How much longer do I have to wait for Fox Business Channel?

Incredibly hilarious statement #1.

Incredibly hilarious statement #2.

Are there thousands of other people who trade stocks for a living and get their information for doing so off of Fox Business?

He is right that they will no doubt lose subscribers if they don't add Fox Business. They have no reason not to add it. I recently found out from these boards that Charlie is a liberal and is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. That says a lot about why Fox News is not in Dish's 100 package, even though it is more popular than CNN, which is in the 100 package. Personally, other than the fact that Charlie is a liberal and he is now falling behind with HD, I enjoy Dish. It is a great secondary feed to my cable company. The good news for me is that my cable company began carrying FBN from day one. If I relied strictly on Dish, I would probably bail based on them for not adding Fox Business and the fact that DirecTV is getting ahead with HD. Charlie has no excuse not to add the channel and I feel it is based completely on his political motives. He is a lefty and is probably in the same boat that thinks Fox News is so far right and that this channel will be too. It is so typical of a liberal that he would punish his conservative subscribers because of his own political feelings, by not adding Fox Business.

I am not a stock trader, but a small business owner rather with some investments in the market, nothing life or death. I enjoy business news very much, especially the stuff geared towards small business. I enjoy Dave Ramsey's show at night too. This is a great channel. I have it on in the background now, the way I had Fox News on in the background before all day when I work.

Dish should add this channel ASAP. There is nothing funny about the thought of people dumping dish over them not adding Fox Business. It is a serious matter to people that want the channel. Laugh all you want, but it is true.
Oh, you mean like the "Global warming" farce of a religion that lord Al Gore is preaching. How long will it be before his likeness is put in place of Abe Lincoln at Mount Rushmore? How long before he sets himself up as a god?

Idiot Alert! Global Warming is real. When will you realize that? I bet you also think that Los Angeles is just really cloudy all the time too...

The good news is we normally chilly folk here in Maine are predicted to be one of the largest wine growing regions in the United States (Along with Washington State) in 50 years (usurping that title from the soon to be Napa Desert.) So, I don't really care that much as it will be good business for my kids and grand kids. Screw everyone else. See, I can hold Republican values too!

Kind of strange how you keep going back to that gay card...... (Me thinks he does protest too much.)

Gay card? I don't have issue with sexuality. I have issue with hypocrites who say being gay is wrong until they get caught with another man. Those types are almost aways Republican and I was pointing out the latest two cases of such in Congress.

I bring it up because I know it makes Republicans squirm to keep hearing that the homosexual community has a stake in the party, including numerous other closeted Congressmen that will be outed sooner or later.

These days it is like Christmas every few months...
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Wait a minute....mitch I thought you cancelled Dish when the wifebeater network (AKA Lifetime) was yanked off Dish??

Are you just being funny or did Dish really yank Lifetime? It isn't watched in my house (except when mom-inlaw comes to visit) so I wouldn't know if Dish carried it or not. I know that channel is pretty popular. Did they really pull it? It must be back now, no?
FBN is about making money and making it work for the average person, and for me it has nothing to do with news, political or otherwise.

I consider it a DYI for your wallet. For those that already have more money than they can possibly use and give away, I can see that the network may be a waste of time and bandwidth. I do see it as potentially beneficial to everyone who would like to learn more about growing wealth rather than watching basketball in HD so you can see sweat on players faces.

I personally would like to learn more from folks like Dave Ramsey. I imagine thousands of other people would also.

I think I'll send another email to be sure they know I want the channel.

I never listened to Dave Remsey's radio show, and I am a talk radio kind of guy. I guess that one just passed me by. But I have watched his show a few nights since FBN's launch and I have to say, I like him. Good show.
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Good luck with that. I want LOGO which is much more imotrtant then the fox business nazi channel.

BTW welcome to the club of p.o.ed dish customers.

