How much longer do I have to wait for Fox Business Channel?

Typical liberal with your name calling. There most certainly is debate and opinion regarding "global warming."

1- is global warming happening

2- if so, what is causing these effects, pollution or the sun getting hotter (which is normal in the life cycle of a star). There are other feasible reasons as well.

You totally ignored my comments about the sun getting hotter in my last post and then called me the idiot. I think we all know who the idiot is in this back and forth. It goes without saying. You are so far off with your thinking that you make Al Gore look sane.


a. Don't use facts when making an argument
b. Ignore facts provided to them by people who don't agree with them
c. Don't allow logic to enter into their argument

Its your typical cycle of conversation when speaking to a liberal. They present an argument, the other side comes with something else that contains facts (links, reports, articles, etc....), liberal replies but completely ignores those facts and usually starts off on a new sort of related argument, etc..etc....etc...
He isn't trying to claim that the right-wing scientists are right. What he is saying is the Fox-Bashing poster is pulling statistics out of his arse. 99.9% of all scientists don't agree with the global warming theory.

Actually it is more then 99.9% - The real figure has many more 9's appended but I rounded up for the sake of brevity. For the record, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is the lone dissenting major scientific organization on record. Shocker!

Scientific opinion on climate change - An Overview

You guys will really stop at nothing to try and feel better about dumping toxins into our shared biosphere. I am truly amazed.
Actually it is more then 99.9% - The real figure has many more 9's appended but I rounded up for the sake of brevity.

Scientific opinion on climate change - An Overview

You guys will really stop at nothing to try and feel better about dumping toxins into our shared biosphere. I am truly amazed.

I don't see where you are getting the 99.9% statistic from. Please link me or quote the article which states this.

You guys will really stop at nothing to try and feel better about dumping toxins into our shared biosphere. I am truly amazed.

I take it you don't own a car?
Actually it is more then 99.9% - The real figure has many more 9's appended but I rounded up for the sake of brevity. For the record, The American Association of Petroleum Geologists is the lone dissenting major scientific organization on record. Shocker!

Proof? Link? Yes wikipedia, the source of all knowledge. Where anyone is welcome to post. Even so, in that link, it did not uphold your statement about 99.9% as fact in any way,shape, or form
I don't see where you are getting the 99.9% statistic from. Please link me or quote the article which states this.

I take it you don't own a car?
Id be interested in what he drives also. Being cornered he is going to say prius or something i bet:)
Id be interested in what he drives also. Being cornered he is going to say prius or something i bet:)

Now that you've posted this, i'm sure he'll return with some babble babble about his vehicle that tries to release him from any responsibility of putting toxins into the air.

If you wouldn't have posted this, i'm 99.9% sure he would have completely ignored my question and took the argument down another road. "The Cycle of Conversations With a Liberal"......gotta love it.
Now that you've posted this, i'm sure he'll return with some babble babble about his vehicle that tries to release him from any responsibility of putting toxins into the air.

If you wouldn't have posted this, i'm 99.9% sure he would have completely ignored my question and took the argument down another road. "The Cycle of Conversations With a Liberal"......gotta love it.
which is another reason i posted. Hate to see a valid question ignored.
I am done teaching for now and it has been fun. I might return later if popular demand requires an encore - which it usually does.

Feel lucky that your appreciation and understanding of these varied subjects has improved dramatically the last couple days with my help. You would not even have heard an alternative view point if you had been stuck in front of your TV watching Faux News all day, so count your blessings and realize you are smarter for it. ;)
I am done teaching for now and it has been fun. I might return later if popular demand requires an encore - which it usually does.

Feel lucky that your appreciation and understanding of these varied subjects has improved dramatically the last couple days with my help. You would not even have heard an alternative view point if you had been stuck in front of your TV watching Faux News all day, so count your blessings. ;)
haha, couldnt answer the car question without looking like a hypocrite or back up your 99.9% claim huh?
I am done teaching for now and it has been fun. I might return later if popular demand requires an encore - which it usually does.

Feel lucky that your appreciation and understanding of these varied subjects has improved dramatically the last couple days with my help. You would not even have heard an alternative view point if you had been stuck in front of your TV watching Faux News all day, so count your blessings and realize you are smarter for it. ;)

As I stated...the usual cycle of arguing with a liberal. Present zero facts, don't answer questions, and then bail.

Global warming is not an Agree/Disagree thing. If someone disputed that water was wet, would you have an issue calling them an idiot?

No one that has half a brain is disputing Global warming beyond those people with something to gain if they can make it go away. The argument ended a decade ago. Now we are only trying to figure out how bad it is and if we can stop it.

This election is win-win-win for me. We either get a Democrat - Hillary/Obama/Edwards. An almost Democrat -Rudy. Or a Constitutionalist - Ron Paul!

