Ok, so quick review after a few hours
The Apps....Pretty cool feature
On Demand..Missed it, love the way its layed out
HD Picture, very good but maybe my eyes are not trained "satellite Guys" eyes dont see a huge difference over Dish
Nice to see my RSN in Full Time HD
MLB Channel...nice to have it back
The interface, Direct one day needs to update it, but oh well
The worst part...Learning where the channels are
Also on a smaller scale, love the way the Directv Homepage/Account Page is set up, I see they gave it a facelift
The Apps....Pretty cool feature
On Demand..Missed it, love the way its layed out
HD Picture, very good but maybe my eyes are not trained "satellite Guys" eyes dont see a huge difference over Dish
Nice to see my RSN in Full Time HD

MLB Channel...nice to have it back
The interface, Direct one day needs to update it, but oh well
The worst part...Learning where the channels are

Also on a smaller scale, love the way the Directv Homepage/Account Page is set up, I see they gave it a facelift