If you could add a product, feature or make a change...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Nov 3, 2011
This is one of the longest running threads on another site but since many of you don't go there I want to extend the invitation for you all to participate as well.

If you could be CEO for a day and add a product, feature or make a change to the way BHN does things what would it be? Think long and hard about your answer. Be specific and be prepared to defend your decision (in all the right ways of course) because someone might disagree with you.

Please, this thread is not for rants, complaints or lower my bill stuff as there are other threads and forum sections for such things. I'm actually compiling this information over time so it's real important that everyone stays pretty much on topic.

The purpose of this thread is to openly discuss what you feel would be a great addition to BHN products, services or an improvement in some way and also to put you in the position of CEO making those big decisions for just one day.

You just never know who's watching and you might have a great idea that makes everyones life just a little bit easier or more enjoyable.
i would add more 3d to justify the $10 currently being charged for espn 3d. i have argued that the pricing is unfair, given the fact dtv doesn't charge extra for their 4 3d channels.

i would also add nfl network and red zone. time warner is the only major cable company that hasn't added it. i now put the onus of blame totally on them.
i would add more 3d to justify the $10 currently being charged for espn 3d. i have argued that the pricing is unfair, given the fact dtv doesn't charge extra for their 4 3d channels.

i would also add nfl network and red zone. time warner is the only major cable company that hasn't added it. i now put the onus of blame totally on them.

Thank you for the feedback. The NFL Network will likely come when they (NFL) finally agree to not imposing the channel on every subscriber and allow only those who want it to receive it and of course pay for it. This has been the obstruction all along. The NFL insists that it be imposed on every subscriber of course at a price (a high price considering the limited programming). TWC and BHN would like to offer it on a tiered basis available to those who want it and are willing to pay for it and the NFL refuses.
Well, thank you for being open to this. Good move.

Since you ruled out pricing, which for me is the biggest issue (very high $$ to get hundreds of channels so I can watch the few I want to watch), I will have to think very hard to find the NEXT most important change I would lobby for....

For me, channel availability is more than satisfactory (too much so--see above); that won't be true for everybody...different likes.

Dang, that is a hard question, because it is not real life. For example, the "best" change may cost millions to implement, but "slightly better things" might be cheap to do. And we have no way to really know the cost side.

I sit and think....
What do I REALLY want to be different at BHN?...

OK here you go...(pricing having been ruled out)...

Quicker and crisper responses to button push.
People on the support line who really know what they are doing--or who quickly pass you on to someone who does know what they are doing without wasting 20 minutes on useless questions that NEVER find the problem (page 1 of the script).
Lower wattage boxes when OFF.

OK, that was three. Sorry.
I'd like an option to get a larger hard drive OR put back the support for external drives. I lost a lotta programming that weekend
when they did the software "upgrade" (with no heads up)

I'd like an option to get a larger hard drive OR put back the support for external drives. I lost a lotta programming that weekend
when they did the software "upgrade" (with no heads up)


Are you referring to enabling ESATA support or?
Yes. E-SATA. I did a lot of research to find a drive that would work on that port. the box still seems to know it's there but it doesn't see any data.

I wouild like to see on pip mode of my dvr to have split screen or move the pip window to corner of the screen instead when i use it , its more closer to the center then the outer edge.
I would like the PIP to also have an option to make it larger. Not only is it positioned toward the center, but it is very small, even on my widescreen.

FYI, the NFL Network is included in the price for every channel package with DIRECTV, and is included in the America's Top 200 and Top 250 packages for Dish Network. The NFL Red Zone comes in the $7.00 Sports Pack with Dish. As far as programming, this is my only complaint--NFL Net. and Red Zone would keep me as a BH customer for years to come.
you ask us not to bring pricing or complaints, but you blame the nfl for for us not getting the nlf ch because they want it on basic . but you make us paid for chs that most of dont watch, how many shopping chs or religions are added, why dont you let your customer decided, i see where where others carry the nfl like dish , uverse, they have different tiers that u can subscribe to get this chs, . .i belive its more of greed and pride in your part with the nfl ,that this deal has not been done, i know you are just in employee of bhn , but if you want the truth, in you want us to be honest with you, well let it be known to we want the nlf channel nd the red zone, set the price let us say yes or no.
you ask us not to bring pricing or complaints, but you blame the nfl for for us not getting the nlf ch because they want it on basic . but you make us paid for chs that most of dont watch, how many shopping chs or religions are added, why dont you let your customer decided, i see where where others carry the nfl like dish , uverse, they have different tiers that u can subscribe to get this chs, . .i belive its more of greed and pride in your part with the nfl ,that this deal has not been done, i know you are just in employee of bhn , but if you want the truth, in you want us to be honest with you, well let it be known to we want the nlf channel nd the red zone, set the price let us say yes or no.