I don't think I can lose! Two liberal North Easterners leading the polls (one from each party) while other religious right Republicans are considering going the third party route to steal votes from each other! Whoo hoo! Wake me....I think I am dreaming!

Even though I am a registered Democrat I'll vote for Rudy over Hillary or Barrack. It is Edwards, Giuliani or Ron Paul for me in that order.....I might be liberal but that does not mean I am going to vote for another Clinton in good conscience.

The more you respond, the more you reveal yourself. You are a typical liberal, that is for sure. I'll bet the Democratic party is proud to be made up of 50 million just like you. We are so lucky to have you in this country. You just give me goosebumps all over, I enjoy being your fellow countryman so much! Keep up the good work.
Science disagrees with you. If you want to make this a political issue even though it is not, fine.....but scientists are 99.99% sure that we are altering the earthen environ. They have looked back through over 600,000 years of polar samples to affix data points to carbon versus temperature and viewed with logarithmic fluidity that the more carbon in the atmosphere, the higher the temperature.

Now I know that the next argument is, "But God only formed the earth 3,432 years ago so how could you have that many years of data...."

...I just don't even know where to begin answering that one for ya so I guess, you win! ;)

It is not as clear cut as Democrat=evolution, Republican=creation, Democrat=humans caused global warming, Republican= global warming may not exist or is not caused by humans.

You liberals are so empty headed, clueless and basic with your though process. Here's a curve-ball for you as we go back and forth, I am an agnostic, believe in evolution, hate socialism and just about everything the Democrats stand for, and believe global warming is blown way up by the Demoncrats for political gain. Don't assume that we are all religious on the Republican side (not that there is anything at all wrong with religion). It isn't as simple as you may think. You are so simple like your John Edwards and his "two Americas" rhetoric, as if hard work and personal gain is a bad thing, and as if we owe it to the poor to boost their quality of life through welfare and handouts, as opposed to their hard work.

You are clueless! Your posts make me sick the further you go along with your crap.
Guys, I am kind of middle of the road on this but I have to say,you guys on the conservative side of things did absolutely nothing to help your cause in the discussion. If you acted like adults and discussed and debated you would have had a great opportunity to educate those to your side of this debate. As it stands, you guys lose it. Your argument was without any basis except calling the guy out as a crazy lib. Grow up boys. And ummm get this discussion out of this forum. Skottey, you are no politico, better get back to defending E* at least you know something about it.
haha, couldnt answer the car question without looking like a hypocrite or back up your 99.9% claim huh?

haha... as far as 99.9%, I don't think there is ANYTHING that 99.9% of scientists agree on. There is probably more than .1% of scientists in this world that still think the earth is flat. There is nothing agreed upon like that, especially in the scientific world. This guy is a joke and just messing with us I think. He can't be as dumb as his repeated posts reveal him too be.

I am proud to say that in my house, we own two nice big SUV's... I'll bet Mr. Linux Penguin owns at least one too. The only thing green about him is his brain. :)
Guys, I am kind of middle of the road on this but I have to say,you guys on the conservative side of things did absolutely nothing to help your cause in the discussion. If you acted like adults and discussed and debated you would have had a great opportunity to educate those to your side of this debate. As it stands, you guys lose it. Your argument was without any basis except calling the guy out as a crazy lib. Grow up boys. And ummm get this discussion out of this forum. Skottey, you are no politico, better get back to defending E* at least you know something about it.

Educating a liberal is not an easy task. Revealing their ignorance is much easier. Regarding you, I highly doubt you are middle of the road. I'll shut you down in a political debate any day, so don't even go there. As far as E*, I do as much or more bitching about them as I do defending them.
Educating a liberal is not an easy task. Revealing their ignorance is much easier. Regarding you, I highly doubt you are middle of the road. I'll shut you down in a political debate any day, so don't even go there. As far as E*, I do as much or more bitching about them as I do defending them.

Sure you would Skottey. You see, it is that kind of statement that undermines anything that you have to say. I have a poli sci degree from Penn State, class of '82 and I won't even get into the discussion on these boards because it is pointless and for all we know we are speaking to a 12 year old. I was just saying that the name calling and aggressive behavior toward another human being with a different opinion (that isn't hurting anyone) is well, pathetic and has no place in this particular forum. I would hate to have you arguing for me in a debate that we were on the same side.
Go play with your GI Joe now.
I would hate to have you arguing for me in a debate that we were on the same side.

Don't worry... we are obviously not on the same side. You can take your political science degree and wipe yourself with it, if that is all you've got. You are calling me childish, yet you came after me first.

The only thing you said worth a darn is that all this back and forth belongs in the pit. I'll admit that is where it should be, but again, I am not the one that started up here. I am here to say Dish needs to add Fox Business, and defending whatever comes my way in the process. Please don't chime in with your "in the middle" BS, because you are not middle of the road by any stretch of the imagination.


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