it all the time.
About your downloadable aspect, M$ never released anything for the 06 version of the game, and I doubt, for a sports game, they would bother. For RPG's and FPS's I can see that being used, but for TW07, I don't know.
Also, I wasn't saying prove to me the about of space taken on the DVD. I was saying prove to me why those extra 9 courses weren't on the 360 version, which is amazing, I might add. Until then all we can go by is our gut. You have yours I have mine, but neither of us actually know for sure why those courses weren't on the 360 version.
You are right as for the 9 courses, we WON'T know but there is still plenty of space on the disc. It's not MS creating the content, it's EA creating it. MS just distributes through Marketplace and pays EA for it while taking a percentage. They both end up making money from us. Look closely at the game and notice the landscaping detail. I will be willing to bet that you will see the same tree more than once. If they went as far to detail every tree then I doubt the game would even fit on BluRay and would take years to code and develop.