This is one of the longest running threads on another site but since many of you don't go there I want to extend the invitation for you all to participate as well.
If you could be CEO for a day and add a product, feature or make a change to the way BHN does things what would it be? Think long and hard about your answer. Be specific and be prepared to defend your decision (in all the right ways of course) because someone might disagree with you.
Please, this thread is not for rants, complaints or lower my bill stuff as there are other threads and forum sections for such things. I'm actually compiling this information over time so it's real important that everyone stays pretty much on topic.
The purpose of this thread is to openly discuss what you feel would be a great addition to BHN products, services or an improvement in some way and also to put you in the position of CEO making those big decisions for just one day.
You just never know who's watching and you might have a great idea that makes everyones life just a little bit easier or more enjoyable.
If you could be CEO for a day and add a product, feature or make a change to the way BHN does things what would it be? Think long and hard about your answer. Be specific and be prepared to defend your decision (in all the right ways of course) because someone might disagree with you.
Please, this thread is not for rants, complaints or lower my bill stuff as there are other threads and forum sections for such things. I'm actually compiling this information over time so it's real important that everyone stays pretty much on topic.
The purpose of this thread is to openly discuss what you feel would be a great addition to BHN products, services or an improvement in some way and also to put you in the position of CEO making those big decisions for just one day.

You just never know who's watching and you might have a great idea that makes everyones life just a little bit easier or more enjoyable.