Hey now... just because you gay fallas are neat freaks and usually have wealth, doesn't mean your channel is more important than Fox Business. Mainstream America is riddled with credit card and other debt, and a channel like this can do nothing but help by giving some of us the tools to get out of trouble, and into investing. How does Logo help you get your life on track? At most, it shows you that as a gay person, you are not alone, it is OK to be gay.. blah blah blah.. fine... but Fox Business is much more useful to the everyday American.
A directive was issued today advising all CSRs who receive call-ins regarding this channel to provide the standard "we want channel X" canned response. Charlie's tired of hearing about it boys and girls.

Sounds like Charlie is too busy hopping in bed with the Hildabeast! I still can't believe he is not only a liberal but a Hillary supporter. Idiot!
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Idiot Alert! Global Warming is real. When will you realize that? I bet you also think that Los Angeles is just really cloudy all the time too...


I guess that the impending ice age these same people were all warning us about 25 years ago was real too. Maybe we'll have an ice age and global warming at the same time and they will cancel each other out.
I guess that the impending ice age these same people were all warning us about 25 years ago was real too. Maybe we'll have an ice age and global warming at the same time and they will cancel each other out.

These global warming crybabies automatically think we have caused these perceived "problems." Did they ever consider that the sun, a star in a life cycle of its own, is getting hotter? Global warming and the reasons for it are opinion, it doesn't make one side right or wrong. This guy shouldn't be calling anybody an idiot. Especially, when you see some of his other posts. One might venture to say, he is the idiot.
So before FBC was launched, how did you stay in business? And how now that it is launched, you are losing money?

Sounds to me like this is more about your lack of knowledge in your field than what your Satellite provider is offering you.

And if you rely on TV to make your stock decisions, you may consider entering into another field.

Thank you, took the words right out of my mouth.
I never listened to Dave Remsey's radio show, and I am a talk radio kind of guy. I guess that one just passed me by. But I have watched his show a few nights since FBN's launch and I have to say, I like him. Good show.
Dave's a great guy, I've listened to his radio show and read one of his books, real helpful. But everything he says boils down to simple common sense.

1. don't get in debt.
2. If you didn't follow rule number 1, get out of debt.

How to get out of debt:
1. Quit spending more than you make.
2. Pay more than the minimum payment on all your debts.
2. (alternate) Pay AS MUCH AS YOU CAN to the one with the highest interest rate and minimum payment to everything else, when that one is gone, use the money you were paying them and do the same with the next one, till they are all gone.
Dave's a great guy, I've listened to his radio show and read one of his books, real helpful. But everything he says boils down to simple common sense.

1. don't get in debt.
2. If you didn't follow rule number 1, get out of debt.

How to get out of debt:
1. Quit spending more than you make.
2. Pay more than the minimum payment on all your debts.
2. (alternate) Pay AS MUCH AS YOU CAN to the one with the highest interest rate and minimum payment to everything else, when that one is gone, use the money you were paying them and do the same with the next one, till they are all gone.


Its pathetic when people who are in debt want to get out of debt but don't want to change their lifestyle. Do they not understand that is what got them in debt to begin with?
I recently found out from these boards that Charlie is a liberal and is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. That says a lot about why Fox News is not in Dish's 100 package, even though it is more popular than CNN, which is in the 100 package. Personally, other than the fact that Charlie is a liberal and he is now falling behind with HD, I enjoy Dish. It is a great secondary feed to my cable company. The good news for me is that my cable company began carrying FBN from day one. If I relied strictly on Dish, I would probably bail based on them for not adding Fox Business and the fact that DirecTV is getting ahead with HD. Charlie has no excuse not to add the channel and I feel it is based completely on his political motives. He is a lefty and is probably in the same boat that thinks Fox News is so far right and that this channel will be too. It is so typical of a liberal that he would punish his conservative subscribers because of his own political feelings, by not adding Fox Business.

Dave's a great guy, I've listened to his radio show and read one of his books, real helpful. But everything he says boils down to simple common sense.

