I want to scream


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 15, 2006
I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream.

Today, I started to re-cable my components to replace my old receiver with a new AVR. I got it to where sound works and there is a TV picture (fed by S-video from 8300HD to AVR, S-Video AVR to TV).

But now the display on the 8300 no longer shows the channel number as you change channels...it stays constantly displaying the time. I called BHN. Big mistake. Was on the phone for an hour and a half--1:15 of that being on hold while they tried to read manuals (my assumption). No amount of requesting to get a senior tech accomplished anything.

Also, I want the cable box to control the volume level going out the digital audio port.

Does anybody know a page that will reveal to me ALL of the codes and kepress options for setting up the SA8300HD? I can't deal with BHN on the phone any longer. I will go insane if I spend another wasted minute with them. Correction..will go MORE insane...they already got me part way there.

I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream.

LATER: hunting the codes...go to...
Programming Your Remote - Bright House Networks Central Florida

click on one labeled "DVR"

AllTouch DVR Digital Remote - Bright House Networks Central Florida

click on "For AT8400-D models, click here."

AllTouch DVR Digital Remote - Bright House Networks Central Florida

Notice anything about the last two links? That they are identical?

It took you right back to the previous page--a really neat trick to keep you from getting the info you seek.

Repeat after me, "I love BHN." (Say a lie often enough and you will believe it.)
I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream.
I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream.
I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to scream.
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The channel number not showing was a setting in 'settings' that somehow changed itself during a reboot.

After an entire afternoon of work, and another call to BHN with a better person, they have concluded (but do not know for sure) that the sound level out the digital audio port cannot be controlled by the remote. I will HAVE to use two remotes while TV watching--one for channel changing, one for volume.
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To get the Channel to display instead of the time, using Passport software goto Settings >> more settings >> My Preferences >>Clock Options There you can set it however you like.

To use the audio control of the box instead of say the TV (depending on the remote) Hold Select and the CBL button till the lights blink twice, Hit 993 then press the device you wish to control the audio. In this case hit the CBL button This should control the volume through the cable box. The other option is to program the remote to use your receiver or whatever device you are using for audio and using the 993 code push the AUX button so it will control that other device

and please note using optical audio you can not use the box to control the volume, only mute or on. It does not adjust it not sure why though its just the way it is.
To get the Channel to display instead of the time, using Passport software goto Settings >> more settings >> My Preferences >>Clock Options There you can set it however you like.

To use the audio control of the box instead of say the TV (depending on the remote) Hold Select and the CBL button till the lights blink twice, Hit 993 then press the device you wish to control the audio. In this case hit the CBL button This should control the volume through the cable box. The other option is to program the remote to use your receiver or whatever device you are using for audio and using the 993 code push the AUX button so it will control that other device

and please note using optical audio you can not use the box to control the volume, only mute or on. It does not adjust it not sure why though its just the way it is.

Yeah, I found the setting for the time/channel number...somehow it had changed itself apparently across the reboot due to power disconnect. I know I had not gone into settings at all at that point.

I had already done the 993 thing several times. I know about that one, but it does NOT make the box control the volume for the sound going out the digital audio (so-called digital coax but is not coax at all). I tested it with the digital cable and with standard red/white L-R audio cables. Using the standard cable, it would run the volume up/down. Doing nothing other than changing over to the digital audio cable, the remote would NOT change the volume. It SHOWS the volume changing in the bottom bar on the screen, but the volume level does not vary.
Yes I know for a fact it does not work with the optical audio, it must be the same with digital audio. So the only way to use the remote would be to program it to work with whatever device you are using for audio. I assume the new AVR. Program the AUX portion of the remote to control that device then use the 993 method and the remote will use that as the default audio source..

You can also see if maybe there is a setting to make it work the digital audio.. Goto Settings >> more settings >> My Prefereences then Digital Audio see if changing it to any of those has any affect. If not then it must be like the Optical audio it just does not work.
After calming down a smidgen, I think what really gets my goat is that there is no one available when you call the BHN number for tech support who knows how THEIR equipment works--the equipment that THEY provide to you and charge you for.

If they are 'available', the techs don't know it, or don't want to admit they can't answer they question. Whatever the reason, the result is the same for the customer--time wasted on the phone and no resolution to what should be a simple question.
No, the second tech did NOT know whether or not the digital audio out could be volume controlled. Did you not see my words "(but do not know for sure)"? The first tech kept me on hold forever and knew essentially nothing about anything.
Oh, OK. Bitching and complaining is against your rules?

Let me tell you something sir. I will not be badgered into not saying negative things when they are deserved, just as I will not be badgered into saying positive things when they are not deserved. I have said positive things before, like when my picture quality was great. I've also posted negative comments when it was bad.

You seem to think BHN is 99% great. That is your opinion--possibly colored by the fact they are your employer, and it is your privilege to so post. I don't share the same view, and it is my privilege to reflect my view. Other readers can digest the facts I post about why I feel as I do--and read your posts--and come to their own opinion as to which of us is biased and whether my situations are real or not. Just don't try to somehow embarrass me into shutting up. If anything, it has just made me committed to post every single tribulation I encounter with them.

