Incredibly hilarious statement #1.
Incredibly hilarious statement #2.
Are there thousands of other people who trade stocks for a living and get their information for doing so off of Fox Business?
He is right that they will no doubt lose subscribers if they don't add Fox Business. They have no reason not to add it. I recently found out from these boards that Charlie is a liberal and is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. That says a lot about why Fox News is not in Dish's 100 package, even though it is more popular than CNN, which is in the 100 package. Personally, other than the fact that Charlie is a liberal and he is now falling behind with HD, I enjoy Dish. It is a great secondary feed to my cable company. The good news for me is that my cable company began carrying FBN from day one. If I relied strictly on Dish, I would probably bail based on them for not adding Fox Business and the fact that DirecTV is getting ahead with HD. Charlie has no excuse not to add the channel and I feel it is based completely on his political motives. He is a lefty and is probably in the same boat that thinks Fox News is so far right and that this channel will be too. It is so typical of a liberal that he would punish his conservative subscribers because of his own political feelings, by not adding Fox Business.
I am not a stock trader, but a small business owner rather with some investments in the market, nothing life or death. I enjoy business news very much, especially the stuff geared towards small business. I enjoy Dave Ramsey's show at night too. This is a great channel. I have it on in the background now, the way I had Fox News on in the background before all day when I work.
Dish should add this channel ASAP. There is nothing funny about the thought of people dumping dish over them not adding Fox Business. It is a serious matter to people that want the channel. Laugh all you want, but it is true.