Well the channels you mention like Religious channels or shopping channels in most cases BHN pays 0$ for them. So in turn you pay 0$ for them. Also is true that some channels even pay BHN to provide the channel..

And its fine to say set the price let us say yes or no. Thats exactly what BHN wants to do. NFL want let them. They want to set the price and make EVERYONE nfl fans or not say yes or no. I am glad BHN is standing up to them and wish the other providers would of as well. If they did we wouldnt be in this problem now.

Really you want to pay a Premium price for a network that offers a handful of games a year with not much else? You as a die hard NFL fan may not mind but the avg person (the majority) of BHNs customers would not like that.
What i meant was, we pay for chs that we dont watch, that bhn has added, i dont watch any of lifestyles chs, i pay $7.00 for sportspass just to see the outdoor ch,and sportman ch, if i want the espns chs ,i have to get their digital advantage package, , so bascically i pay about $115. per month to watch maybe total of 20 chs, so part of my payment goes to pay for chs that non sports fans can get, that i dont watch.
What i meant was, we pay for chs that we dont watch, that bhn has added, i dont watch any of lifestyles chs, i pay $7.00 for sportspass just to see the outdoor ch,and sportman ch, if i want the espns chs ,i have to get their digital advantage package, , so bascically i pay about $115. per month to watch maybe total of 20 chs, so part of my payment goes to pay for chs that non sports fans can get, that i dont watch.

The reality is that all of the other channels you reference offer VALUE year long whereas the NFL network doesn't unless you consider a rehash of the previous and legacy years football reruns and 11 games each season. Oh I forgot the overhyped stale commentary....can't live without that....that's what you get with the NFL network. Why should non-football fans be forced to pay for that all year long? It's not like most programming stations that offer a variety of programming designed to make most people happy at least some time during the day/year.
i know this discussion has been discussed and rediscussed a million times. but, no offense to you gary, time warner's argument doesn't cut it anymore. they are now the only major cable provider that doesn't have nfl network. furthermore, i was under the impression twc had conceded their previous demands of what tier to put this channel on during their most recent negotiations with the nfl. if that is true, their should be a done deal and there isn't.

it is a moot point for me as i have gone back to directv. the biggest reason was the lack of 3d and a ridiculous charge of ten dollars a month for one channel.believe me, i complained several times about this too. so lack of 3d and nfl network were just a few reasons i decided to switch back.
i know this discussion has been discussed and rediscussed a million times. but, no offense to you gary, time warner's argument doesn't cut it anymore. they are now the only major cable provider that doesn't have nfl network. furthermore, i was under the impression twc had conceded their previous demands of what tier to put this channel on during their most recent negotiations with the nfl. if that is true, their should be a done deal and there isn't.

it is a moot point for me as i have gone back to directv. the biggest reason was the lack of 3d and a ridiculous charge of ten dollars a month for one channel.believe me, i complained several times about this too. so lack of 3d and nfl network were just a few reasons i decided to switch back.

No offense taken and I do understand how you feel. As for the $10.00 for one single channel thing....don't know where you got that from but it most likely would have been added to the sports pack but that would again depend on each of the providers involved. The increase would have been minor and added great value to it for those who love football.
No offense taken and I do understand how you feel. As for the $10.00 for one single channel thing....don't know where you got that from but it most likely would have been added to the sports pack but that would again depend on each of the providers involved. The increase would have been minor and added great value to it for those who love football.

it was ten dollars just for espn 3d in addition to the sports pak fee. bhn claimed it was a premium channel and would be adding more 3d at some point in time.
it was ten dollars just for espn 3d in addition to the sports pak fee. bhn claimed it was a premium channel and would be adding more 3d at some point in time.

Yea but Iceturkee that's a different beast altogether. As for the 3d channel tier I'm sure more channels will come. There isn't exactly a plethora of 3d only channels out there if ya know what I mean so give it some time :)
Yea but Iceturkee that's a different beast altogether. As for the 3d channel tier I'm sure more channels will come. There isn't exactly a plethora of 3d only channels out there if ya know what I mean so give it some time :)

i understand that.part of complaint was that bhn was failing to get special events (such as the french open and us open tennis tournaments) shown on their 3d special events channel.i got a lot of money invested in 3d.

possible Retrans Dispute Cox in Fairfax, VA and WJLA

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