You will not succeed in a personal attack to make me shut up about the company you work for.

"If BHN is that bad then stop sending them your money." No, if it is OK with you--or even if it is not OK with you--I prefer to expect them to deliver good service and support for the money I send. And I intend to pressure them to whatever extent possible to provide good service and support. I have few tools to do so, but publicly pointing out their performance, or lack thereof, is one tool I chose to use.

Incidentally, just for the record, I am not as one sided as you. If you remember, I was supporting their position in the WKMG issue. When they are right, I am willing to say so. When they aren't....same same.
Oh, OK. Bitching and complaining is against your rules?

Let me tell you something sir. I will not be badgered into not saying negative things when they are deserved, just as I will not be badgered into saying positive things when they are not deserved. I have said positive things before, like when my picture quality was great. I've also posted negative comments when it was bad.

You seem to think BHN is 99% great. That is your opinion--possibly colored by the fact they are your employer, and it is your privilege to so post. I don't share the same view, and it is my privilege to reflect my view. Other readers can digest the facts I post about why I feel as I do--and read your posts--and come to their own opinion as to which of us is biased and whether my situations are real or not. Just don't try to somehow embarrass me into shutting up. If anything, it has just made me committed to post every single tribulation I encounter with them.

You will not succeed in a personal attack to make me shut up about the company you work for.

"If BHN is that bad then stop sending them your money." No, if it is OK with you--or even if it is not OK with you--I prefer to expect them to deliver good service and support for the money I send. And I intend to pressure them to whatever extent possible to provide good service and support. I have few tools to do so, but publicly pointing out their performance, or lack thereof, is one tool I chose to use.

Incidentally, just for the record, I am not as one sided as you. If you remember, I was supporting their position in the WKMG issue. When they are right, I am willing to say so. When they aren't....same same.

First let me start by saying I've been very vocal about all the things I don't like about BHN so I'm not a fanboy. Now stevenl can at sometimes be a bit biased but from reading most of his posts about BHN he does about as good of a job as anyone at not being biased. Now I happen to agree with stevenl about this thread because I'm starting to feel like your complaining just to complain.

The fact remains that you were asking BHN a question I bet nobody has ever asked that rep before assuming any rep at BHN was asked this question. This was also a question I didn't even know the answer either. These reps are trained to handle most major types of issues and I consider major issues as being anything simple or complex that keeps you from receiving services at a quality level. Your issue was about not being able to control the volume of audio via the box over a digital audio output. The fact is that you were still getting audio so no quality (ie breakups) or loss of audio occured and as such I doubt BHN felt they needed to train their reps for this. I'm sure the reps have been trained on how to tell the customer how to enable Dolby Digital in the settings as this does stop audio playback.

I guess I'm saying that if you really expected any TV company (cable and satellite etc) customer support rep to be answer that question without spending tons of time trying to find it you need to settle down and get back into the real world. In this case I don't blame BHN one bit as I don't believe they should be expected to know the answer to this question without looking it up.
The very sad thing is that you think it is acceptable for a company to not know everything about an equipment *they* select to provide to their customer.

How very very sad we have come to that in this country. We have been given such poor treatment for so long, the current generation of people, both as customers and inside the company, believe that now it is normal and acceptable--to not know your product. And apparently that is so...it is now normal and acceptable to not know your product. You said I should not have expected them to be able to answer my question. More training for me...lower my expectations to match the level of knowledge you currently possess about your stuff.

And I don't care if you think I am complaining just to complain. Tell me where I spoke of something that really didn't happen. Go ahead tell me.

Your implication is that I should not have spoken of this--because doing so is just complaining for complaining's sake--in your opinion. So tell me what is the criteria for when I can speak of something that has happened and when I cannot...so I won't be accused of complaining for complaining's sake next time?
My only point is take it for what its worth.. If I have to complain about something so much I usually stop the problem. When I got tired of cingular and the way they treated me as a customer I took my service elsewhere. Even though it was to a "less quality" service, as far as coverage area. The customer service was ten times better so it worked for me. If you have so many problems aside from bitching here if it makes you feel good then so be it, but if it really bothers you as much as I think it does from seeing your posts then switch to another provider.

Everyone expects something different from a company who provides them with a service, some are price shoppers, some are more keen on service, some on "new technology" and many other reasons. You seem to be someone who wants perfection. Let me tell you it will never be found anywhere, specially with a company who deals with 1 million customers in such a small area. You want that level of service then it will cost ya, you can hire a private A/V company/guy to come to your home and handle everything for ya, but remember you get what ya pay for. That A/V guy will cost ya 100/hr or more, where as BHN is only 100/month give or take.
One last comment in a calmer tone. I do understand your point about taking your business elsewhere if you are dissatisfied. That will work in some cases, but not often. Because: that makes sense until you realize that what I said before still holds at the new company as much as at the old. That is, we have been treated so bad for so long, it is now the expected standard. Thus it is generally unlikely you will find things much better at another company. One aspect may be better, another will be worse, because customers now have endured the shabby treatment for so long from so many companies, the customers no longer 'fight back,' accepting the current state as "the way it is supposed to be."