1. don't get in debt.
2. If you didn't follow rule number 1, get out of debt.

How to get out of debt:
1. Quit spending more than you make.
2. Pay more than the minimum payment on all your debts.
2. (alternate) Pay AS MUCH AS YOU CAN to the one with the highest interest rate and minimum payment to everything else, when that one is gone, use the money you were paying them and do the same with the next one, till they are all gone.

It is simple advise, yes, but many Americans constantly need this reminder to stay out of debt. I'll admit, it is easy to run up cards and then foolish to pay interest on it. It is flushing money down the toilet. I've done it myself off and on.

On one side of the token, you only live once. I had a friend that was so tight on money. He lost several nights of sleep because he was paying a little bit of interest on a credit card for a car repair. He never did anything fun along the lines of vacations, buying new stuff,etc.. Sure, if he lives to 90 he will be a rich man, but what if he dies in a car accident tomorrow? He never splurged on himself. We all need to find a balance. Ramsey has great advice, from the little bit I have heard, but it is very difficult getting to the point where we all should be.
Global warming and the reasons for it are opinion, it doesn't make one side right or wrong.

There is no argument about this in the scientific community. There is no debate. There is no opinion, only the reality of our environmental neglect.

More than 10,000 reputable, peer-reviewed climate scientists believe the evidence that shows rapid shifts in global temperature are caused by human activity. Seven -- that's seven -- doubt it.

Global warming? A small few non-believers say no

Just because it might be bad for business, as in it will cost money to find green alternatives to stop dumping millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere per second, doesn't mean Global Warming is not happening.

If you reject science you're the idiot, but every village needs one and we welcome you here skottey. May you enjoy the internet. ;)
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It is simple advise, yes, but many Americans constantly need this reminder to stay out of debt. I'll admit, it is easy to run up cards and then foolish to pay interest on it. It is flushing money down the toilet. I've done it myself off and on.

On one side of the token, you only live once. I had a friend that was so tight on money. He lost several nights of sleep because he was paying a little bit of interest on a credit card for a car repair. He never did anything fun along the lines of vacations, buying new stuff,etc.. Sure, if he lives to 90 he will be a rich man, but what if he dies in a car accident tomorrow? He never splurged on himself. We all need to find a balance. Ramsey has great advice, from the little bit I have heard, but it is very difficult getting to the point where we all should be.

I agree completely. Problem is, people aren't going to watch those shows if they are in debt. Usually people that have debt issues aren't very responsible so they aren't looking for a realistic way to correct the problem. They pay more attention to those commercials that claim you can lower your monthly payments and eliminate your debt.
I hear that D* and E* are secretly alligned with CNN and Fox News in an ultra big alliance that when they finalize there plans will introduce the Ultra-DVD to take over the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD market, and it will only be available on the new Atari JaguarXL and it will cost $50 and they will then be the winners in the Videogames Wars, they then will manipulate the elections to get there own canidates elected in every office, and then pass laws making it impossible to compete with satellite TV, once all teh competition is gone, they will shut off all Satellites and force us all to gather around the radio to get any information as they take over the world and turn us all into slaves.
I hear that D* and E* are secretly alligned with CNN and Fox News in an ultra big alliance that when they finalize there plans will introduce the Ultra-DVD to take over the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD market, and it will only be available on the new Atari JaguarXL and it will cost $50 and they will then be the winners in the Videogames Wars, they then will manipulate the elections to get there own canidates elected in every office, and then pass laws making it impossible to compete with satellite TV, once all teh competition is gone, they will shut off all Satellites and force us all to gather around the radio to get any information as they take over the world and turn us all into slaves.

I knew it!
There is no argument about this in the scientific community. There is no debate. There is no opinion, only the reality of our environmental neglect.

That is where you are dead wrong. There is plenty of disagreement within the scientific community, and mainly from meteorologists, who would know the subject more than anyone else.


what would you like your DVR to do?

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