I feel that companies need to hear from the few customers who remember when businesses were proud entities that strived to be not only the best among their competitors, but the best they could be--and who think we would be a better country if it were so.

We are a dying breed, beacuse It is a futile effort. Of that, I am keenly aware. As noted, so many now accept the current sad state, they aren't even aware of a need to object. Thus we are so small in number that we carry no weight. Look at what has happened here. Everyone seems to be in the camp of having been silently trained by virtue of the poor level of performance by most companies, that there is no expectation of anything better even being possible--so much so that anyone who so suggests is the one viewed as being out of order.

You can serve a really good biscuit, or you can serve an edilble one with an overly browned bottom. If your last good biscuit was decades ago, and all everyone gets now are the the latter, anybody who objects to it is odd--because "that's the way biscuits are."
I have an ATLAS 1054 remote, provided by BHN. I programmed the AUD function to control my surround receiver. I put in the codes for the volume to "punch through" -- IE the volume buttons ALWAYS control AUD.

Problem solved: Run optical audio to receiver, and control receiver's volume to control the loudness of what you hear. My BHN installer helped me set it all up on day one.

Or was the goal something more technical that few people are going to want to do?
Well the problem with call centers is out of 100 people you have 10-20% who have been there more then a year or two and really know their stuff, then you have maybe 50% who are fairly new but are learning, how do they learn? Well by training and the best training is by being on the phones taking questions, then asking those 10-20% the answer if they cant figure it out. Then you have that remaining % of people who are either really new or old but just dont care.
hendrickx, I am interested in what you had to say, but am confused.

You speak of programming the AUD function (how?) to control volume on the receiver. Did you mean AUX function? I don't have an AUD function on my remote (AT8400, SA PART NUMBER 745684 D).

"I put in the codes for the volume to "punch through"
What code? Are you talking about the 993 mentioned before? In my system, that DOES NOT make the STB change the volume on the optical port (which I am not using) nor assumedly/apparently on the digital audio port either.

I would be elated to set the AT8400 remote so that its volume control always controlled the receiver volume. But BHN could not tell me how to do that. Can you? The receiver is Onkyo TX-SR575. How do I program the STB remote to control Onkyo volume?

If we set the remote to control the receiver, then it doesn't make any difference if the sound is getting to it over the optical or digital audio cable.
He is saying the same thing I said to do. Program your Receiver to the AUX portion of the remote. Then use 993 to make the remote use the AUX for audio so then you will be using the receiver directly for audio on a single remote.

To program the remote to the device, Depends on which remote you have from this list which looks like yours

I think this is the one you have

AllTouch DVR Digital Remote - Bright House Networks Central Florida

It tells you how to program it for the receiver. It also tells you how to choose what device you want for audio.. In fact it tells you everything you need to know about that remote.. Took me less then a min or so to find the answer to your question on there website.. goto website, under customer care choose "product help" then click on program remote. click on your remote type and there is all the answers.
I listed the one I have. It shows on the back
(next line) SA PART NUMBER 745684 D

The page link you gave says
For AT8400-B models, click here.
For AT8400-D models, click here.
For AT8550-B models, click here.

So, I guess mine is what they call AT8400-D, even though it is not written that way on the remote itself.

Clicking "AT8400-D models, click here" takes me to
AllTouch DVR Digital Remote - Bright House Networks Central Florida

there click on "Auxiliary Device Setup Codes for the Digital Remote."
and you are at
Find Your Remote Code - Bright House Networks Central Florida
In the Select Audio Device brand box,I pick Onkyo and click Get Code.
page changes to
Find Your Remote Code - Bright House Networks Central Florida (note same title as the previous).

only now it is showing three remotes at the bottom of the page, none of which look like mine, and none of which are the AT8400 (I guess the AT in AT8400 means 'Atlas?' This result is occurring even though I started this walk through the pages by selecting the AT8400-D. Yet, I wind up on a page talking about different remotes ????

Folks, I am really trying here. That is why I showed the exact steps I followed to try to find the documentation of the magic that will make the remote's volume control actually interact with the Onkyo TX-SR575. Where did I go wrong? I tried to pick the logical entries at the various steps--the right remote at the beginning (I think), the right brand (Onkyo), the right device type (audio device) and so on. Yet the answer evades me. I must have clicked the wrong selection somewhere, but my answers seem right.
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I think the issue is the remote you have the AT8400 model does not have the "audio" button on it, that is only on the Atlas 10* models. What I did was click on "Other Devices" Which would be the "aux" button on your remote and then choose Onyko and it will bring up the codes for your remote. I can see where its a bit confusing, perhaps they should have the system remove that section based on the remote you choose, but I think they have just one "main" page for remote codes. They should clarify it a bit more to make it easier to see the exact codes. The "Other Device Brand" Should perhaps read "AUX Device" So you know which button to line it up with..

Id highly recommend going to the office or having a tech come out to see if you can get one of the new Atlas remotes, they have a little more options when programming them to extra devices. Its not a gurantee they will have one for you but its worth a shot.

Intelsat/Pegasus BSS?

Switch from Cable to Dish ?

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